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Shawn Robbins

The Dark Knight Rises


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  1. 1. Grade The Dark Knight Rises

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The part where they're all walking on the ice with Batman, weren't they afraid of falling in? That was the execution part, right? Did Batman freeze the lake more?

Yes they where afraid of falling in but the ice can thinking. You can walk across a frozen river.
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Saw it for the second time and enjoyed it immensely. A much better viewing. Best SH film ever alongside TDK, although I prefer this to TDK because of Anne Hathaway and a new-found appreciation for Marion Cotillard (her knife-speech was chilling).

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Finally watched the whole movie (I saw the beginning at the first midnight show but had to leave early - a bad omen?) and I enjoyed it a lot. Too many plot problems for it to be as good as TDK but I thought it was slightly better than BB mainly thanks to the strong conclusion.What I liked:Bale gave probably his best performance in the trilogy, and his Batman voice wasn't quite as annoying this time (except for the "Where is the triggggerrrrr?!" part)Hathaway was a great Catwoman (even though I still slightly prefer Pfeiffer) and brought some much-needed fun to the movieHardy was good (aside from my problems with his voice) creating an intimidating yet ultimately layered villainJGLThe fact that Nolan finally embraced some of the more fantastical elements of the story (it was the only one of his Batman films that didn't seem slightly ashamed of being a comic book movie)The epic actionThe Bat!!The Scarecrow and Ra's al Ghul cameosBatman flying the bomb away from Gotham (I knew there would be a twist, but I still genuinly thought Bruce could die)What I didn't like:The horseshit about Batman retiring for 8 years. Nothing in TDK implied that he would just pack it in because the cops were after him. So what if the Dent act gets rid of organized crime? Guess garden variety muggings and homicides aren't important enough for Batman to bother with. It would have been a much better story (and wasted less time on setup) if the film had opened with him still fighting crime but having to flee for his life every time the cops showedBatman having less than 20 minutes of screentime. People complain about Batman Returns not focussing on Batman, but he probably had twice as much screentime in that.Bane's ridiculously ADR'd voice (Sean Connery speaking through a walkie talkie is the best description I've heard)As much as I loved Hathaway, Catwoman didn't really have much importance in the plot. Aside from stealing Bruce's fingerprints at the beginning and blowing away Bane at the end, nothing she did really mattered. It would have helped if she had interacted with more of the main charactersMichael Caine not been given much to do except cryThe continuity errors, changing abruptly from day to night during the stock exchange sequence being the most blatantThe Robin thing was clumsily handled. It would have been better if we'd just caught a glimpse of the name Dick Grayson at the end or something subtle like thatBruce and Selina living happily together at the end. As Batman Returns and 70 years of comics have demonsrated, as much as these two characters may desire each other, they can't live a normal life togetherI'd give it an 8/10

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lol went to a cottage over the weekend and realized this movie is unintentionally funny.We Had Our life jackets on pretending we are Bane...One our friends back got hurt so we started doing the chant every time he stood up.We Were yelling like Batman whenever we needed something"Where is the FIREWOOD!!"lol

Edited by Lordmandeep
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lol went to a cottage over the weekend and realized this movie is unintentionally funny.We Had Our life jackets on pretending we are Bane...One our friends back got hurt so we started doing the chant every time he stood up.We Were yelling like Batman whenever we needed something"Where is the FIREWOOD!!"lol

Did others intentionally laugh at the loser nerds in the woods? :mellow::ph34r: Edited by Letsuseournoggin
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In TDKR Batman pretty much gets the Frodo ending and goes to the Grey Havens with Catwoman and her leather outfit.

Now Frodo has some pretty f'd up shit happen to him. The trauma of the ring (touched by evil)...multiple physical injuries. Hell even Sam cheats on him and marries that woman.

What does Bruce Wayne do to deserve his happy ending? Please tell me it's more than having a bad knee. Hell...I have no ACL in my right knee...

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I really should leave the post there, but I guess I should attempt to justify why I find that kind of thinking.....flawed to say the least.

