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Monday (7/23/12) Numbers: The Dark Knight Rises - 19.5M

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Copycat shooter was arrested and now a "victim" (who didn't get shot) is suing Warner Brothers. People are in denial if they think the film isn't being directly associated with the shooting and thus paying a penalty at the box office.

typical Americaif successful,studios will stop making movies where guns are used - so Batman and villains fight fairly
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I think/hope it will.It should considering it is TDKR!

No, it shouldn't considering it has the biggest black eye in the history of the industry. No other film has had to put up with this kind of bullshit. Not just the shooting and paranoia over that, but now the BS with people suing WB and copycat shooters getting arrested. This kind of nonsense will likely continue in the coming days. The guy who sued didn't even get shot. I'm sure some of the actual victims will also sue WB. It just fuels the negative media coverage of the film even more.
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Unfortunately, real life got in the way.

True, but it may recover hopefully. Even if not, it is still a damn good film for DVD/Blu-Ray sales...etc.


I think/hope it will pas THG as it is a far better film and a sequel!
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That's a pretty good number.I'm thinking this has a decent shot at rebounding a little bit. Only the most idiotic haters are downplaying the effect the shooting had on OW.

And apparently continuing to have an effect with the aftermath. You have the coverage of the shooter's trial, which they will obsess over. Yesterday they obsessed over his first court hearing, which was extremely boring and didn't reveal anything other than his appearance. Then you have a copycat shooter getting arrested, and there probably will be more to come. Then you have lawsuits against Warner Brothers by the victims. It all adds up to a ton of negative propaganda against the film itself, which is unfortunate.
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17.95m Tuesday (-8%) 14.75m Wednesday (-18%) 13.9m Thursday (-7%) 21m Friday (51%) 26m Saturday (24%) 21m Sunday (-19%) 68m weekend (-57.7%) The threats of copycats really just means this movie is screwed. This is going to hit the rest of its run now.

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