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TDKR Weekend: $160.89M - #3 ALL TIME HIGHEST OW

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I do think there is a bit of deflation for the film due to the shooting, but I also know that in at least some cases there just wasn't as much demand to see TDKR during opening weekend. As an example, my close group of friends(six people including myself) have never planned to see this film on opening weekend and we're all comic geeks, most of us for over 30 years, that usually see the major Marvel and DC heroes on opening day. The trailers for the film just never showed us anything that gave us that urge to go out and contend with the crowds. We're not all a bunch of Nolan/DC haters either. Four of us, myself included, thought TDK was the best superhero movie ever made when we saw it. The other two thought it was the second best. We all loved BB and TDK, but the selection of Bane as a villain, the really lackluster trailers, the early reports from months ago about problems with the sound mix and other contributing factors convinced us to just wait a bit to see TDKR. I know that we can't be the only 6 people in the country that felt this way so I do believe that this film wasn't anticipated quite as much as some people seem to believe and the midnights do lend credit to that. We'll never know exactly what the movie could have made, but I never thought that records were on the table with this film just from the evidence I've seen from my friends.

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I do think there is a bit of deflation for the film due to the shooting, but I also know that in at least some cases there just wasn't as much demand to see TDKR during opening weekend. As an example, my close group of friends(six people including myself) have never planned to see this film on opening weekend and we're all comic geeks, most of us for over 30 years, that usually see the major Marvel and DC heroes on opening day. The trailers for the film just never showed us anything that gave us that urge to go out and contend with the crowds. We're not all a bunch of Nolan/DC haters either. Four of us, myself included, thought TDK was the best superhero movie ever made when we saw it. The other two thought it was the second best. We all loved BB and TDK, but the selection of Bane as a villain, the really lackluster trailers, the early reports from months ago about problems with the sound mix and other contributing factors convinced us to just wait a bit to see TDKR. I know that we can't be the only 6 people in the country that felt this way so I do believe that this film wasn't anticipated quite as much as some people seem to believe and the midnights do lend credit to that. We'll never know exactly what the movie could have made, but I never thought that records were on the table with this film just from the evidence I've seen from my friends.

Well said, my thoughts to a tee. And welcome aboard. :)
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Not true. Her sources are the same. Studio/industry insiders with rentrak access which is why her late night numbers are almost always spot onCouple that with Rth and crowd reports and no surprise is coming. That said her Sat pm report was too early so that could be off by millions. WE NEED RTH :)

is this why Nikki and all others who WOULD have insider access are wrong?
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I do think there is a bit of deflation for the film due to the shooting, but I also know that in at least some cases there just wasn't as much demand to see TDKR during opening weekend. As an example, my close group of friends(six people including myself) have never planned to see this film on opening weekend and we're all comic geeks, most of us for over 30 years, that usually see the major Marvel and DC heroes on opening day. The trailers for the film just never showed us anything that gave us that urge to go out and contend with the crowds. We're not all a bunch of Nolan/DC haters either. Four of us, myself included, thought TDK was the best superhero movie ever made when we saw it. The other two thought it was the second best. We all loved BB and TDK, but the selection of Bane as a villain, the really lackluster trailers, the early reports from months ago about problems with the sound mix and other contributing factors convinced us to just wait a bit to see TDKR. I know that we can't be the only 6 people in the country that felt this way so I do believe that this film wasn't anticipated quite as much as some people seem to believe and the midnights do lend credit to that. We'll never know exactly what the movie could have made, but I never thought that records were on the table with this film just from the evidence I've seen from my friends.

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Is he online? Can't see on my phone.

No. But he's already said the Friday number is right and the Saturday number is close to the mark. So with Fri at $77m and Sat at $46m even if it stayed flat on Sunday the ceiling for the OW would be $169m. I'd say there is a 1% chance of the OW being over $170m.
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So Nikki's $163m number seems disappointing to me.I dont know what to say though. It's impossible to 100% confirm if Friday had a large effect on the numbers. I'm sure people were turned off, we're just never going to be able to tell how many.Obviously thats a huge number for any opening, but I thought it could do more.

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Well said, my thoughts to a tee. And welcome aboard. :)

Thanks Baumer, even though this is a first post I've lurked on these boards and the olds ones at BOM for about 10 years now. I just rarely contribute anything because most of you pros at prediction already do a much better job than I ever could. I probably only posted 3 or 4 times in the whole time I followed along at BOM. I just wanted to lend some perspective in this case from my own personal experience because it seemed to be a viewpoint not expressed in all of the discussion going on so far.
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I saw the movie on Saturday at a 5:45 show. The theater was decently full, but nowhere near sold out. My friend worried about the ability to buy tickets, yet there wasn't even a line. Whether this is due to the horrible shooting or a bit negative WOM or both, I'm not sure. But it's clear that no records will be set this weekend.

As for the film, of my three friend and myself, only one really enjoyed it.

I wasn't that person.

If you read through my posts, you'll note that I enjoyed TASM. Does that seem logical? My explanation is that my expectations for TASM were low - so the film easily surpassed them. In contrast, I had high expectations for TDKR and I was rather disappointed. I really enjoyed "Batman Begins". What a great reboot to the series - almost perfect. I would have liked a stronger villain, but I was very happy with it. TDK was brilliant with the only exception of Batman's voice being a bit too gruff. But with those two very strong films, and the possibility of this being the end of the character based on all of the promos, I was expecting to be blown away. Instead, I left feeling very "meh".

Maybe it will take a second viewing, but as I read through Harry Knowles rant, I found myself agreeing with a lot of his statements. I'll ignore the parts where he essentially feels that the characters don't behave how he feels they should. This is Nolan's world and he can create them as he wants. I like a new spin on characters that deviates a bit from what we all know. So that part of his review is meaningless to me. But I definitely concur with his thoughts on Catwoman,

Talia al Ghul

and even the Bane/Batman fights (I won't state anything more here for spoiler purposes).

I may have to think about this, but there was definitely something missing. I may see it again on cable to give it another chance, but not in theaters. As of right now, if this is the best Nolan can do, it is time for him to leave the series. But Bale, Oldman, Hathaway, Cane and especially Joseph Gordon Levitt are welcome to stay. They all have more story there - just apparently not from Nolan. This is not to say I don't love Nolan, but it does seem it's time for his focus to be completely away from Batman.

EDITED TO SAY: Clearly this is MY opinion. I'm sure many of you will have VERY different views. I'm not a hater, I wanted to love, but this film wasn't it. It was just good. If I grade it, perhaps a B or B-. And if my small circle of friends are any indication of the WOM for this film, then I do not see another $500M film.

Edited by doctoru2
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Because I think RTH has access to the numbers which aren't being reported. 11:30 IMAX sold out. Didn't happen yesterday. Maybe the panic/anxiety is lifting since there weren't any copycats on Friday/Saturday.

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