Firstly, Frodo did not just 'earn' his happy ending from the events in Return of the King, he also earned them from Fellowship and Two Towers too. Are you seriously trying to suggest that Bruce Wayne does not deserve a happy ending after puting his body and mind through hell in order to save Gotham, not once, not twice, but three times??? Jesus Christ, if thats not enough to earn a happy ending I'ld hate to see what you think us regular folk need to do to 'earn' the right to be happy!

However lets ignore that for now, lets see what Bruce Wayne goes through in Dark Knight Rises to deserve this ending. He gets his back smacked, gets trapped in a prison while being forced to watch his hometown fall apart piece by piece, over comes his injuries, escapes, and amongst other things, flies a nuclear bomb out over the ocean hence saving Gotham. What does the man have to do in your eyes to 'earn' a happy ending???

But lets ignore that for now, the real reason the ending works is because it acts as a bookend, both for the trilogy and for rises. If we think back to the start of the movie, Bruce Wayne is a broken man. He has succeeded in his goal of Gotham no longer needing Batman, but he needs Batman still. At the first hint of a new 'super villian' he leaps into action. He NEEDS Batman for him to live. The ending of the movie, Bruce Wayne has moved past that. When that Nuclear Bomb exploded 'Batman' died with it. Bruce Wayne no longer needs him and the ending reflects that. Nolan has always treated 'The Batman' persona as a kind of mental illness, a way for Bruce to channel his fears and feelings from the death of his parents. The 'happy ending' is the only way when one thinks about it, that the character arc of Bruce Wayne could work.

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Phil....I know you're just mad and rambling due to disappointing box office and taking it out on me. I'd like to say it will be okay but we know it won't.Plenty of people (including some professional critics) feel the same way I do about the Scooby Doo ending in TDKR. I just don't think they sell the 'hero's journey' well enough in this final film. Batman is basically a quiter/Gotham doesn't even need him when the movie starts, his broken back and time in prison is portrayed as little more than a bump in the road for him (since he seems to suffer NO after effects from the experience and don't get me started about punching his back into place) and Bruce being with Selina at the end seems a bit forced (I've never had an ex betray me to the extent Selina does when she leads Bruce to Bane but I'm glad I married someone who doesn't seem capable of it). I guess we're supposed to think that he's thinking merely with his privates and she's willing to put that catsuit back on when dinner is over and they go back to the bedroom ('cause I suppose that's enough to base a relationship on). If Bruce was going to end up with the love of his life it would have made more sense if he was having dinner with Rachel's ashes.Dark Knight despite a few flaws was a damn near perfect film. And I think BB was an excellent reboot. But Nolan dropped the ball with this one. It's easily the worst of the trilogy and it didn't exactly lose by a nose.In closing TDKR is one of the most insanely idiotic movies I have ever seen. At no point in it's rambling, incoherent run time was there close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone who has seen it is now dumber for having watched it. I award TDKR no points, and may God have mercy on its soul.

