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Game of Thrones (TV ONLY) [Leaked Spoilers prohibited]

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No need, episode was aired yesterday night, so we can talk about it regulary.

Anwyay - episode 5/10. Boring, illogical, irritaiting and with low production value. Last scenes with Drogon was unintentionaly laughable. It looked like flying on this dog-dragon from Neverending Story. And why nobody even bother to throw a spear, or shot Daenerys from bow? Dragon was not scary - he has a magic abillity to recognize friends from foes of his mother etc. Horrible. Only good thing were, as rather usuall in this storyline, dialogues.

Dorne was laughable as well, but this is normal to this storyline in series.

Arya storyline was irritaiting. The Man didn't recognized the obvious lie? 

About Stannis - well, they ruined a character. Nuff said.



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For those saying that casual people had been reacting poorly to this season until the last two episodes, you're right, absolutely. There was a little bit of a small backlash. But those people weren't complaining (besides the rape scene) about changes from the books or narrative flaws- they were complaining because nothing was happening! It had nothing to do with changing it from the books, it had to do with it sticking too close to the last two books, where in 3000 pages, barely anything happens, and it would have been even worse without putting Sansa in Winterfell and Jamie in Dorne. You need to realize that the last two books, interesting as they are to book die hards, would be FUCKING BORING if adapted for the casual audience, who care mostly about Tyrion, Jon, Dany, and Cersei, the four main characters. That's not to say I didn't love the last two books- I did just because they're still part of a brilliant franchise, even if they're about 1000 feet below the first three in terms of quality- but television is a different medium. And that's the last thing I'll say, because this argument is just going in circles.

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The more I think about it the more I really hate this episode:


Stannis burning Shireen just doesn't tally. I don't have a problem (narratively speaking) with Shireen being burnt alive per se... it would be completely plausible, for example, for Melisandre to abduct her or just go ahead and burn her without Stannis' permission. But for Stannis to be complicit runs contrary to everything that the show has tried to establish about Stannis over the past season - that he loves his daughter and that she is the red line he will not cross. Contradicting that isn't complex character building - it's just bad/lazy writing and a cheap shock.


Look, I get that GoT is all about serving us brutality with zero % chance of silver linings. It's one of the things I love most about the show. As distressing as I found Oberyn's death, it didn't feel implausible or cheap. This does. Even the Sansa rape scene that many hated made sense to me - whatever your issue with the way it's presented, there's no denying that Ramsay would rape Sansa. It's plausible.


I can't really comment on anything else about the episode as this one scene has been upsetting me all day. At the very least, I commend D&D for creating something that has really, genuinely got under my skin. I just wish the context of the scene was different, and earnt.


I'll stop rambling but the Forbes review sums up how I feel about this far more eloquently and succinctly than I could.



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For those saying that casual people had been reacting poorly to this season until the last two episodes, you're right, absolutely. There was a little bit of a small backlash. But those people weren't complaining (besides the rape scene) about changes from the books or narrative flaws- they were complaining because nothing was happening! It had nothing to do with changing it from the books, it had to do with it sticking too close to the last two books, where in 3000 pages, barely anything happens, and it would have been even worse without putting Sansa in Winterfell and Jamie in Dorne. You need to realize that the last two books, interesting as they are to book die hards, would be FUCKING BORING if adapted for the casual audience, who care mostly about Tyrion, Jon, Dany, and Cersei, the four main characters. That's not to say I didn't love the last two books- I did just because they're still part of a brilliant franchise, even if they're about 1000 feet below the first three in terms of quality- but television is a different medium. And that's the last thing I'll say, because this argument is just going in circles.

you;re overestimating cersei that 's just d&d's fetish. Oh yeah and dorne was so great because of all they changed winterfell was incredilby intriguing because of the BS even Tyrion journey changed as it was was incredibly less interesting come on the changes they have made for the most part have been stupid

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The more I think about it the more I really hate this episode:


Stannis burning Shireen just doesn't tally. I don't have a problem (narratively speaking) with Shireen being burnt alive per se... it would be completely plausible, for example, for Melisandre to abduct her or just go ahead and burn her without Stannis' permission. But for Stannis to be complicit runs contrary to everything that the show has tried to establish about Stannis over the past season - that he loves his daughter and that she is the red line he will not cross. Contradicting that isn't complex character building - it's just bad/lazy writing and a cheap shock.


