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Captain Phillips (2013)


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I don't understand how people are saying this was so intense and nail biting when we all knew Phillips lived? I mean I guess unless you don't follow real world events at all, but the story was massive news all over the place when it happened and it only happened 4 years ago.


I absolutely knew how the whole operation went down for the most part, especially how it all ended. I'm fascinated with military tactical operations, but knowing the events is not the same as seeing a reenactment of it. Acting, direction, music, and editing can do huge wonders in affecting the human mind.


Many movies are often predictable in conclusion, that doesn't mean that they can't be tense. The outcome is only one part of what makes a scene tense.

Edited by MrPink
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If you remember the beginning of JFK, the way Stone set up the shooting of JFK, even though you knew he was going to get shot, it was still intense as hell.  The journey is what counts.

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Just saw it a while ago and what a riveting film! The last 20 minutes or so was indeed intense! Great performances from Hanks and the pirates! And yes you know  how a good  a movie is that it could still get you at the edge of your seat despite knowing the outcome already.


I give it an A!


On another note, my friend was weirdly fascinated with Hanks' nipples in one of the final scenes, I didn't notice but after the movie it was the first thing she mentioned lol

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I don't understand how people are saying this was so intense and nail biting when we all knew Phillips lived? I mean I guess unless you don't follow real world events at all, but the story was massive news all over the place when it happened and it only happened 4 years ago.


I'm guessing you didn't like Lincoln, Argo, Zero Dark Thirty or any movie based on real life?






A pretty great film that was pretty intense.

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My Review

I'm not sure if it's because I already practically knew what would happen the entire movie from everything the trailers gave away (except the awesome last 20 minutes) or that it just got to hyped, I didn't fall in love with it like I thought I would. Now don't get me wrong, it is a very well made film (I have some issues with the pacing and other parts) but for me, I just didn't get that click that I was expecting, it was still very enjoyable though. 

Captain Phillips is based on the true story of the man (Captain Phillips) who gets his cargo boat raided by pirates and has them take him hostage into a life boat in order to save his crew, the only problem is it honestly seemed like it took over a quarter of the movie before the pirates even get on the ship. There were some brilliant parts of suspense, however it was fairly inconsistent because of the pacing. Now, I am a guy who can take slow pacing, but there needs to be a purpose to it, there were so many purposeless cuts and long shots that honestly were just there to add running time to the film, it made the film constantly teeter on being engaging and being boring. What's especially important is that this is a fairly recent true story, most people know what happened, so when Greengrass takes so much time to build it gets tedious at points. Now, the movie slowly picks up pace as it goes, but what baffled me is why he didn't spend more camera time on the actual meat of the story inside the lifeboat. There were so many moments in that lifeboat that were bordering on brilliant, they just needed more time given to them, they were cut short, while the part that should have moved faster was given way to much time. 

The screenplay in this movie honestly has a very valid point to serve besides just going down the typical true story thriller path (although it does that as well), it brings subtle humanity to the Somalian pirates, and I have deep respect with how they conveyed that. The Somalian pirates were just gruntman trying to get out of their desperate situation, thinking (and believing) they'd get pay from the warlords if they brought back the ship like the warlords said. I was a big fan at how the screenplay was able to invoke a slight sense of sympathy to the villains of the story to portray them as humans, but also not going down the opposite end of the spectrum and placing complete and utter pity on them, it was very well written. 

Next, the performances were also spot on, they were probably some of the highlights of the movie. However it applies again that the performances were at their best in the last act of the movie, just like how the most engaging part was the last act, before that they were solid, it was in that act that they became great. It just goes to show, some films really don't need to be 2 and half hours long to be great, in fact it's the massive length with little substance in the first half that really drives the movie into just being good, instead of being something better, more impactful. 

I mentioned the last act above, so I'll go onto to say that the last act is what completely saves the movie for me, it was done brilliantly and had just the right amount of substance, while the last 25 minutes or so brought out an outstanding performance from Hanks. Honestly, go see the movie for the last 30 minutes of it, the ending is powerful, and it is what is inevitably driving my rating upwards. 

Now, don't let this review come across as if I didn't like the movie (I really did think it was good), but it was disappointing to say the least in that it could have been outstanding, I saw so many moments of brilliance, but they could often at times get overshadowed by the shaky cam, and odd pacing with little substance. Overall, Captain Phillips has some engaging moments, a very smart screenplay, and a bombastic last act that delivers Oscar worthy performances, but it is ultimately boggled down by inconsistent direction by Greengrass. 7.5/10 (If it weren't for the last act i'd probably go 6.5/10, but it was powerful enough to raise it that high)

Side Note: Barkhad Abdi delivers a stunning breakout performance in the film, it's worth the ticket for him alone.

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I'm guessing you didn't like Lincoln, Argo, Zero Dark Thirty or any movie based on real life?






A pretty great film that was pretty intense.

What the fuck Lincoln died? I thought he was still living. Thank you so much for ruining the movie for me. 

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This made me cry at the end, man. I haven't cried watching a movie at the cinema since UP. That was Tom Hanks proving he's still fucking got it. The ending might have been the best bit of acting Tom Hanks has ever done, and he's one of my favourites so I don't say that shit lightly.


Anyway, so this is clearly one of the year's best films.

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I really liked the movie.  Great character development (Captain Phillips, Skinny, the bully pirate) and tension (basement scene).  


Would have been my favorite October movie in any other year.  This year it is my 3rd (Gravity, 12YAS) favorite and perhaps 4th (All is Lost).

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