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Weekend numbers thread:TMNT: 28.4 GOTG: 24.7 LBC. 17.7 Ex3: 16.2

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People's opinions about GOTG beating Turtles this weekend were based on hate for Turtles, not logic.  My prediction for GOTG doing poorly, was based on how stupid I thought it looked.  There's a difference.  And what names did I call kitik?  Can you find the post where I called him a name?


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Aww poor Expendables. I actually really enjoyed the last one. It's easy to blame the leak but I just don't think there was any hype for it. 

It should've done better even without the hype. The movie wouldn't do a great number regardless but the leak certainly buried any possibility of having a decent one.


Baumer acting like a poor,innocent victim?That is sooo BOM circa 2010.


He never understood that just because something is your opinion it's not necessarily valid.You can have the opinion that all black people are animals,all white people are inbreed rednecks or that the moon is actually made of cheese...you have the right to think anything,you don't have the right to complain when your poorly thought out arguments get exposed.

You're right but then everyone else's opinion shouldn't be valid either because an opinion will never be counted as a fact. Why is his opinion not valid anyway? Because he doesn't like a movie that most people adore? I love GOTG but judging from the hype around here you'd think it's the best Marvel movie ever made or something. The movie's good but also ridiculously overrated. I can't argue with it's success but being a movie the whole family can enjoy does help.

Edited by KATCH 22
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And I have never once said anything but positive things about GOTG and its box office.  It's too bad the insecure Marvel loonies can't do the same foer Turtles.  All I've read since the midnight number for Turtles is how GOTG is going to beat it on Friday, then the weekend, then how it will do better numbers for the weekdays and then how it will beat Turtles this weekend and how Turtles will fall 65%.  Well, they were wrong in every single instance.  


OK, but still, GOTG is going to beat it by a large margin overall, at least domestically. I mean, on Friday it was 7.7 to 7, just a 10% advantage for TMNT with GOTG more than $120 million ahead? That gap is way-insurmountable unless TMNT develops some Frozen/Titanic size legs.

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Well, this is getting annoying really fast:


You have reached your quota of positive votes for the day

And this whole situation is slowly turning into the post-Frozen opening period when some of the threads were just unbearable to read.


Good for TMTN and GotG.

Edited by James
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