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Shawn Robbins

Weekend Discussion: IM3 @ 175.3m wknd est

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With all due respect, this is... stupid. There's nothing IM2 does that IM3 doesn't do better, most significantly, being interesting. I'm sure kids will find the many suits thing cool, but besides that the bit with the kid is adorable, I'm sure they'll find it at least compelling.


I think that IM3 getting a huge boost from TA Effect, thus defying the rule that sequel coming after a poorly received one must decrease, is fucking up people`s predictions so they want it to do worse in order to win at the game or were just rooting for another movie to be as big.

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  • Founder / Operator

If this has worse legs than IM2 I'm attributing it to competition. IM2 really had nothing against it for May/June.


That's a major reason I can see it happening. 

IM3 is a hell of a lot of fun, especially for kids I'd say. They won't care about the 'twist'.


Maybe. Just giving my opinion. The twist isn't even the problem when it comes to kids. If it's a problem, it'll be for adults.

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With all due respect, you sound like an irrational fanboy with your first two sentences. Get over it, dude. It's just a movie.

I'm a fanboy, but not for Marvel. On this film I'm a GA member.
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With all due respect, this is... stupid. There's nothing IM2 does that IM3 doesn't do better, most significantly, being interesting. I'm sure kids will find the many suits thing cool, but besides that the bit with the kid is adorable, I'm sure they'll find it at least compelling.


Plus they'll like the fiery lava villains more than drunken Mickey Rourke walking around shirtless

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  • Founder / Operator

I think that IM3 getting a huge boost from TA Effect, thus defying the rule that sequel coming after a poorly received one must decrease, is fucking up people`s predictions so they want it to do worse in order to win at the game or were just rooting for another movie to be as big.


Who in the world thought it would decrease?  :huh:

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Oh, Jesus, here we go again! His being upset is no different from Lucas raped my childhood and other uncurable traumas that movies inflict on their fans. You ain`t no real fan if you ddin`t go through a total mental colapse and Internet meltdown at least once in your life.



Well then I must not be a real fan because while I've been disappointed or flat out disliked certain films, I pretty much shrug it off and move on. 

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I say split the difference between OW multipliers for IM2 and TA and you'll get the most likely number for the IM3... 2.55. So, I'm projecting 174M OW. Seems a little high I guess. Even still... If IM3 matches IM2's multiplier it'll come in at $171M.

I don't think that's right, I think it gets $161m if it matches IM2, but should def have a better multiplier than that. Edited by FTF
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  • Founder / Operator

Well then I must not be a real fan because while I've been disappointed or flat out disliked certain films, I pretty much shrug it off and move on. 


That's because you're a reasonable human being. We're often ostracized on the Internet. :P

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With that figure


Following IM2


15.6M 9PM/Midnights

52.7M Friday

55.2M Saturday (+4.7%)

37.5M Sunday (-32.0%)


161.0M OW

145.4M Adjusted OW (2.76 IM)



Following TA


15.6M 9PM/Midnight

52.7M Friday

59.0M Saturday (+12.0%)

48.4M Sunday (-18%)


175.8M OW

160.2M Adjusted OW (3.04 IM)


The median here would be 168.5M.  It's going to be tight between this and DH2.

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Lack of appeal with kids? Iron man will have more kiddie appeal than Trek. Way more. Kids love when they can identify characters. IM3 will be fine with families and kids. Ive seen a lot of reports of older siblings taking their youngers to IM3 and they loved it. IM3 will have the 2nd biggest kiddie appeal of May after Epic, so If IM3 doesnt then basically no may movie does.

Edited by jandrew
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i'm torn , so torn 


go or dont go ?  now that i've gotten the excitement of seeing the film out of the way and am no more feeling anxiety coz the world has seen it except for me!! i now feel the need to SEE the film SOAK IT IN so to speak


don't know if i should wait until tomorrow or some time middle of next week ....


there's a showing at 2.20pm i'll have to decide by 1pm whether i go or not coz it takes an hr more or less to get there (walking plus bus plus lame-o traffic)...

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True. If the kids' interest hangs around long enough, they'll like the finale. I just don't see the online crowd (i.e., this forum included) representing the general public.

Well, I went for the 2nd time with 3 kids. Not mine, my friends'. They all really had fun watching it. They couldn't stop talking about it afterwards. So I don't see any problem with the kids. How about that for "general public"? :P

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That's a major reason I can see it happening. 


Maybe. Just giving my opinion. The twist isn't even the problem when it comes to kids. If it's a problem, it'll be for adults.


So what s the problem with kids regarding IM3 then ?


Not sure I am following you here.

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