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Shawn Robbins

The Dark Knight Rises


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  1. 1. Grade The Dark Knight Rises

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Also, how the fuck was Wayne still alive? I mean, I was too relieved to care, but they really didn't leave much room for theories. They had an obvious one in eject/autopilot, but that was specifically debunked as a nonoption. I'm comparing this to Inception for the time being. Not perfect by any means, and big and complicated, ambitious as all hell, but most importantly, enough of a unique experience to make up for it. Inception, however, was a movie that got less effective with multiple viewings. It'll be interesting to see what happens here.

There is a scene when Bruce is with Fox talking about it and how only he could figure it out. I guess he did.
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For me, it got better after watching the whole trilogy on the same day (after first viewing of TDKR).The little details elevated my love for this film and thus the trilogy even more than before (small sample would be the change of suit from BB and TDK with Fox saying how it'll affect its performance against knives & the lawyer talking about the missing pearl necklace (which I could not hear because someone was having ecstasy from hearing Robin's name near me) and how the necklace is tagged so its possible for Alfred to trace it etc.I've never really read the comics so I don't know how "true" it is, but there seems to be very strong arguments supporting and criticizing the film, so it's really amusing to see the little "war" by the comic fans. :D

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Not sure if the attitude is going to catch on but I've started seeing mentions that Nuke the Fridge can now be replaced with Nuke The Bat. Nuclear, Neutron whatever a bomb of that magnitude goes off and your still inside the blast radius with 5 seconds till detonation and survive?! Makes Indy's lead lined box from two miles away seem way, way, way more understandable and yet that was beat to death.

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Well, hi. My second post on these forums (but long time lurking on here and on BOM).Yesterday, I saw the movie. Our theater wasn't packed for a matinee show, but then again, I don't think our theater ever sells out. We don't tend to have a lot of traffic to see movies, even on opening weekend. I felt very mixed about it. I really wanted to post here first, since it's fresh in my mind, and I just really want to get it out.My major cons for the movie were: -Bruce's "development", or lack thereof, from the end of TDK. It wasn't what I was anticipating, and, to me, it lessened Bruce's character. Bale did a great job in the movie, but I just couldn't get past the fact that his character stagnates for 7-8 years. That development simply was not my thing. I'm not a big Bale fan or a fan of his version of Bruce Wayne, but I really liked him best in TDK. Here, there was so much missing. He did light up with Hathaway, so there's that. But the first scene, I kept waiting for Bruce to stop with the crippled hermit act... And waiting... and waiting... I ended up being severely disappointed, and it really affected my perspective of the film as a whole.-Lack of Michael Caine. I get why it happened, but this movie was missing Alfred in a big way.-The action was amazing. Some of the best I've ever seen in a CBM. That being said, the expositiony bits felt awkward and forced to me for a good portion of the first two acts.-Matthew Modine's character was superfluous IMO. No real reason for him to be there. And Marion Cotillard was... not good in her role. Zero chemistry with Bale. I would've prefered if Modine hadn't been added and Miranda had been cast with another actress (Rachel Weisz) because her character was much needed to tie the series together.-I really felt that most of the supporting cast was marginalized, even Freeman. Now, Hathaway and JGL I adored with a thousand suns. Hathaway, in particular, was perfection. I still love Pfeiffer's Selina Kyle, but AH really, really knocked it out of the park. But the rest of the supporting cast that I've come to love for the first two movies were just... kind of there? Yeah. Part of me wishes they hadn't included JGL in it just so the core around Bruce that's been with him through Begins could've had more to do. I loved him in this movie, but there seemed to be so much time focused on him that I lost with the development of other characters.-This may be uber nitpicky, but WHY WHY WHY couldn't Nolan get more female extras for the GPD? There were, maybe, two female officers in the whole movie; I saw none during the Gotham seige scenes, and in that ]mass of GPD officers charging Bane's men, they were just absent. -Talia's story was given short shrift. Her identity was telegraphed from that cameo while Bruce was in the Lazarus Pit, but then when the big reveal came, and it turned out Bane was in love with her the whole time.... I don't know. I laughed. Not in a good way. I loved that final act, but that was just really exasperating for me.-There were times I felt the movie was a patchwork of Batman storylines. Someone on Twitter described TDKR as "epically halfassing" the big 90's Bat stories. That's pretty much my feeling. Some great moments sandwiching some not so great ones for me. -Also, this and the Avengers (honestly, my favorite movie of the year so far), both failed the Bechdel Test. I really hope this is corrected in the future by these filmmakers. I'd love for the female characters in these movies to have discussions about something other than the men. And, on a further note, I'd love it if Nolan didn't kill off his female characters when he has more than one female in a movie. It's been a peeve of mine for a while, yet I still adore the way the man films a story so I continue to support him.Pros:-Anne Hathaway and JGL. Hathaway in particular was beyond stunning. Both of them were this film's MVPs.-I absolutely loved the look of the film, though. Magnificently beautiful.-The acting was great, as always in a Nolan film, with the exception of Cotillard.-The action was truly superb. The exploding of the bridges, the destruction of the football stadium, the opening airplane sequence, just to name a few. Really upped the ante from previous Nolan Bat films. I just wish more of everything in between the action and good stuff helped me enjoy the movie more. I'd probably give it a 7 or 7.5/10. ***As a caveat, I will say because I own Begins and TDK, I'll most likely buy this when it comes out on Blu-Ray, as I'm a completist. Maybe over time, the movie will sink in for me and get better and improve. I'll always keep an open mind about it.

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lol Bane's voice reminded me of this...

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I don't know what to think about Bane or his voice. Most of the time, I found him menacing, not just because of his actions but his voice creeped me out. Other times, it was near comical. The end reveal with Talia didn't sit well with me though.

I liked how Selina bested him. Well done, Cat!

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