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Well I liked the movie overall but it definitely had a lot problems- Batman was barely in this movie. Yeah I know people will say "Bruce Wayne and Batman are the same characters" or some crap like that, but seriously Batman in costume had such little screentime that I forgot I was watching a Batman movie at times. Even my dad, who is a pretty inattentive viewer said to me at the end, "Batman wasn't really in the action in this one as much was he"? -Why did Joseph Gordon Levitt feel more like the main character than Batman? I mean you might as well call the movie "John Blake Rises". - How exactly did Blake know Bruce Wayne was Batman?: I mean something to do with a fake smile or something? What? -Catwoman honestly felt like she didn't really need to be here. Also, her relationship with Wayne/Batman felt rushed. Catwoman stole from Batman, betrayed him, handed him over to Bane and when Batman comes back he decides the one person he can trust is Catwoman?-Batman quitting for eight years. Seriously, this is ridiculous. No better than Superman abandoning Earth for five years in Superman Returns. I assumed at the end of TDK Batman would continue to fight crime but would have to do it alone and on the run. Not just fucking quit. Seriously. They should have made it one year or two years not fucking eight years. And why did Bruce Wayne suddenly turn into a cripple? Batman honestly seems like such a pansy in this movie, but more on that later.-Bane's voice. Yeah -Bane's death. Honestly ridiculously rushed. I didn't even realize he was supposed to be dead at that point. I assumed he would be shot by Catwoman while he was fighting Batman one last time. -The opening scene. It was cool, but what exactly was that blood transfusion thing about? it wasn't really followed up. -Batman escapes from prison and he is suddenly in Gotham saving people left and right...how did he get back? Don't give me that he had training in Batman Begins. We are led to believe that this prison is hellhole, thousands of miles from Gotham...and Bruce not only returns to Gotham that is cut off from the rest of the world, surrounded by ice, he is ready to fight, finds all the necessary people in trouble with ease (Gordon, Blake, Catwoman), manages to write MASSIVE bat sign in gasoline (which seems to be in shortage, but Batman had enough to write that sign). I mean usually I don't care about things like this but I actually felt jarred by it during the movie. -Also a bomb with a 5 month timer? Kind of convenient is it. Coincidentally it is JUST the right amount of time Bruce needs to escape from prison and get back to Gotham. This is just ridiculous. The moment Batman comes back to Gotham and lights up that GIANT bat sign Talia should have set off the nuke, but I guess not.-I like the Talia reveal but honestly they should have given her a bit more to do than just driving a truck around. Also, maybe have more scenes with Miranda and Bruce to build up their relationship. -Talia's death scene. Yeah, that really needed another take. -Alfred leaving. Was this really necessary?-Also, for some reason, Alfred seems to know every secret in the world, he seems to know more than Bruce or the government...isn't he supposed to be Bruce's butler? Alfred knows more about Bane/ League of Shadows than Bruce who was trained by them in Batman Begins. I believe that Alfred tells Bruce that Bane was born in prison, something which we later learn is not true...where does Alfred get this information from? -The ending. OK a lot of people say they love this ending, but I hated it. Batman somehow survives a nuclear explosion, then decides to quit being Batman and then run off to Italy with Selina Kyle? WHAT? Batman is just going to quit like that? Bruce Wayne is just going to go and live a happy life now? This is just ridiculous. I mean think about he becomes Batman, few months later Dark Knight happens, then he quits for eight years, then he returns for a few days then quits for good? Bruce Wayne's career as Batman was probably a year at best. Seriously Bruce Wayne was such a whiny bitch in this movie I can't stand it. Give me the Avengers ending anyday over this, at least the heroes at the end still decided to remain heroic. Despite all they went through. Still despite all of that. I still liked the movie overall and will definitely see it again. Maybe I'll like it more the second time around. But I have to admit it's a little disappointing after all the hype

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The ending. OK a lot of people say they love this ending, but I hated it. Batman somehow survives a nuclear explosion, then decides to quit being Batman and then run off to Italy with Selina Kyle? WHAT? Batman is just going to quit like that? Bruce Wayne is just going to go and live a happy life now? This is just ridiculous. I mean think about he becomes Batman, few months later Dark Knight happens, then he quits for eight years, then he returns for a few days then quits for good? Bruce Wayne's career as Batman was probably a year at best. Seriously Bruce Wayne was such a whiny bitch in this movie I can't stand it. Give me the Avengers ending anyday over this, at least the heroes at the end still decided to remain heroic. Despite all they went through.

To be fair, in Batman Begins he makes it pretty clear that he considers Batman a temporary solution. He believes he can clean up Gotham and be done with the vigilantism. This is not the Batman of the comic books. It is Nolan's version, but he stayed consistent to Bruce's goal in Batman Begins (ie Batman is not meant to be a lifelong thing for him).

-The opening scene. It was cool, but what exactly was that blood transfusion thing about? it wasn't really followed up.

