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Interstellar (2014)


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Am I the only one who low key likes the changes between IMAX footage and not. Its keeps the wow factor alive. You never sit on IMAX enough to get too "used" to it. 


I didn't seem to have this problem with TDKR, I'm not sure if it's because some of the shots were a bit blurry and out of focus it seemed like

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The ending. The last 30 minutes worked for me. I think if you're invested in the father/daughter relationship, it works. If you're not, you're gonna find it hokey and groan-worthy. The somber tone of the ending also worked really well. Nolan is literally nailing a perfect batting average with his endings.


See I dug the father-daughter relationship in the first act and the act 2 payoff with Tom's growing disillusionment in the videos followed by Chastain-Murph's message was huge.


But the stuff in the Tesseract/bedroom followed up by Nolan trying to out-Spielberg Spielberg in the epilogue just did not work for me.

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Well, something to be learned here for the future: Even if you spend 200mil or more on a movie, that still doesn't mean you have to squeeze in an unasked-for action sequence. The Dr.Mann-subplot is really a waste of time, energy, money and starpower (in that sequence).


Thing here is: I didn't find the idea all bad - in fact, it reminded me of Pohl's "Gateway" which is one of my all-time favourite SF novels - but it completely stopped the overall plot dead on its track without adding anything meaningful. As I said before - Interstellar is in fact two movies rolled into one, and they don't really fit together that well.


btw, a little aside on starpower: Sometimes I wish directors would have the balls to go with unknown faces. It really really takes me out of a movie when there's some big star appearing somewhere in the middle. Like the Dr.Mann sequence - "hey, that's, whasisname, the Matt Damon guy, now where have I seen him last - and look, there's Jessica Chastain - hey, she was really good in whatsanameofthadamnmovie - and MichaelCaine, now they could have spent some more on his make-up ...


remember when the first LordOfTheRings movie came out? There was nearly no-one in there you recognised at first look, and man did it pay off. That were characters you got to know and not "hey there's you-know-who".

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Dr. Mann. Ugh. Agree with you, Industrious Angel, if they *had* to have it (and they didn't) Damon was a terrible casting choice. You need someone believable as a strong scientific mind who's also capable of showing you the absolute Selfish terror of the soul, in a minimum of time, and who's able to deliver on-the-nose dialogue with vigor and relish. Ben Kingsley, maybe. Stellan Sarsgaard. Bill Nighy. Gary Oldman. Kenneth Branagh.

Not Matt Damon.

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On the tesseract: I thought for a second Nolan was going to make this part of the MCU and Loki was going to show up when the name was first mentioned.

You didn't see the after credit scene.  Loki leaves seeing  the collector and he runs into Rocket and the Tree guy  The galaxy they go to is the same galaxy as The Guardian of the Galaxy.  That is how is Peter Quill got transported to the other galaxy. The wormhole has been opened for over 20 years. The alien guys went through it first and kidnapped Peter . 

Coop is father of Peter. Coop goes back to the 80s to star a second life and got drunk on night ran into a female who had Peter lord. Coop leaves in spaceship . Coop changes his name to Adam warlock. 

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Dr. Mann. Ugh. Agree with you, Industrious Angel, if they *had* to have it (and they didn't) Damon was a terrible casting choice. You need someone believable as a strong scientific mind who's also capable of showing you the absolute Selfish terror of the soul, in a minimum of time, and who's able to deliver on-the-nose dialogue with vigor and relish. Ben Kingsley, maybe. Stellan Sarsgaard. Bill Nighy. Gary Oldman. Kenneth Branagh.

Not Matt Damon.

Good point, Stellan in this movie would've locked 1B WW too :(

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I get having problems with the Mann scene but I don't see Damon being poor casting.  It's not like he hasn't played a genius before or a driven, intense character.

No, but it's compounded by the fact there's little time and not enough effort paid to the psychological stress he's under. Add in the dialogue and you need a Christopher Lee (younger version) to get through it and convince.

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Damon was a bit miscast 


Everyone was like team america mode on - MATT DAMON ! - team america mode off in the theater ... and the first thing I heard after the movie is how Damon has aged which really pissed me off cause I was like 'that's all you got after THAT experience ??? ' 



I'd go even further down the line and suggest Jason Isacs for the role 

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