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TDKR Weekend: $160.89M - #3 ALL TIME HIGHEST OW

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The guy entered the theater through the exit door. Aren't most exit doors for movie theaters locked from the outside? All the witnesses say they didn't notice anything until he threw the smoke bomb, so it's not like he shot his way through the door.

They're supposed to be.
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IMHO, I dont think this affects the box office at all. It's one theater and that will be affected for sure. But I dont think people are going to stay away from a theater in Lansing Michigan or Arllington Texas or Sacremento Cali because of a shooting in Colorado. I just don't. This will still do 180-200 mill. Just my opinion.

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Norwegian killer was an avid Zionist and cited support for Israel as a motive.It's O.T. Leave me alone about it and do your own damn research.

That's an outright lie, and you should be ashamed so saying that.
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I'm up after a quick nap. I won't give it a grade but very satisfying end to the trilogy. It's very close to TS as my top trilogy of all-time. I probably need to watch it a few times to determine if Batman's higher or lower. :) :) :)Sad news about Colorado shooting. Hopefully, all of the wounded survive. Too much senseless violence in the world today.

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BKB said something along the lines that he's not surprised at what happened because it was the Nolanites. I'm sorry, but the mods have gone beyond overboard with their leniency with BKB. If he isn't banned, then he's probably got something on all of them. There's just no justifiable explanation to still keep him here.This is a 46 year old man who cares more about the WWW thread instead of the casualties.

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That's an outright lie, and you should be ashamed so saying that.

http://www.jta.org/news/article/2011/07/24/3088679/norway-killer-espoused-new-right-wing-pro-israel-philosophyNow that you're proven to be lying for a mass murderer....YOU should be ashamed of yourself. But you're obviously proud to cover for a murderer, so you're clearly beyond shame.This is my last post on the matter. LEAVE ME ALONE.
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He said the the killer was a pissed off nolanite and some other inconsiderate bullshit

What, this post?

And I'll tell ya: You know how I said this would get a WWW Thread if this was under 170M??? Well, if this happens, I'm withdrawing that from consideration out of just common courtesy.. This is terrible foliks, just terrible.. :sadno:

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You can even see that this very thread is a microcosm of what the general public's response to this is going to be. People flipping their shit for an hour or two and then resuming their regularly scheduled programming.

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57 pages now eh.. I won't bother trying to catch up from 3 hours ago but I'll say after some sleep my initial shock/anger/sadness at the event has turned over to a very selfish concern over the box office impact to the film. Hopefully cochofles is ok too.

*spits out drink* cohcho was there??
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Please tell me what was wrong with that post in particular.

He made a post a couple pages back saying this shows how insane and crazy Nolan/Batman fans were, like they had something to do with it. I'm not referring to the "I'm not making a WWW thread post."
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