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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D

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I don't think they can move the show though.  Also with the creators and the network being from the same parent company, the show may not receive the same funding, since they would not care about the Marvel movie promoting potential.  Unfortunately Disney doesn't own a network on which this show would fit other than the one its currently on.

There are already going to be MCU linked TV series on Netflix so it would be much of a leap for AoS to jump across.

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Yeah, I understand what they were going for with Whitehall's sudden death, but the character made such a memorable impression that he really deserved to go out in a bigger way.


Aside from that though, this was yet another really fantastic episode. Especially the guy playing Skye's father. I really hope he sticks around for a long time. At the beginning of the season, I'd have said that, while I enjoy AoS, it doesn't hold a candle to DC's TV fare like Arrow and Flash. Now, as we reach the mid-season finale I can honestly say that this is the superhero show I'm most looking forward to when it returns. 

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A most gratifying episode in nearly every way. I'd score it a 9 out of 10.

While I think I can understand what they did with Whitehall, no prolonged death scene, by making it quick and caught you off guard I also don't really think he's dead. He's been cheating Father Time and has proven to be quite a planner. I will not be shocked to find out he's not dead. We saw him motionless...not really the same as dead w/o further examination. 


We got the switcheroo with Mack & Tripp. Again, I feel the producers thought a death had to occur and it really didn't. Nothing wrong with the good guys not dying. 


I really was stoked with SkyeDaisyQuake shot Ward nearly point blank with his back turned. She then quoted him, nice!! Guess the love affair is over now is it not Grant? In 32 episodes Skye has gone from annoying computer hacker, to annoying consultant, to SHIELD agent and now revealed as an Inhuman. Quite the character arc. For those who may not know:

Daisy briefly becomes an acting Director of SHIELD as well

. How's that for a character arc?


Still waiting to see what became of Riana. Looking forward to finding out about the 'blind informant' who has a second obelisk. Leading theory is that he could be The Reader created by Charles Soule very very recently. An Inhuman whose serving his own ends and plays the role of hired merc often times. 


I'm very curious and eager to see what the Fast Overnight Ratings are and then again the Live +3/7 scores. 

This episode was very good and deserves the positive buzz I've seen thus far. Enough so to perhaps get some of the hater brigade to resample at least this episode. 

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I don't think the love is over from Ward's side. Skye shooting Ward just shows how much she really loves him.


*snort* That is awesome :)


That was a really great episode for me. Hoping Agent Carter makes the wait until early March bearable. The ratings went up for AoS after the first season started streaming on Netflix and stayed up, so hoping that even more people catch up over the break, watch AC and then come back for the last half of the season. The show runners really did plot out this first half pretty perfectly; the quality of the show (despite a couple of little stumbles) went way up for me. And I do feel the actors *coughChloeBennettBrettDaltoncoughcough* rose to meet the material. 


Realizing that Skye/Daisy/Quake is the first Asian Avenger gives me all the happy. AND MACK!! AND RAINA!! AND DOUBLE MING-NA!!


Really excited that Blair Underwood will be coming on as Melinda's ex. He's gorgeous. (AND HE'S 50 TOO WTF?!?!)

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WHY WHY WHY do I have to wait until March??? Agent Carter is that much more annoying now. Even if it's good, I'm going to hate it. I mean, how many times did we have to see yet another special preview of it( I loved the end of the 75th anniversary special where she said "And now what you've all been waiting for..." Lol, uh, no?)?


I was shocked---SHOCKED there wasn't an AC preview on the GOTG Blu-Ray. Shocked.


BTW, I bought out whatever copies NewKadia had left of Skye/Daisy's first appearance in Secret War #2...that thing is blowing up on eBay right now.

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Has anyone seen the Fast Overnights for the Winter Finale of AoS? I'd just be curious to see the numbers. My google-fu hasn't delivered for me on this yet. 


I'm also eager to get back to AoS after this last episode but I'm very, very eager for Agent Carter and don't view it as an obstacle. 

Just hoping that those playing catch up on Netflix as well as viewers to date all remember to come back on 3/3/15 for the last 12 episodes.

AoS will have a few episodes before Age of Ultron and at least 2 after so I'm very curious about that, especially the post AoU episodes. 

Recall how dynamic things were post CA:TWS??!!!!

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