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Avatar: The Way of Water | 16 DEC 2022 | Don't worry guys, critics like it

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10 hours ago, Cochofles said:


This long wait frustrates me to no end, but I am 100 % sure that he is just making sure that the films are perfectly aligned with his vision for them. What I love about Cameron is that he is a masterful storyteller, and he will put as much loving care on his visuals as on the narrative that those visuals support and with which they intertwine. He will never waste a single frame on anything that doesn't propel the story forward in a logical manner. Even in films that are three hours long, he packs them with prime-beef narrative and not a single ounce of fat. Very few directors of major blockbusters are capable of doing that.  And please, don't confuse "complex characterization" (the thing that his scripts allegedly lack...according to his detractors) with storytelling craftsmanship, which is a different thing (although they can certainly overlap). 



Master storyteller? Wtf? You can say many things about Cameron but to call him a master storyteller is not one of them.

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4 hours ago, Kalel009Shel said:

James Cameron's answer to fanboys on who's king.  



There can be only one. The true greatest movie impact on the world and media,  music, everything.   It's simply 



Movie impact?  Id say Jaws and Star Wars were much more impactful on the movie industry as a whole than Titanic.  As for music, Disney probably takes the cake for songs (unless you want to go way back to say Wizard of Oz), and scores pretty much goes to anything Williams or Morricone composed.


Titanic was surely impactful, but you'd be hard pressed to argue it was the most impactful movie in every way.

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No doubt this will be big when it releases, but the wait is definitely going to hurt it's BO performance. There's just no way around that at this point. It will be 8+ years by the time this thing ever reaches the screens, and since Avatar doesn't have the brand name recognition that SW or even Jurassic Park/World has, it's going to underperform in comparison.


That being said, I still see this doing between 400M-600M domestic. Good enough for a near-decade awaited sequel, and possibly even better for the third and fourth films if this one knocks it out of the park critically, which Cameron's track record with sequels proves. Those could easily increase if this pans out well.

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8 hours ago, warriormonk said:

Master storyteller? Wtf? You can say many things about Cameron but to call him a master storyteller is not one of them.


Cameron may understand better than anyone ever how to best tell a story using the film medium. 

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8 hours ago, warriormonk said:

Master storyteller? Wtf? You can say many things about Cameron but to call him a master storyteller is not one of them.

Yeah I agree. Calling him a master storyteller doesn't do him justice. Should go with a storyteller god.

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18 hours ago, warriormonk said:

Master storyteller? Wtf? You can say many things about Cameron but to call him a master storyteller is not one of them.


yeah you can and I don't even like Avatar, but just using the rest of his filmography I can say he is a master storyteller

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9 hours ago, warriormonk said:

Master storyteller? Wtf? You can say many things about Cameron but to call him a master storyteller is not one of them.

Master storyteller is absolutely one of them.

If you are just going by the whole "he ain't original" or "his characters are cardboard thin" that his detractors parrot constantly, then you have no idea what storytelling is.

You could be an incredible storyteller using characters that are basically tropes. Conversely, you could write the most complex, vividly flawed and humanly nuanced characters in the world, and still be clunky and mediocre at telling the stories of those characters.

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19 hours ago, Salacious Tree Crumb said:

Force Awakens OS is currently doing significantly better than Jurassic OS. Domestic it is leaps and bounds ahead - over 100M ahead in the first week. How will it "lose worldwide gross to JW"?

No it's not.  Jpworld will beat was forced awakens by a nice gap os.  If force can't go deep into 800m dom territory and then has only avengers levels os.  Jpworld wins the year.  Very interesting race.  


Force biggest territory was UK.  Jpw killed it across the board.  Laughing at all those it will beat titanic and avatar rants by bkb and others.  It could lose to a very old and near death franchise that rose like the phoenix.  Place your bets.  Lol those titanic dreams ww and avatar 1 and 2 dreams become just that.  Dreams.  Long live Cameron and his boat and home trees lol

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