Look, I get that GoT is all about serving us brutality with zero % chance of silver linings. It's one of the things I love most about the show. As distressing as I found Oberyn's death, it didn't feel implausible or cheap. This does. Even the Sansa rape scene that many hated made sense to me - whatever your issue with the way it's presented, there's no denying that Ramsay would rape Sansa. It's plausible.


I can't really comment on anything else about the episode as this one scene has been upsetting me all day. At the very least, I commend D&D for creating something that has really, genuinely got under my skin. I just wish the context of the scene was different, and earnt.


I'll stop rambling but the Forbes review sums up how I feel about this far more eloquently and succinctly than I could.



That article is perfect

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you;re overestimating cersei that 's just d&d's fetish. Oh yeah and dorne was so great because of all they changed winterfell was incredilby intriguing because of the BS even Tyrion journey changed as it was was incredibly less interesting come on the changes they have made for the most part have been stupid

Tyrion's journey with Jorah was 1000000x times more interesting than that boring slog of a mess in the books and there's no way to deny that to me. We got great character moments for Jorah and we focused on ESTABLISHED CHARACTERS WE ALREADY CARE ABOUT, not pointless new characters (to the ultimate plot) like the Golden Company. It's hard for casual viewers to get time with and identify with characters on a show like this, so adding in even more does not work for TV. It's a different medium. Yes, having a main character like Sansa involved in an actual plotline and not riding horses around with Rob Arryn for hours on end was an improvement, and with a major villain vacuum due to the death of Tywin/Joffrey, we needed Ramsay Bolton to be established more in order to pose a threat.  Dorne sucked in the show, yes, but it sucked in the books, too, so let's call that even. Shoulda done Ironborn instead IMO that plotline always was better than Dorne. But GRRM could literally write three straight chapter that described the shit Tyrion just took and you would consider it better and more important than the battle of Hardhome, so yea, this argument is pointless. 

Edited by cmasterclay
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Sansa involved in an actual plotline and not riding horses around with Rob Arryn for hours on end

What book did you read? Sansa's barely in the 4th book, not in the 5th at all, and at no point does that.

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What book did you read? Sansa's barely in the 4th book, not in the 5th at all, and at no point does that.

I didn't mean it literally, though I'm 99 percent sure that her riding horses with him is referenced as happening off-page. But her arc is essentially "being brave for Lord Robert" and doesn't interest one in the slightest. It's a good change.

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I'm lost about numbers of books (especially that last two books were released here in two volumes each, cause of their size), but I must agree - Alayne in books in the end of her, know at this point, story is boring. 

Edited by Charism
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I didn't mean it literally, though I'm 99 percent sure that her riding horses with him is referenced as happening off-page. But her arc is essentially "being brave for Lord Robert" and doesn't interest one in the slightest. It's a good change.

Eh, I prefer the book's direction, since throwing her North basically sabotaged the best aspects of Book 5.

Her preview chapter for Book 6 showed a good direction for her maturing and understanding the game better.

Edited by Numbers of Westeros
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never was a fan of stannis in the books or the show and never understood why he caught a fan following either , he's insufferable but i liken his fans to ser davos !


frankly all book long all he does is listen to that looney witch who was selling him a chinese fortune cookie , i laughed so hard when she realizes (spoilers correct me if i'm wrong been a while since i read the books)

) that her visions weren't quite correct and that stannis isnt azor  flame dude)


otherwise nahhh given stannis stick in the butt tactical pov , this is so in character , the dude made a demon baby to kill his sweet goofy brother over a throne!!!



