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China Box Office Thread | Deadpool & Wolverine- July 26

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I check all boxes except the Vegan one. I should do better ofc but global warming is real, vaccines don't cause autism, there are so many other explanation for that, it's a full blown conspiracy theory. And the sea level is rising a few millimetres per year.

I think that saying all those scientists that are saying and confirming that the climate is changing unnaturally fast are lying is pretty crazy. Because if it come to the technology they create that we use everyday none seems to have problems with believing that that science is real, everyone uses it.

As for Leo and Hollywood obviously they are hypocritical, most of them are. They contribute a lot more than the average person (btw same goes for the average western median family vs families in less wealthy countries. They also talk about how bad poor people are doing and how progressive they are and they are not paying the same or higher % of their incomes. I get that I agree all that is true for a lot of “them”. It doesn’t mean that it isn’t a real problem. The only thing it does say is that humans are pretty egotistical and it’s something all of us have to fight. It’s relatively ‘easy’ to look out for yourself, it’s a lot harder to try and do good for most people. It doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try even if it is with baby steps.

And yes not everyone can afford to buy electric cars, to go vegan (healthy food cost a lot more per calorie than unhealthy ). So it is understandable that people that don’t have it good financially need their car to get to their job to feed their family, forcing them to give up their livelihood isn’t realistic but small things do make the difference like recycling as much as you can etc. So it’s a balance and the more wealthy people and people with an average income can do a lot more.

Btw EV’s aren’t super good for the environment yet, especially those with big batteries they take on average 5-6 years to have less of CO2 footprint than the average American car. 3year for cars with a small battery and new gasoline cars are doing better than big battery EV’s. But it’s the same as with Solar panels, 10 years ago they needed to be funded by the government, they weren’t super good for the environment because the productions was pretty CO2 demanding compared to the energy it produces. Now they are as cheap as the Oil, gas and coal facilities in price per kwh. They are a lot more efficient, they cost a lot less and are way less polluting. The technology is better in almost every aspect except it not being flexible. However it won’t be dry in 50-100 years like the oil will be, it’s KWH/$ is improving at 10% a year so in 5 years it will be a lot cheaper than any fossil fuel. Same will happen with EV’s in 10 years they will be 2-3 times less demanding for the environment  to make them and the energy they will use will be a lot cleaner.

As for the Autism thing, the reasons for it increasing is because 1st off we are testing exponentially times more than we did 50 years ago, so a lot more people get the label. People know more about autism and there is a lot more focus on mental health so in the past a child wasn’t super social or it was very interested in one specific thing they were just seen as a bit odd, now they get diagnosed and we put a label on them. Next to those issues you have the problem the the psychology field isn’t as clear cut as math that you can say something is or isn’t. A lot of different mental issues have 60% overlap with each other so diagnoses are often incorrect or hard to pin point what it is. Comorbidity is super higher for a lot of psychological illnesses.

Then we have the problem that psychological illnesses are in many cases attributes that don’t fit in our society (that why some illnesses aren’t as prominent in different cultures) because we look a what is ‘normal’ to define what an mental illness is. So if the norm in your society changes old illnesses will decrease in frequency and other will rise. As for autism the more fast passed world now than 50 years ago makes it so there is more sensory input (people with autism struggle with a lot of input) so people that have very mild form 50 years ago wouldn’t have issues but now they have because of these factors.

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31 minutes ago, Madhuvan said:

I also check all the boxes. 


Global Warming is real and you are fool to not believe it. 

There is no reason to change everything into propoganda. 

Here we go with the name calling.

In the 14th century they used heathen, heretic, pagan etc

A friend said I was foolish. He has 2 houses and an SUV.  Both houses are heated at all times to prevent pipes from freezing even when he drives to Florida for a month

He can have a 4 cylinder car, one small house and winterize the pipes when he is gone. 

He is single and burns 3000 gallons of fuel per year,  I, a family of 3, burn less than 500 or 166.6 gallons per person per year.  But I am the heathen the heretic and the fool.  whatever

All they want to do is tax it, as they already have in many countries. When oil tripled in 2007-08, production went up.  They know if they tax it just right, production will hold up, that's why Clinton Bush Obama and Clinton all accept money from oil companies while speaking against them. Hillary was all about CC but accepted 25m dollars, not yuan, from Saudi Arabia when she was running. Why would the Saudis and oil companies give her money if she would reduce consumption. US oil production doubled under Obama.  Why would he allow fracking and increase global oil supply by 5% if he was a big CC president

Look at that chart. 5m barrel per day to 10m. Do you see the joke. you're being played.



You are just begging them to tax you more


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Moderation:- I know this is an unusual and slow time at the Chinese box office but please refrain from off topic post about climate change and Coronavirus. You can talk about Coronavirus here but only if it pertains to the box office. 


