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The Disney Thread | Iger will be with us until 2026

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42 minutes ago, YourMother said:


On 3/8/2022 at 1:06 PM, Porthos said:


Maybe not even "too toxic", just need something that breaks through and gets the dominoes falling.  


I'll admit upfront I don't know what that is or what level of "bad" it needs to be.  What I do know is that as of right now, Chapek not only isn't winning many friends, but alienating the exact sort of people who he could fall back on when his situation inevitably gets dicey.


This is the sort of shit I was referring to when I said "something that breaks through and gets the dominoes falling".


That it's coming off the heels of his shareholder meeting statment... Well, it's a classic case of "actions speak louder than checks words."

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Just now, Porthos said:



This is the sort of shit I was referring to when I said "something that breaks through and gets the dominoes falling".


That it's coming off the heels of his shareholder meeting statment... Well, it's a classic case of "actions speak louder than checks words."



In a way, I'm reminded about my comments about Gina Carano way back in the day.  No, bear with me here. There was a LOT of completely justified complaining here and elsewhere about her toxic behavior.  But she didn't get canned until the Trades started to make an issue of it.  In fact, it just took one negative story in a single Trade for her to get the boot.


Now Chapek is obviously FAAAAAAAAR more difficult to dump than a more-or-less tolerated supporting actress with not much of a body of work.


At the same time, when the Trades start to stick the knives in?




Having a ton of power and a successful product only shields you so much, specially when you're not liked very much.

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It's definitely not a great week for King Mickey. All of this is occurring not too long before they would begin touting their Pride Collection as well.


Chapek's actions are too little too late because he could offer Ron DeathSantis $100M to not sign that awful bill and he would anyway being the clown who puts himself over everyone else that he is (at the same time, he would still ask if he could have the $100M anyway since he's that petty and self-centered). I understand that the company was in a tough situation given that it's not like they can pick up Disney World and move it elsewhere and have a desire to uphold an image devoid of political agenda, but sometimes you gotta step up and take a stand, especially when you're talking about a solid portion of the people who boost the company's considerable profits.


I hope Universal/Comcast get called out for this too, since Disney has been taking the brunt of the backlash. People within that studio also donated to this bill, according to that same article (and unlike Disney, they actually have some LGBT-themed projects aimed at sophisticated audiences in the pipeline awaiting release).

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All Chapek had to do was stay silent and let things play out. Or pull the problematic funding and genuinely apologize for it. Instead, he had to make all those tone-deaf statements and now his legacy is pretty much over. Hopefully his successor isn't as sleazy as he is.


On another note, I have a hunch Phase 4 might be seeing another shuffle. Thor is just 4 months away and yet aside from merchandise we haven't seen anything from it. And I highly doubt there are any No Way Home-level secrets in a Thor movie of all places unless they want to have Christian Bale's involvement be a big surprise. Which they can't. Wouldn't be too surprised to see that one shift to November (especially now that Flash is out of the way) with Black Panther 2 getting kicked to 2023 and the rest of the slate readjusted accordingly.

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12 minutes ago, BadOlCatSylvester said:

All Chapek had to do was stay silent and let things play out. Or pull the problematic funding and genuinely apologize for it. Instead, he had to make all those tone-deaf statements and now his legacy is pretty much over. Hopefully his successor isn't as sleazy as he is.

Silence never helps. He waited until it was pretty much too late and the bill had pretty much passed to finally blast something that's destined to do infinitely more harm than it will do good.


Not that it appears to have mattered, since apparently he did speak with the wannabe Trump of the Sunshine State and he's made it clear his mind is made up. To everyone else here who is also a Florida citizen and of voting age, don't forget to vote out all these fools who obviously don't visit the state's theme parks that drive their business because they're too damn busy bringing misery upon others to know what fun is come November.


Disney CEO Bob Chapek Finally Slams “Don’t Say Gay” Bill – Deadline

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My super dramatic hot take is this is the perfect way for Disney to toss Bob C out with the bathwater. There’s been a bunch of rumblings about how “quote” prickly he is to work with. But no real reason to axe him. 

You let him fall on his sword like a sacrificial lamb, you bring Bob Iger back in to be a “interm CEO”, and then you act like none of this ever happened. 

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2 hours ago, BadOlCatSylvester said:

All Chapek had to do was stay silent and let things play out.

That doesn’t achieve anything unfortunately or cause change. 

Let’s all remember it’s not just Bob. The company needs a total change up of their ways. 

All of this just as Turning Red comes out (is it this week sometime?) 


As a gay guy, this is not surprising either. Disney has always been the backwards studio. 

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4 hours ago, Cap said:



My super dramatic hot take is this is the perfect way for Disney to toss Bob C out with the bathwater. There’s been a bunch of rumble lanes about how “quote” prickly he is to work with. But no real reason to axe him. 

You let him fall on his sword like a sacrificial lamb, you bring Bob Iger back in to be a “in term CEO”, and then you act like none of this ever happened. 


Their only other option is to hope this dies out by the end of the week.

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3 hours ago, iHeartJames said:

It wouldn’t surprise me to see Lightyear to come to Disney Plus sooner rather than later. Chapek clearly doesn’t care for Pixar and now they’re pretty much giving him the green light to be as spiteful and petty as ever. 

If anything I think Chapek might be a little more dissuaded from doing cause I’ve been riding the no way in hell Lightyear goes theatrical camp since the second trailer. It now seems the Pixar people at least are open to voicing their discomfort now and can create another PR war for Chapek.

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