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Avatar: The Way of Water | 16 DEC 2022 | Don't worry guys, critics like it

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8 minutes ago, ThomasNicole said:

Now stop with this bullshit "oh people didn't liked it". 


All trades are saying the footage was VERY well received. But it's not a trailer aswell, just random sequences reintroducing Pandora, with pretty much 0 dialogue, so there's nothing to say beyond how it looks and in that regard the reception is pretty great. 


Some people find the HDR switching so fast between the sequences distracting, but that's it.


I can see this being the case, initially I was puzzled by the seemingly "muted" response and was wondering if it was really not impressive? or were people told to be intentionally vague when talking about it; But if it isn't the 15Min+ in film footage rumored,  nor is it actually a trailer in the traditional sense, but a dialogue less footage of Pandora, I can see how people might feel that there isn't that much to say other than the fact that "it is stunning".

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Just now, NCsoft said:


I can see this being the case, initially I was puzzled by the seemingly "muted" response and was wondering if it was really not impressive? or were people told to be intentionally vague when talking about it; But if it isn't the 15Min+ in film footage rumored,  nor is it actually a trailer in the traditional sense, but a dialogue less footage of Pandora, I can see how people might feel that there isn't that much to say other than the fact that "it is stunning".

Yes, it's exactly the case.  


I'm wondering what we're getting with DS2 tho, a proper trailer or this 5 minute "environment presentation".



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1 minute ago, Eric is a furry said:



@IronJimbo @JamesCameronScholar @ImNotExcited@watcher1232@dudalb


I'm gonna say this once, and this applies to everybody here on both sides: we're not doing this "lol look at all the doubters, Jimbo is amazing" BS anymore. We're not doing this "lol look at these Cameron fanboys. So delusional. Fanboys gonna fanboy" It's not funny, never was funny, and frankly is unnecessary nonsense that clogs up the forums.


We still have eight months to go, and we really don't need to deal with this garbage any longer. Anybody who continues to backtalk "the haters" or "the fanboys" will see a thread ban. I also expect all parties to tolerate differing opinions on the film's quality, the marketing, the box office potential, and so on. You're adults, so act your age.

Thanks Eric, glad to see you keeping this place clean. Broom those trolls up. 

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5 minutes ago, dudalb said:

Of course the visuals wlll be great. Question is whether the script, dialouge and chatecters will be any better then the firs tfilm.


And , I found the "Our Family Is Our Fortress" line to be memorable, but not in a good way.


But Cameron fanboys are going to fanboy.

The line gives me the super strict parents vibe that I lived with growing up. That's not a good sign l

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Back to the topic at hand. I do think what Jim said prior to the footage is the most important part of this. This is a film where the focus doesn't seem like it will be on a single person saving the world. When he said it's going to be like 'The Godfather' I do get the impression it's going to be about that interfamily tension and struggle that we see there. 

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1 minute ago, eddyxx said:

They should’ve left the 2 in the title. Now it sounds like a A:TLA spin off.

Agree. Although I think the reasoning is that each of these can also be enjoyed as standalones. I do think it should be called Avatar 2: TWoW though. 

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