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Gravity (2013)  

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The point is though when Clooney came back (in Spirit), anyone who watches film should have realized that Sandra was 100% going to live. I fail to see how people were getting all edgy and nervous that Sandra was not going to live.

From the beginning, I never once thought she'd die. That didn't mean I found it un-involving or not suspenseful.
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Saw this in IMAX. It's incredible, but I still can't get past how silly ghost Clooney is.


It's got a ridiculous amount of silliness. The plot in general, the script, ghost Clooney of course... that said, I was SO into it the first time I watched it I still audibly gasped when it turned away from ghost Clooney for a second and then he disappears. It was like I'd never seen a movie before.  :lol:



I watched this at home, so I probably lost most of the experience, but regarding the movie itself, I thought it was very overrated. That's all I have to say.




Pretty much 100% of people have said it's a cinema experience and go and see it in the cinema so... if you found it overrated (and it's quite clear why someone who watched it at home would think that), it's basically your own fault. ;)


I saw it in VueXtreme (which is sort like IMAX-lite) and I was practically shaking at times, it's extraordinary. Definitely going to go back and see it again in IMAX before it finishes. 

Edited by Dan9
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My first viewing was at home (tonight) and I really, really liked it (not sure if I'd use the word love right now). It's heavy on symbolism almost to the point I had to roll my eyes, but I still enjoyed the hell out of it and Bullock, much like Redford in All is Lost, gives a great performance (though bigger edge to Redford since he had to solely carry that movie). And I agree with BoxOfficeZ, the score is incredible and I will buying it tomorrow morning.


****½/*****, (A, 9.0/10, 3.75/4)

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Wow... Simply brilliant.


I loved it despite never actually being on the edge of my seat... I've found out that Thrillers don't really have an effect on me.

Still, A+


I just re-watched this and noticed that after around 10 minutes of watching my pulse increased like crazy. This time I really was absorbed into it, too. I didn't seem to miss the 3D...

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Three weeks ago I went to see it in IMAX the fourth (and last) time and during the re-entry scene I got a lot more emotional than on any of the previous viewings. Just chills and tears, man. Maybe it was actually because this time I was almost all alone in the theater, I dunno.

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Okay I'm sure that watching this on the small screen(42inches) it probably took away from the experience. But I did like the film quite a bit, probably will do a rewatch. B+

Edited by DAR
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Watched it in a theater, it was visually brilliant. And I loved the ending!But I didn't really care that much for Bullock's character. I found her to be boring. I know that she was meant to be the soft-spoken, just does her job character. And sometimes, those characters are a lot of fun, but I just found her to be boring, especially when compared with Clooney who was ridiculous and super-fun. I also didn't really like the backstory with the daughter.Still, though, on visual merit alone, it's worth seeing.3/4 

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To be fair, every one of my friends who have seen it don't rate it that highly. I liked it more than anyone I know and I think this is overrated. All I here people saying is 'it looked good, but the 3d was no Avatar', and to be fair, I think its harsh for any movies 3d to be compared to Avatar.


Then again if I asked my mates what their favourite movies of last year was, id get


We're The Millers, The Croods, Wolf of Wall Street, Bad Grandpa, This is the End and surprisingly Dallas Buyers Club.

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To be fair, every one of my friends who have seen it don't rate it that highly. I liked it more than anyone I know and I think this is overrated. All I here people saying is 'it looked good, but the 3d was no Avatar', and to be fair, I think its harsh for any movies 3d to be compared to Avatar.


Then again if I asked my mates what their favourite movies of last year was, id get


We're The Millers, The Croods, Wolf of Wall Street, Bad Grandpa, This is the End and surprisingly Dallas Buyers Club.


Great choice of movies, especially the comedies.  :wub:

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I finally watched this on my blue-ray dvd!


I wished I had seen this in theaters, it most definitely deserves all the box office, money, awards, and so forth that it got and even more some. This was such a nail-biter the whole way through. And wow! The graphics were just breath-taking! Not only that, but I love how the director shot this movie at times with chaos and shaky cam (THIS is where shaky cam is affective), like when she was tumbling through space. It made me feel like I was Stone herself, just flying off in space with no one to help me. I felt scared for her.


It wasn't a perfect movie for me though, I have minor quarrels. One, I think the biggest mistake they made was character development. I think they went way too fast to get into the action (the spaceship is hit in like, 5 minutes into the movie lol), and because of it, we never get any sort of character development in the beginning with both main characters Stone and Kowolski(sp?), and even the third guy who was with them that just kind of floated around not doing anything. If they had spent just a bit more time showing conversations with them, maybe having a dinner scene inside the craft before going out (kind of like how Alien and Aliens did it), I think I would have been so much more emotional when we ended up finding the third guy with half his face blown away from debris. Instead, I mean I felt bad for him, but I was kind of eh to it. It didn't affect me like it was suppose to.


Second problem with the movie was the ending. I don't know what it is about Sandra Bullock movies, but why is it in every movie she's in, she NEVER DIES? I know this is morbid, but it's true! I can't think of any movie she's been in where she's died, and my sister being a HUGE Bullock fan, said the same thing! The ending with her going through Earth's gravity and almost melting/exploding to death.....I don't know how realistic it would be for he to actually have landed that thing in once piece. It just seemed so cliche to me. Once again, Bullock lives on (seriously, she's becoming like a Chuck Norris or something).


I know it seems like I'm ranting, but really I loved loved loved the movie. I'd give it an A-, overall rating 8.5/10. It was very good and I would definitely rewatch again!

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This was easily the best experience I have ever had in the theater. My full review is in the link, I posted it in the Gravity thread but never here, I feel its my sharpest written review. http://jaysonb593.blogspot.com/2013/10/gravity-still-wont-let-go.html


I have Gravity on Bluray and yeah you lose some of the experience, but I'm still satisfied. I don't know if I'll ever have that experience again, but in IMAX 3D and conventional 2D it was flawless and a perfect birthday present. They always release shit movies on my birthday weekend so Gravity was very refreshing. A+. One of the bests of all time to me.

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Gravity is a perfect movie in every sense of the word. It was expertly directed by Alfonso Cuaron, with a great script by his son Jonas Cuaron which explored the humanity of Sandra Bullock's character. Visually unbelievably, words can't explain how good the visual effects were. From the opening shot of the movie, to the emotionally satisfying ending, I was completely hooked into this movie. Very rarely does a movie like this grab me for its entire duration. Great music and sound effects by Steven Price. Holy crap, I gotta start following this guy! His musical score added so much more tension and suspense to this movie. I remember my palms getting extremely sweaty while watching the movie. Sandra Bullock gives her best performance of her career! 


Gets my highest recommendation. A+ or 5/5. The best movie of 2013.

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