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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D

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Down to a 2.2 rating, from 2.5 in the last original.  If this trends continues it will be below 2.0 before the Winter hiatus, and will probably be pulling mid to high 1's in the Spring season.  


It might get cancelled this season after having the strongest drama start in 4 years on ABC.

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Nice episode this week, but there's nothing really talk about it


The characters are all becoming more real and fleshed out. I find myself caring about them more.


I think the interesting thing is when Coulson was talking to May about the redacted file.


I thought they were going to reveal that May was Skye's mother.


Apparently not. Though this show obviously still has some secrets to reveal.

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i don't know why i was expecting something to do even remotely mentionning what happened in thor 2 unless timeline is different , i thought they'd try and get a boost from the movie coming out , ehhh i did like the episode , fitz held is one he's no lad in distress good for him , skye was as annoying as possible and who was that shield lady she looks familiar but i'm guessing her hair color is what's stopping me from remembering where i know her from 


for sure the end of the episode was pretty cool , i knew coulson would check out his file, this tahiti business is code word for something nobody repeats endlessly the same pattern of word like tahiti is a magical place sounds like hypnosis to me


heck i even expected to see fury ship if only that ...seeing they were at the hub , i hope they give the show another season but if season 2 is more of this then i won't bat an eye sorry coulson , i'm not a fan of cancelling a show in its first season ever

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i don't know why i was expecting something to do even remotely mentionning what happened in thor 2 unless timeline is different , i thought they'd try and get a boost from the movie coming out ,



that's coming in next week's episode

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While this episode wasn't great, we do get a sense of a bigger picture being developed here. I think this bodes well for mid-season. I think that is when things will really spice up. I did like in this episode we sort of saw SHIELD acting more like SHIELD with the no extraction team and not telling Coulson about that. I am glad to see that they are distinguishing that Coulson is playing by his own rules and not SHIELDs rules.

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Down to a 2.2 rating, from 2.5 in the last original.  If this trends continues it will be below 2.0 before the Winter hiatus, and will probably be pulling mid to high 1's in the Spring season.  


It might get cancelled this season after having the strongest drama start in 4 years on ABC.

After 7 episodes it still hasn't bottomed out. This won't least much longer. 

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For a show like this that links in with the other parts of the Marvel universe and is still rating a lot better then anything else ABC has recently had in this time slot it probably will get a second season.  It will probably get a boost with the TDW crossover and if it stays above 2.0 in the demo it should be OK.


The set up on the plane is very similar to the set up on Serenity in Firefly.  The big difference is the characters on Firefly were far more interesting and diverse.

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I just can't understand: why can't they use ACTUAL Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. ? Where's Quartermain, Sharon Carter, etc? They are far more interesting characters than the shit team Coulson hired.


You mean like Victoria Hand and Jasper Sitwell who were BOTH in the last episode? Or Maria Hill and Nick Fury who both have appeared in the show?

Edited by SpiderByte
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You mean like Victoria Hand and Jasper Sitwell who were BOTH in the last episode? Or Maria Hill and Nick Fury who both have appeared in the show?

I think he means why they can't have those kind of agents appear as the main characters instead of these made up characters.

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I think he means why they can't have those kind of agents appear as the main characters instead of these made up characters.


I don't know-it might be because whoever created them would have to get a royalty check for every episode they appear in. Anything to save money. I'm just speculating here I could be wrong.

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I think the show has been getting worse as it goes along.  I gave up on it a few weeks ago and decided to catch up on it again and it really hasn't gotten any better to me.  I am glad for those that like it, but I get why the ratings keep going down.

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