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Saban's Power Rangers | March 24, 2017 | Teaser Trailer on Page 47

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Not really. We know GB is a mess up with a female cast, no salvaging that trainwreck. Rangers needs to be faithful or there will be backlash (low box office).


The fan base of TMNT was basically in a screaming rage for all the development process of the movie, and then they still showed up en masse for the opening weekend. GI Joe had a similar effect, although not as loud. 


I'm not expecting this to be TMNT level big, because the property never was, but as long as the property looks remotely intact (read - not Ghostbusters) they'll show up. After all, they can't scream about how the producers botched it without seeing the movie. 

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The fanbases who complain do not comprise a majority of the people who show up to see these movies. Neither Ghostbusters nor Power Rangers will be hurt by fanbase backlash.

(Come to think about it, has there ever been a situation where fanbase backlash was the primary thing that caused a film to fail? I mean for real, not just fans taking credit for the failure of an adaptation/reboot they didn't like, when in reality it failed because of GA indifference.)

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(Come to think about it, has there ever been a situation where fanbase backlash was the primary thing that caused a film to fail? I mean for real, not just fans taking credit for the failure of an adaptation/reboot they didn't like, when in reality it failed because of GA indifference.)


Naah. If a movie looks appealing enough to the GA or casual fans, they will turn up no matter what and then the diehards will follow suit, if they haven't already watched it on OD despite their bitching. 


Didn't IM3/Mandarin permanently put to rest the theory that "fan rage" has any effect on an adaptation's BO and critical prospects whatsoever?

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Yeah, that's a good example.

Even in cases like The Last Airbender or Dragonball Evolution, changes to the source did not cause their respective underperformance or failure. I feel like there's a see-I-told-you-so attitude among diehards about those...or am I imagining it?

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If "fan rage" would sink movies, then TMNT would have earned a grand total of 10$. No one seemed to want TMNT to succeed online, from the initial script leak to the turtles designs to people saying that GOTG would steamroll it, everyone was looking for reasons to put the movie down. We may see that again with the Fantastic Four movie this year.

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