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How To Train Your Dragon 2 (2014)


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It's every bit as exhilarating visually as the first movie, and Stoick's death made me especially grateful for the 3D glasses. Powell's score didn't stand out as much but I suppose that's because most of the themes were pretty familiar already. I enjoyed Jon Snow as the dragon trapper character and the comic relief was thankfully limited to scenes that really did need it (most noticeably following Stoick's funeral). But I did have issues with the characters of Valka and Drago, both in the writing of them and in their vocal performances. I might have also criticized the inclusion of Jonsi's music in the otherwise symphony-driven soundtrack, but I can't in good conscience be upset at any excuse for him to release new material.



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I saw it back-to-back with the first, and it's neat to see the two in comparison. The first is a magical journey that shows the amazing emotional connection between a boy and his pet. This is pretty much impossible to replicate, and so the sequel doesn't really even try. It accepts that as a given and goes off on its own direction.


Some things in the sequel are definitely an improvement. One of the weak points of the first was its presentation of female characters. Astrid was fun, but little more than an action girl foil, and now she's got her own adventure and arc that doesn't necessarily follow that of Hiccup. Ruffnut has an especially surprising fleshing out. And Valka is a great new addition, providing more emotional depth for the series. Blanchett provides a very good portrayal as someone who is not quite familiar and connected to the human world anymore.


The sense of wonder about how cool dragons are remains. The animation and music are both spectacular. It's a fun, gripping ride that goes places I didn't entirely expect, but which were welcome.


Even though the first film is probably better overall, this is an especially worthy sequel. It deserves to be in the conversation for best followup films.



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Fantastic movie. Every bit as good as the first if not better. First off, it looks beautiful. The animation is gorgeous and the lighting is great. There is actually one scene that didn't ever look animated (Ice with the ship). The comedy is great too, Ruffnut and Wiig carry it, she was absolutely hilarious. Then there is the action, which was awesome and the character moments and emotional pieces. The latter were the best parts of the movie, several part of it had me in tears. One in particular brought full-on water works.


All in all, AMAZING. Definitely my favorite movie of the year (and favorite one since the original) 



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The script's a bit weaker this time around and I felt that Stoick's death could've been placed into the plot better but it was still a great film. Solid B or 8/10.

Edited by Mulder
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Engrossing story, good score, emotionally satisfying along with fantastic animation. This well paced movie is excellent in every department. Loved it.


It has just gone ahead of Cap2 as my best movie of 2014.



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Engrossing story, good score, emotionally satisfying along with fantastic animation. This well paced movie is excellent in every department. Loved it.


It has just gone ahead of Cap2 as my best movie of 2014.




and a very good ending!

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This is definitely not quite on the same level as the first movie (one of my favorites of the last few years, animated or otherwise), but that was always an especially tall order. This is an exciting and at times moving continuation that expands on its predecessor, and the animation is once again jaw-droppingly gorgeous. A-

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My main problem was that I felt the script was pretty weak. People seemed to do stupid (and to me unnatural) things just to push the plot. The worst has to be Hiccups silly girlfriend pushing the confrontation by running her mouth. Also, I thought it was very manipulative. I have seldom seen a movie try to wring a tear from my eye like this one. But the joke is on Dreamworks because firstly one of the only things I can remember about the first movie was that it made me cry so I was prepared for any and everyone's death/maiming. Secondly, I saw the Fault in Our Stars last week so I am currently emotionally untouchable. Only the death of a family member or my dog can make me cry now.



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I saw this earlier today and I thought it was really good!


It made me laugh....it made me cry....and it filled me full of excitement. Loved the story and I thought the animation was great!


One of the best sequels and one of my favorite movies of the year. Not sure where I would rank it, but it somewhere in my top 3.


With that said. Yes, it was great, but I still felt it was slightly less good than the 1st. 


I would give it an.......




For reference I would give HTTYD a 97. 

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Quite possibly the most nuanced and surprising DreamWorks film to date.


The plot logistics aren't terribly important this time around, and it's only in the second half where the story conflict comes in and tension ramps up. But I was stunned at how DeBlois (the sole writer AND director of a animated film, which is lunacy) just made this movie sing on an aesthetic and emotional level from start to finish. This is a thrilling film that is at times a wonder to behold. Hiccup's journey feels dark and meaningful and the film has a ton of confidence in its audience to watch him and Toothless change this much. The action and design of the flying sequences is something that totally uses the scope allowed by an animated film, which is rare to see. I've rarely believed an animated world this much. 


