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Shawn Robbins

The Official TASM Weekly Thread (6 Day EST-140m) (Warning: Whiten Out Spoilers/Spoiler Tags)

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I'm just seeing people that are pro Spidey happy and excited with the number without overexaggerating, while "the haters" are having meltdowns while they are allowed to. Which I find amusing. :lol:

To be honest, what TASM does or any movie for that matter never has and never will ruin my day. Nor will it make my day either. I follow box office because it's fun and I never take any of this shit seriously. Edited by DAR
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Huh? They're flat out revising history. SM3 was regarded to have made $10m at midnight for the last five years. Pirates 2 was reported to have made $9m. All of a sudden both of those numbers change in the same breath that Sony releases its midnight figure for TASM?If that's not revision, what is?

You too? Read the deadline article again mate, who said what.
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Thank you. :)I think the number is solid. I think that giving the circumstances of opening on a Monday, it's fucking brilliant. And fuck modesty, I know that I'm right because I was one of the few here believing on this film, so yeah I thought of the film as a Friday opener and I messed up, but we are far from knowing what will be the gross of the 6 days. While we don't get to know that, enjoy twisting and turning. I'm having a blast here. :lol:

You predicted $20 million for midnight. If you were "right", what does that make the rest of us that were closer?
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That he did and $50M opening day.

Is that out of the realm of possibility now? Can't it make $40m total with the midnights or dare I say $42.5m total added of the $7.5m OD? Calm down, mate. I did my prediction and I'm sticking with it. But if I had to go with a more reasonable prediction, I'd go with Neo's.
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Here is iJack stating he thinks the high end is 550M:

Some people are baking that The Amazing Spider-Man will be a reboot flop just like the only single reboot that hasn't worked so far, The Incredible Hulk. They are ignoring that Spider-Man is motherfucking Spider-Man, opening in July 3rd, one of the best dates to open a blockbuster movie in the summer, that it's a movie made for 3D, not only converted and the talented involved just has more appeal with the audience than Edward Norton, Liv Tyler and yes, I'll go there, more even than Christian Bale. Today, not the cult stranger from seven years ago.

People are playing just with two scenarios for Spider-Man: a flop or a mild success, surpassing Batman Begins by a little margin as the most successful reboot and just.. there. What they seem to forget is that The Amazing Spider-Man how much things have changed since Nolan rebooted Batman. The general audience interest on superhero movies is on an all time high, the trailers got people talking and most of all, generated buzz. Buzz for a movie with two very popular newcomer actors featuring on a movie that can be considered at least as much as popular as Batman. Yes, this will only make more grossing at the box office if TDKR is a failure of a Batman & Robin & Taylor Kitsch proportions at the DOM box office, but that doesn't take from Spider-Man how much of a popular character he is.

Do you want to laugh more at me? $400m isn't the high end for me when it comes to what this movie can make domestically. $550m is. The conditions for a reboot right now are just better than the ones that Nolan inherited back in 2005, and do you wanna know what's funny?

The general audience won't be surprised when The Amazing Spider-Man becomes an astounding success. They link Spider-Man with a huge success, and for them this will be something that they could expect. But it won't be for the most of you. My scenario is that this will become the first reboot to break $400m, going further than any other. And do you know what's more funny than the general audience thinking this is expected, going for this film like crazy? Some of you'll eat crow and accept defeat, others will curse this movie and hope to the box office to fail just like you're doing for TA. And it'll be an waste of energy. A waste that I'll be here to watch. Again. :)

I posted this on the weekend estimatives thread, reposting here for future reference.

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