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Bourne Legacy  

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Ehhh sure it doesn't live up to the first Bourne trilogy, but I still enjoyed it for the most part.

It's one of those rare action flicks that could have benefited from more action and less story, as it's pretty clear that the story is the weakest part. Still, it wasn't weak enough to throw it off the rails completely for me, and I enjoyed Renner and Weisz's chemistry for the most part.


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I like the film overall, I want to see more films in this trilogy, but the lack of 1 real great fight scene and the totally abrupt ending bug me.I did enjoy the same timeline idea as TBU, that totally worked for me, the fact that during his training he came across places that Bourne went also worked, and I found Cross to be a very interesting character, the idea that he has been 'fixed' by science and that there are other agents out there like him really makes me wonder where this could go and how they could bring a Bourne/Cross team together down the line, plus Norton was great in his 'villain' role.Overall solid but I hope for a much better sequel.

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There is indeed just one. Do not fuck with me, Universal. The assassin didn't had half of the style of the assassins of the earlier films. But the truth is that I liked. And the main reason was the protagonist. He is not Damon, but he was excellent. Jeremy Renner deserved this opportunity. I want him in the next movie, along with Damon. It isn't better than any of the films in the trilogy, but it's good in its own way.Identity - 8.5/10Supremacy - 9/10Ultimatum - 9.5/10Legacy - 8/10

Edited by CJohn
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There is indeed just one. Do not fuck with me, Universal. The assassin didn't had half of the style of the assassins of the earlier films. But the truth is that I liked. And the main reason was the protagonist. He is not Damon, but he was excellent. Jeremy Renner deserved this opportunity. I want him in the next movie, along with Damon. It isn't better than any of the films in the trilogy, but it's good in its own way.

Identity - 8.5/10

Supremacy - 9/10

Ultimatum - 9.5/10

Legacy - 8/10

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The longer I let this one settle, the more I accept that it is basically shit. Maybe that's a consequence of having to live up to the original trilogy, and maybe that's not fair, but the filmmakers knew going into this that that's what they were up against. It's sleek and technically sound but it's so cold, mechanical, and missing the X factor that made Bourne a special entry into the spy genre. It's been a month or two since I've seen it and while I do remember the gist of the plot, there is nothing lasting or affecting about it. The fact that Gilroy pretty much shits on the Damon entries with his ending (arresting Pam and negating her work exposing CIA crimes) is the icing on the cake of this addition being an insult to series.I will say that Weisz was very good in it, and Renner was ok. And I really enjoyed the shootout scene in Weisz's house. That was genuinely exciting. Rest of the movie was a dud.C-

Edited by Silver Linings aDIM
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The Bourne Legacy

Not what I was expecting, and Jeremy Renner is actually rather likeable. Much more likeable than in The Avengers, that's for sure. This fourth chapter in the Bourne series has more of a Hollywood sheen than its predecessors, which were a little more grainy and rough around the edges (which I liked) than this one. The shakey-cam fights and action chases are still there in this one, and it doesn't seem as annoying as the previous movies, unless I'm just used to it by now.

What I really liked about this one, and I was dreading this wasn't going to be the case, was how this movies' timeline parallels The Bourne Ultimatum, and it ties the entire Treadstone, Blackbriars and Larx organisations into the Bourne world that we already know. It shows and refers to Jason Bourne several times, and it even shows that reporter for The Guardian newspaper getting shot so that we know it's tied in. It felt like part of the franchise.

The action was great, especially the motor bike chases' culmination and the three Fillipino security guards that Renner takes out. The house scene was very good too, as was the snowy mountain action scenes, but I did feel slightly near the end that there wasn't enough action in this, and after the motorbike scene I expected another big finale, so I was slightly underwhelmed to find that the motorbike chase was it.

At first I thought that Weisz wasn't as good as the previous women in the Bourne franchise, but she did grow on me. Not sure if she was doing weird US accent or whether because she's been in the US for a long time that it's just rubbed off on her. Finney, Joan Allen, Strathairn, they're all still there. The only part I disliked was the ending on the boat. The music comes on after a silly last line which was meant to be clever, but it just fell flat. It was the happily ever after scene that shouldn't have been there. I guess, for all the originality in Hollywood, that if they made another one that Weisz would die by getting shot in the back of the head during an escape in a 4x4, and Renner would be angry and want vengeance. The ending could have been planned better.

This is not the dud that I thought it would be. I also felt that this one was so much more easy to follow than the previous three. I want to see more from Bourne and Cross together now.


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Grade: B

This was that unique sequel that is also a franchise builder, one trying to breath new life with a new character. Think Karate Kid 4 with Hillary Swank--except it didn't take off.

They were successful of using the same franchise gimmick of placing parts of this movie firmly overlapping the prior installment. The "see what the left hand was doing" approach.

I'd be curious to see more stories about Cross but would like to see Bourne & Cross together at some point. Both have had a different, if similar, response to Treadstone. Hopefully it happens.

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Just watched this and although it's not even comparable to the other three, it's still entertaining and Jeremy Renner's Aaron Cross is a suitable replacement for Jason Bourne. The biggest flaw, however, is the first 10-15 minutes is a bit boring and even confusing as they cut back and forth from one location to another in seemingly 2-3 minute bits, some of which referencing Ultimatum which I had not seen in years, so it was hard to follow. Even so, after that and when they get to the Shearing's house, things pick up and the film finds its footing. Hopefully it made enough to get another movie and perhaps a finale where Cross meets/fights Bourne.

***¾/*****, (B+, 7.6/10, 3/4)

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I actually quite liked it. The slow-burning first act that shifted back and forth between Cross in Alaska and the Bourne Ultimatum parallel scenes in DC was very well done, a procedural atmosphere that fit the film snugly into the Bourne mythology. What I really liked was that this was a spy film that actually felt like a spy film, it didn't throw in excess gunfights, chase scenes, etc just for the action and wow factor, it used them sparingly and effectively.My biggest beefs are that they didn't include the signature Hero vs. Enemy Agent hand-to-hand fight scene, since it would have been a great way to cap off the final act (since both Cross and LARX-3 were wounded so it'd be a more desperate, cagey fight), and that the film is too obviously setup for a bigger story arc. You could argue that each of the endings to the first 3 Bourne movies would have been a satisfactory, closed-enough ending for the main character. Here the ending all but says "To Be Continued" and the actual Cross-storyline (him getting himself physically taken care of) is minor stakes and clearly an Act 1 of 3 storyline.

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terrible follow up to the Bourne trilogy. Jeremy Renner is good at fighting, but not so good at acting and the only saving grace in the acting departament (I would say in the whole movie) is Rachel Weisz. Atrocious cinematography, convoluted script, awful sfx, bad supporting cast. How the hell did this movie cost 125m?  D+ (40)

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Ugh. one of my least favorite movies of 2012. Boring, incomprehensible plot, mediocre action scenes and direction, lame villain, no payoff, and one of the most laughable endings I've ever seen in a serious action movie. Renner was excellent and he was the film's main redeeming quality.

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