john silent is just as captivating as him talking  :wub:  so tense i thought for sure he was going to know something for real ! luckily they are saving that knowledge for another episode , and then bam we get those last ten minutes , now i won't lie it wasnt what i imagined from the books but it was still pretty good , i seem to remember the pit scene happening in the evening late afternoon ! otherwise it was pretty good , finally a pit that lived up to its name , good action, heck after burning the little girl would it have been surprising to nix khaleesii ? ;)


i watched the last 10mn twice , when dany closed her eyes i knew drogon was coming , what made this scene for me was emilia clarke acting the entire time , so many emotions on her face, i love drogon and dany mom/kid relationship , he's a bit of a bad boy but he loves his mama! awww ^_^

i also love her necklace and ring so on point ,i want one !



also guys do remember that winter is coming , so squabble over characters depiction loyal to book or not is a moot point ,they are all going to die except for dany and john :lol: who will be the only two remaining once the dust snow and ashes have settled oh yeah maybe tyrion debatable i'd like him to have a memorable death !  so that leaves bran y'all he can see the future .....

Edited by Mistress of RDJ TONY STARK
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Shireen being killed was distressing, but I really can't say that I'm surprised given all the other ways this show has abused me. One of the good things about GoT is that while it revels in shocking violence, there are usually satisfying consequences that result from it. I imagine Davos will have something to say once he finds out.

Edited by tribefan695
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The more I think about it the more I really hate this episode:


Stannis burning Shireen just doesn't tally. I don't have a problem (narratively speaking) with Shireen being burnt alive per se... it would be completely plausible, for example, for Melisandre to abduct her or just go ahead and burn her without Stannis' permission. But for Stannis to be complicit runs contrary to everything that the show has tried to establish about Stannis over the past season - that he loves his daughter and that she is the red line he will not cross. Contradicting that isn't complex character building - it's just bad/lazy writing and a cheap shock.


Foremost, I don't think the show ever drew such an uncrossable "red line". Yes, it made it apparent that Shireen was much for precious to Stannis than most sacrificial lambs, but the show never explicitly stated that he would NEVER, EVER sacrifice her even if he were cornered. It does not fundamentally go against the character as some of you are saying it does or want to believe it does.


I posted this in the Book thread but think it is relevant her too: 


Regarding Stannis, the way I see it, this is a man who has already been on the receiving end of a cruel siege (when the Tyrell forces came down on him during Robert's Rebellion). He has seen despair and death in the face so he knows the incredibly high stakes of battle.


Add to the fact that people around him, including his own wife, have been constantly harping on the notion that Shireen is "lesser" because she is scarred and not a son. Sure she was precious to Stannis, but subconsciously he had resigned to the belief that Shireen was not a worthy heir. He has also seen the Red Lady's advice reward him at what he believes to be every turn.


I also believe that he hasn't yet recovered from killing his own brother. This is a broken man, even if he would never admit it to his dying day. He probably is secretly wishing for death anyway.

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The more I think about it the more I really hate this episode:


Stannis burning Shireen just doesn't tally. I don't have a problem (narratively speaking) with Shireen being burnt alive per se... it would be completely plausible, for example, for Melisandre to abduct her or just go ahead and burn her without Stannis' permission. But for Stannis to be complicit runs contrary to everything that the show has tried to establish about Stannis over the past season - that he loves his daughter and that she is the red line he will not cross. Contradicting that isn't complex character building - it's just bad/lazy writing and a cheap shock.


Talk to GRRM then, that scene came directly from him, not D&D.


What he's trying to say with Shireen's burning is that there is no price that Stannis is unwilling to pay to sit on the Iron Throne.  For some reason up until this point, the fact that Stannis is a fanatic who has slaughtered multiple people (including his own brother) to achieve power has slipped people's minds.  Instead, people are rooting for him because he's taking on the Boltons and wants to make Jon Snow (one of the few people left we can actually root for) a true Stark.  This move brings him back into focus for what he really is... I don't think they were establishing Stannis as a good guy with the earlier "I love my daughter scenes" so much as they were setting that love up to be conquered by his lust for power and his "destiny".


It was hard as hell to watch that scene but I understand what they were trying to get across... it's just flat out brutal and wasn't meant to sit well with people.

Edited by Spectre
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