Actually, it was followed up on. During the football stadium scene, they show some government agents (CIA?) watching Bane on TV and when Bane introduces the doctor, one of the agents mentions that they confirmed Pavel's death (because of the transfusion to the other body) and yet Pavel was alive in the stadium with Bane. The bigger issue is that the transfusion thing in and of itself would not actually fool the government. But it is a comic book movie, haha. Edited by redfirebird2008
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Well I liked the movie overall but it definitely had a lot problems

- Batman was barely in this movie. Yeah I know people will say "Bruce Wayne and Batman are the same characters" or some crap like that, but seriously Batman in costume had such little screentime that I forgot I was watching a Batman movie at times. Even my dad, who is a pretty inattentive viewer said to me at the end, "Batman wasn't really in the action in this one as much was he"?

-Why did Joseph Gordon Levitt feel more like the main character than Batman? I mean you might as well call the movie "John Blake Rises".

- How exactly did Blake know Bruce Wayne was Batman?: I mean something to do with a fake smile or something? What?

-Catwoman honestly felt like she didn't really need to be here. Also, her relationship with Wayne/Batman felt rushed. Catwoman stole from Batman, betrayed him, handed him over to Bane and when Batman comes back he decides the one person he can trust is Catwoman?

-Batman quitting for eight years. Seriously, this is ridiculous. No better than Superman abandoning Earth for five years in Superman Returns. I assumed at the end of TDK Batman would continue to fight crime but would have to do it alone and on the run. Not just fucking quit. Seriously. They should have made it one year or two years not fucking eight years. And why did Bruce Wayne suddenly turn into a cripple? Batman honestly seems like such a pansy in this movie, but more on that later.

-Bane's voice. Yeah

-Bane's death. Honestly ridiculously rushed. I didn't even realize he was supposed to be dead at that point. I assumed he would be shot by Catwoman while he was fighting Batman one last time.

-The opening scene. It was cool, but what exactly was that blood transfusion thing about? it wasn't really followed up.

-Batman escapes from prison and he is suddenly in Gotham saving people left and right...how did he get back? Don't give me that he had training in Batman Begins. We are led to believe that this prison is hellhole, thousands of miles from Gotham...and Bruce not only returns to Gotham that is cut off from the rest of the world, surrounded by ice, he is ready to fight, finds all the necessary people in trouble with ease (Gordon, Blake, Catwoman), manages to write MASSIVE bat sign in gasoline (which seems to be in shortage, but Batman had enough to write that sign). I mean usually I don't care about things like this but I actually felt jarred by it during the movie.

-Also a bomb with a 5 month timer? Kind of convenient is it. Coincidentally it is JUST the right amount of time Bruce needs to escape from prison and get back to Gotham. This is just ridiculous.

The moment Batman comes back to Gotham and lights up that GIANT bat sign Talia should have set off the nuke, but I guess not.

-I like the Talia reveal but honestly they should have given her a bit more to do than just driving a truck around. Also, maybe have more scenes with Miranda and Bruce to build up their relationship.

-Talia's death scene. Yeah, that really needed another take.

-Alfred leaving. Was this really necessary?

-Also, for some reason, Alfred seems to know every secret in the world, he seems to know more than Bruce or the government...isn't he supposed to be Bruce's butler? Alfred knows more about Bane/ League of Shadows than Bruce who was trained by them in Batman Begins. I believe that Alfred tells Bruce that Bane was born in prison, something which we later learn is not true...where does Alfred get this information from?

-The ending. OK a lot of people say they love this ending, but I hated it. Batman somehow survives a nuclear explosion, then decides to quit being Batman and then run off to Italy with Selina Kyle? WHAT? Batman is just going to quit like that? Bruce Wayne is just going to go and live a happy life now? This is just ridiculous. I mean think about he becomes Batman, few months later Dark Knight happens, then he quits for eight years, then he returns for a few days then quits for good? Bruce Wayne's career as Batman was probably a year at best. Seriously Bruce Wayne was such a whiny bitch in this movie I can't stand it. Give me the Avengers ending anyday over this, at least the heroes at the end still decided to remain heroic. Despite all they went through.

Still despite all of that. I still liked the movie overall and will definitely see it again. Maybe I'll like it more the second time around. But I have to admit it's a little disappointing after all the hype

Bipolar much?
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