It's a very interesting counterpoint to 22 JUMP STREET. Silly as it may sound, both actually deepen the themes of their original films. 

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With the original HTTYD being my all time favorite animated film, I did everything I could to keep my expectations in check for this one.  I knew if they tried to "redo" the first it would be flat.  I'm happy to say that DeBlois went in an entire different direction and feel and hit a home run. I loved how he didn't play it safe.  I had heard reports that it was the "Empire Strike Back" of animated films and I could get that feel as I watched it.


This was no retread of the original.  They took the characters deeper and took risks in the direction of the characters. There were multiple scenes that really tugged at the heart strings, all the while delivering sensational action sequences with an amazing score.  I swear John Powell could go into the Music composer hall of fame for his work on Dragons alone. Toothless is one of the most endearing non-humans since ET and my heart breaks for him in a specific scene.  Although I knew it could never reach the level of the original for me, it's still one of the best anitmated films in it's own right.


This is another treasure of an animated film in what I believe is one of the best franchises there is period, regardless of animation/live action.  Dean DeBlois and John Powell are to thanks for it.  I can't wait to see how chapter 3 unfolds.



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I love it. The sequel builds on the original and developed from it really well in my opinion. The emotions are genuine and actions are fantastic. One complain or just a thought I have that might sound silly is that I think the mother got off too easy. I think that's such a shitty excuse to leave your husband and your son for years like that. I understand it, I just don't agree with how it was handled, and it kinda bugs me for personal reasons. Aside from that, I thought it was very good. Beautiful animation, simple somewhat lacking story but executed well. Great soundtrack as well.A

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Excellent movie. Find it hard to find a place to complain. Animation was gorgeous, story was great, I got misty-eyed at one point, and the scale is astounding. A+


WAIT I DO HAVE A COMPLAINT: thought mixing in vocals with the score didn't work. Interesting experiment but didn't work out. Score otherwise was great

Edited by Blankments
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I love it. The sequel builds on the original and developed from it really well in my opinion. The emotions are genuine and actions are fantastic.One complain or just a thought I have that might sound silly is that I think the mother got off too easy. I think that's such a shitty excuse to leave your husband and your son for years like that. I understand it, I just don't agree with how it was handled, and it kinda bugs me for personal reasons.Aside from that, I thought it was very good. Beautiful animation, simple somewhat lacking story but executed well. Great soundtrack as well.A


I would have to agree, the only complaint I would have is that the mother didn't have to explain herself much at all.  Her excuse wasn't good enough.  Other then that, the movie is spectacular.

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DreamWorks Animation had a tall order to fill when it comes to making a sequel to How to Train Your Dragon, and they fulfill it more than admirably with this sequel. It's just as entertaining and perhaps even more heartfelt than its predecessor (no small feat), and most of what has been lost in the way of novelty has been replaced with world-building of impressively large scope, especially for a film that runs for only 105 minutes. It also goes in some surprisingly dark directions (as I've said elsewhere, it marks one of the increasingly rare cases in which a PG rating for a family-aimed animated film is fully warranted), and it sticks the landing on these twists because of how greatly the filmmakers have succeeded in investing viewers in these characters. Hiccup, already an immensely likable character in the first film, becomes even more admirable in this film as he grows into a leadership role that he rightfully sees as a daunting one. The decision to introduce his mother into the proceedings (huge props to the casting department for getting Cate Blanchett involved - she gives her all to this performance even though it's only vocal work) is one that pays off and feels genuine rather than forced, and it adds another interesting layer to the father/son dynamic that made the first film so powerful, and that same father/son dynamic works just as well here. Given that the film was destined to make money no matter what (although it hasn't made as much as anticipated), it could have been all too easy for DreamWorks to rest on its creative laurels and simply rehash the first film. However, the bolder direction they go in here is more admirable not only because it's something different, but also because it deftly takes the characters - and by extension, the audience - into even deeper emotional terrain. In my book, that certainly allows it to surpass Shrek 2 and Kung Fu Panda 2 as the studio's strongest sequel to date, and it has me looking forward to see where they go next.



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