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Game of Thrones (TV ONLY) [Leaked Spoilers prohibited]

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I thought an interesting piece in the latest episode was Cersei's reaction to Joffrey's death.


She comments somewhere, either in the books or show (both?), about Catelyn's dramatic reaction to Robb's death ("heard the bitch clawed her face bloody") or something along those lines, and how she would never behave that way.


Seems she did more or less keep her composure, mostly directing anger at Tyrion but not having a full out episode.

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I thought an interesting piece in the latest episode was Cersei's reaction to Joffrey's death.


She comments somewhere, either in the books or show (both?), about Catelyn's dramatic reaction to Robb's death ("heard the bitch clawed her face bloody") or something along those lines, and how she would never behave that way.


Seems she did more or less keep her composure, mostly directing anger at Tyrion but not having a full out episode.

You know, when I saw her facial reaction I felt the same way. She was crying but to me it looked like she manipulated the whole thing just to get rid of Tyrion. I don't know. I could be wrong, but she just didn't seem as emotional to me there.



It's incredibly hard to get yourself to claw your own face over the prospect of losing Joffrey, even if you're his mother. 


Edited by k1stpierre
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The only reason why I don't think though it was cerci, is because I think it might have been majorie (sp?) She seemed excited about the 'cake' and when they had slices of the cake, she didn't eat any of it (which is very weird for a just married couple to not share their cake together, even if this is medieval times), and then kept giving him some. Joffrey even made a face like the cake tasted bad or something. I think majorie or even the grandmother poisened the cake.

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Finally watched s03e10 just now ! Very happy I actually marathoned all the seasons leading up to the new one , everything is once more fresh in my mind Daenerys really gets amazing season ending scenes , getting her army day by day and her babies looking more badass woohooThe downside my poor starks get the brunt of the cruel and and one true god GRRM, but they are true northerners they know real winter we will prevail and make all those slime traitors pay for their deceit! It is known ! Well you know what that means season 4 here I come at some point today gotta lunch and others chores I'll probably wait till tonight

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Game of Thrones is interesting, a lot of things to draw from it. 


At its heart it is actually about the Game of thrones, which is about do whatever it takes to win. Those who noble like Ned/Robb get killed for being a decent person in indecent world. 


However the Lannisters have done some rather terrible things to achieve power, such as the Red Wedding and killing the Royal Family of King Aerys...


It has allowed to rule westeros but everyone hates them and is plotting against them.

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Yeah this show makes me feels so many different emotions Like at the beginning talk about adding insult to injury tywin !Interesting that they changed the actor playing daario I say upgrade!My my look who got big busy eating horses and cows I'd wager dany's bouncing baby triplets F.U. Rain of castemere song I cursed song/theme! Is there a new location on the map in the intro , guess we'll be seeing more of the boltons creepy sigil And I loved the attention to details in the arya/the hound scenes, a psychologist would have a field day with arya after all the shit she's seen , the girl is develloping a penchant for killingWhat I notice when they left the tavern was how the countryside is burning and at first I'm thinking where the heck are they and then I remember a detail from the book that the mountain and company were busy sacking and burning villages along the river so def detail I appreciated Prince oberyn made his entrance with flying colours , it felt strange a sexposition without littlefinger ! Hmmm Ok episode 2 next ciao

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Game of Thrones is interesting, a lot of things to draw from it. 


At its heart it is actually about the Game of thrones, which is about do whatever it takes to win. Those who noble like Ned/Robb get killed for being a decent person in indecent world. 


However the Lannisters have done some rather terrible things to achieve power, such as the Red Wedding and killing the Royal Family of King Aerys...


It has allowed to rule westeros but everyone hates them and is plotting against them.


I love how realistic GoT is when it comes to politics and intrigue. The Starks being decimated totally fits the words of Chanakya, "Straight trees are cut first". People like them don't really stand a chance at winning such a game. You have to be slightly crooked. I like the Tyrells the best because they have found the best balance between being "crooked" enough to efficiently play the game and still manage to retain a large part of their humanity. Everybody else is either already fucked up (Lannisters, Greyjoys, Boltons, remaining Baratheons) or on their way there (Dany, Arya). 

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Its a shame I'm on my phone That was beautiful and deserving of celebratory gifs and smileys to express to the fullest the taste of justice I just had as a name on arya/myself list got his comeuppance ! Tomorrow people , aw heck I'll tumblr my feelings , this deserves it ! Tyrion had the right of it kings are falling like flies right and left What a world westeros is, no matter your station in life you're dealt a shitty hand only difference is some make the most of it, some survive and some lose alas losing means dead or worse flayed yikes!

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Tywin is a master of international and medieval politics, but his failing is his inability to develop a functional family to handle the things he personally can't. He's a guy who spends so much time looking at the big picture he ignores the small cracks in the foundation (Joffrey, Cersei, etc).

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