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Weekend Estimates: GotG 17.6m | TMNT 16.8m | If I Stay 16.4m | WGST 9.0m | Sin City 6.5m

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Well i must be stupid too then. I think TF4 is better than Toy story 3, not saying I think TF4 is great but TS3 was just a bore imo. I'm not a fan of these latest Pixar critical darlings like Up, wall E and ratatouille, they just don't have the heart and fun the earlier films had. It's why they haven't managed to replicate the success of Monsters Inc or Nemo over the last 10 years (TS3 aside, though it was a sequel to their most iconic film). It's like they are trying too hard to please the academy by getting so damn adamant on delivering messages.

This kind of thinking is the reason that people still pass off animation as kiddie fare.

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My understanding of Jessica Drew is that she was created so that DC couldn't create a character called Spider-Woman.

Actually, it was Filmation. Web Woman from The Super 7 was supposed to be named Spider-Woman, somehow Marvel caught wind of these plans and created Spider-Woman to trademark the name.http://goodcomics.comicbookresources.com/2005/12/08/comic-book-urban-legends-revealed-28/Honestly not sure why Marvel didn't think to trademark it before 1976... Edited by TServo2049
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According to the China specialists at the international area here in the forum, it got a very bad release date => they think $50m till $70m.


They have also a restriction in China about how long a foreign movie is even allowed there. In this week they hindered certain movies also via screen numbers.

China isn't happy about to have to give away foreign exchange, so if something like Transformers happens... not good for the next foreign movies (including delaying the censorship time to get worse release dates and more)

If box office is that political in China, doesn't that throw a huge wet blanket over the credibility of WW numbers?  (China being such a huge part of it and all)


What the hell is wrong with all the other country's, we don't dubb, we see the movie in englisch with subtitles, way better.

K, kids movies are dubbed but that's they can't read or understand it.

Now now....different tastes for different cultures.   Your "better" may not apply to someone else at all.

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Sony only has the film rights to Spider-Man and anything in the Spider-Man family (his friends and villains). My understanding of Jessica Drew is that she was created so that DC couldn't create a character called Spider-Woman. To my knowledge, Jessica Drew is not part of the Spider-Man family. Therefore, Disney/Marvel owns the film rights' to Jessica Drew.

I think that Jessica Drew can be used by Marvel and Sony. There could be legal issues with the name Spider-Women but comic book movies already rarely use the characters superhero names.
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But marvel have averaged around 2 movies a year whereas Pixar have been less consistent. The fact that these films are being pushed out so quickly is amazing because their quality surely doesn't resemble that of rushed projects.


Of course not because they just copy/paste the script from the previous movie.  ;)

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Lol Gurdians is the Avengers.


Film that demolished the rest of the films of the summer and is the crowd favourtie of the year and some people don't like that .

Edited by Lordmandeep
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Well, today I found out who Shailene Woodley is and what she looks like via google.   So some think she is a bigger deal than Emma Stone, eh?   Color me skeptical.   After seeing her photos 2 minutes ago, not sure I can remember exactly what she looks like.    Very pretty in a "generic runway model who looks like the other 20 runway models" kind of way.


Not the best summer to scream you are the biggest movie. 

I'm thinking it might be the very opposite.


In a summer where people are obviously finding other things to do besides go to the theater to see a movie, GotG got people to buy tickets.    Examining my feelings about movies, when I go see a movie I really like, it gets me excited to go see more movies.  If I don't go for a while, it takes more to get me into the theater.


GotG may have had to push against the tide to get its gross.   This just wasn't a movie-watching summer for the public.


Sony is already destroying Spiderman. Is only a matter of time before they beg Marvel to buy Spidey.

I hope you are right.   It seems inevitable since Sony is forced to keep pumping out Spidey movies to keep the rights.   And somehow the same same studio who produced the first two Spidey movies are putting out...the ones since then.   (Did someone in charge at Sony retire or something?)


I would love to see a Marvel Spider-Man movie before I die.


Seriously? I know that some of you awesome people mentioned it in some older thread, but I am confused. They really own Jessica Drew/Spiderwoman? Not the Spidergirl who is Peter Parker's daughter in some other reality? The original Spiderwoman? If they do, surely someone at Marvel studios must know the wealth of Hydra/Shield stories that pertain to the character, and how awesomely cinematic they could be, right? Well, at least I hope so. :)

That might work against Disney eventually getting the Spidey rights.   Putting out a successful "Spider" movie might benefit Sony at the box office through name association and prolong the agonizingly slow decline in the Spider-Man franchise.   Even adding one more Sony film to the process is a bad thing.

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