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The Movie Man

LOL, Shia LaBeouf 'done' with big-budget movies. Punk or Cool?

Do you care Shia is quiting Big Budget Movies?  

29 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you care Shia is quiting Big Budget Movies?

    • Yes! I need my SHIA!
  2. 2. Will Shia Come Back to Making Big Budget Movies?

    • Yes, Pretty Soon
    • Yes, But it will take awhile
    • No! He is Gone from them Forever!

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He could go about it a better way, but his stance is more than understandable. He's a young guy who was nurtured by the Hollywood system and now wants to do something different. A respectable notion, IMO. Glad to see him come forward about his prior comments to Spielberg.@Baumer: I think that's over-simplifying things. Where did he refer to TF3 specifically? He typically had nothing but kind words for that movie, especially in comparison to TF2 and Indy. I'd bet his frustration is more geared toward Wall Street and Indy as well.

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@shawn: I'm just frustrated that he came out and ripped Spielberg....TWICE. He basically gave him a chance to be a star, in 3 film (5 if you count all three TRF). Even if you are pissed about how the films turned out, publically ripping one of Hollywood's icons is just stupid.

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  • Founder / Operator

@shawn: I'm just frustrated that he came out and ripped Spielberg....TWICE. He basically gave him a chance to be a star, in 3 film (5 if you count all three TRF). Even if you are pissed about how the films turned out, publically ripping one of Hollywood's icons is just stupid.

True enough, but I say give credit where credit is due. He admitted that he was wrong for doing that.
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To be honest I find it hard to dislike anyone that, in so many words, says the Transformers franchise is garbage (even if they were a big part of it). I appreciated his honesty concerning Indy 4 too. I mean, it was shit - why pretend otherwise?

Whether he'll actually make it as an indie actor remains to be seen though. Working with Von Trier is about as far away from a studio blockbuster as you can get, so he's diving straight in at least.

Edited by Hatebox
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This is pretty funny that he is ripping Spielberg and those movies as if its some kind of big revalation. He has no reason to be negative. His acting in IJ and the Tranformers movies weren't bad, the movies just sucked. But he owes those films for jumpstarting his career.

Edited by Shpongle
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To be honest I find it hard to dislike anyone that, in so many words, says the Transformers franchise is garbage (even if they were a big part of it). I appreciated his honesty concerning Indy 4 too. I mean, it was shit - why pretend otherwise?

Whether he'll actually make it as an indie actor remains to be seen though. Working with Von Trier is about as far away from a studio blockbuster as you can get, so he's diving straight in at least.

I'll tell you why, because even though there are a lot of people who don't like the Transformers and Indy 4, there are a lot of people that do. They didn't gross what they did because people hated them. Furthermore, a film is not just a faceless entity that you are ripping. There are 100's of people who worked very long and very hard on those films and they gave a lot to make them. Shia coming out and ripping them is a slap in the face not only to the big guys like SS and MB, it's a slap in the face to the nameless members of the crew who worked long hard hours to make it. It sounds like he's a spoiled, snotty little punk. If i were Spielberg I'd never offer him another job and I'd make sure all of my cronies wouldn't either.
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I see his point. He has made a ton of money and he can now earn the street cred he needs to have a long career in Hollywood. Movies like TF are great for actors to make money but they cannot really rely on them if they are not super stars themselves. BTW, he was right about Indy4. It was just a cash grab all around with no redeeming value compared to the first three parts. Indy1-3 are fun movies. Part 4 is just a boring rehash.

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To be honest I find it hard to dislike anyone that, in so many words, says the Transformers franchise is garbage (even if they were a big part of it). I appreciated his honesty concerning Indy 4 too. I mean, it was shit - why pretend otherwise?

Whether he'll actually make it as an indie actor remains to be seen though. Working with Von Trier is about as far away from a studio blockbuster as you can get, so he's diving straight in at least.

baumer has already said it quite excellently, but I feel the need to chip in.

You may not like Transformers, as a lot of people may not either, but there are people that do, just as there are people who like any film, and you're insulting them by declaring it publicly as a piece of shit whether or not you do think so.

But more importantly, besides calling out the bigshots who gave you your chance, just incredibly disrespectful no matter how the movie turned out, you're offending and disrespecting everyone else who helped the movie get there, again no matter how bad you think it was, somebody had to animate those special effects, light the scenes, choose the shots etc. The fault lies with the scriptwriter, director and producer not everyone else who toiled for the project. However, as I said, you don't go criticizing those who gave you your chance. Shia wasn't a bad actor but it's not like he had much acting to do, and he did sign on knowing what was in store, so basically he comes off as an ungrateful, disrespectful, egotistical, irresponsible twat.

Also, much as the studio system is rotten, and much as Malick will not make a Transformers, Shia saying that Malick's "fucked" just comes off as yet another short-sighted immature comment. He's never worked with the man, and to assume that Malick cannot overcome the system or the blockbuster is disrespectful once again. After all, what does Shia mean by "Transformers", Nolan gave us the Batman movies and Inception under the studio system and they were also blockbusters. (Of course there are many more examples.)

Read Joseph Gordon Levitt's interview. He comes off, not as arrogant as aDIM said, but I thought he was a pleasant and intelligent man, cynical, yes, but we live in an age where being cynical is the new normal. Shia's basically acting like Kanye West. Words that should placate you but actions that go completely opposite, and actions speak louder than words.

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Before TF, Shia looking for an adudition for a supporting role in a low-budget film:

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After TF trilogy and Indy 4, his reaction on being offered a starring role in a big-budget film:


Edited by vc2002
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Some people need to learn the hard way...spoiled brat Ladouche will soon be another example...never bite the hand that feeds you baby shia.

Yep and berating Spielberg and his protégé Mr Bay makes him a persona non grata in Hollywood.Even if he decides to come back to pop corn flicks, the pop corn won't need him, it will be alrerady foul and stale.Bye bye kid !
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I used to LOVE Shia from his Even Stevens days right up to a year or two ago. Then he started looking greasy/dirty/unkempt/smelly/high king of all hobos and I started to more and more hear about him being an asshole. Now i'm pretty much over him on a basic human level. I still think he's talented but I wouldn't go out of my way to see him in anything.

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