We have thread on climate change at https://forums.boxofficetheory.com/topic/27994-climate-change-global-warming-general-thread/


And a thread on Coronavirus at https://forums.boxofficetheory.com/topic/28761-coronavirus-2019-2020-wuhan-outbreak/


Please take all off topic chats to the relevant thread. 



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3 hours ago, ZeeSoh said:

Moderation:- I know this is an unusual and slow time at the Chinese box office but please refrain from off topic post about climate change and Coronavirus. You can talk about Coronavirus here but only if it pertains to the box office. 


We have thread on climate change at https://forums.boxofficetheory.com/topic/27994-climate-change-global-warming-general-thread/


And a thread on Coronavirus at https://forums.boxofficetheory.com/topic/28761-coronavirus-2019-2020-wuhan-outbreak/


Please take all off topic chats to the relevant thread. 



well when someone asks about BO someone else says its not important to discuss because there is a virus

so shut the whole website down

Edited by POTUS 2020
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2 hours ago, MrGlass2 said:

Maybe shut down this thread, quarantine the stupidity until Chinese box office comes back (hopefully soon, for more important life-and-death reasons).

Lock yourself up if you want to quarantine the stupidity.

On topic

They extended CNY holiday by 3 days, thru Sunday, so people can stay home. 

At a minimum travel/factory shut down for another week.

There will be little to no BO in Feb at this rate.  A lot of releases to be sandwiched or pushed forward into March or beyond

We''ll see a record month when it gets going again

Edited by POTUS 2020
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At this point, I’d give a much more likely wager that Black Widow makes a billion over Mulan and is likely to be the only Disney movie to make a billion worldwide this year, because the China Coronavirus outbreak, I would say, now seems possible to control before Black Widow, assuming they take the necessary steps to stop it. And, given that Black Widow is the movie of 2020 with the most views for a trailer online at all the other sites (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) other than Weibo, that is why I believe Black Widow could be the only film of 2020 to make a billion or be 2020’s highest grossing film yet.

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1 minute ago, Gavin Feng said:

What if a local movie can recover Chinese people and make $1 billion in China alone? Maybe that local movie is the highest-grossing title of 2020 in worldwide box office:ph34r:

We’ll see if that happens. I wouldn’t get my hopes up for it, though.

Edited by Movies4Life
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Another two reasons why I’d say Black Widow is more likely to be Disney’s only movie to make a billion, and maybe the only movie to make a billion is because the MCU fanbase is that dedicated to helping their movies win and would dare not spoil them and also because Black Widow is China’s most hyped movie of 2020, per Douban.


Ain’t that right, @Gavin Feng?

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Another daily increase.  I think theater wont open until 30 days after that number peaks. I wonder when factories reopen(with masks). With mainstream sources believing its already 10 times worse than reported due to lack of test kits and many with just colds so far not going to the hospital, it could be a few weeks to peak.  I now think CBO, at a minimum, wont be back to normal until April.  Theaters may open sooner but many will stay away. And it could be much longer.

Corona Total Inf Count Daily Count Daily % Inc 2 day % Inc   Deaths % of Inf 3 days ago Healed
T 270              
W 420 150 55.6%          
T 570 150 35.7% 111.1%        
F 800 230 40.4% 90.5%        
S 1300 500 62.5% 128.1%   41 9.8%  
S 2019 719 55.3% 152.4%   56 9.8%  
M 2794 775 38.4% 114.9%   80 10.0% 47
T 4474 1680 60.1% 121.6%   107 8.2% 63


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1 hour ago, Jedi Jat said:

Now that I am seeing cinemas being close and stuff, just how shitty India is. :(


In 2015 Swine Flu had 34k infected case & 2k deaths yet no one bothered to close anything. In fact 2015 first quarter did good business.

Which make me wonder if China is overreacting or they just know something horrifying that they choose to cover up.  

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1 hour ago, Jedi Jat said:

Now that I am seeing cinemas being close and stuff, just how shitty India is. :(


In 2015 Swine Flu had 34k infected case & 2k deaths yet no one bothered to close anything. In fact 2015 first quarter did good business.


22 minutes ago, titanic2187 said:

Which make me wonder if China is overreacting or they just know something horrifying that they choose to cover up.  

Totalitarian countries can do a shut down more easily.  Not an over reaction.  They realize how bad and fast it is.

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Wife works at a hospital. I asked her to imagine if a rapid outbreak occurred in the US. How successful would they be in shutting down all highways all airports and all seaports in our state. The answer wasn't exactly comforting. 

Edited by cdsacken
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3 hours ago, Jedi Jat said:

Now that I am seeing cinemas being close and stuff, just how shitty India is. :(


In 2015 Swine Flu had 34k infected case & 2k deaths yet no one bothered to close anything. In fact 2015 first quarter did good business.

80k people died from the flu in the U.S. in the 2017-18 winter.  It was the highest death toll in 40 years. Nothing was shut down. 






Edited by TalismanRing
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