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Tuesday Actuals: Nolan - 6.9M, BH6 - 10.5M

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Yes, it would have increased around 20-25% because of cheap tuesdays, the other increase came from the holiday.

Say 25% canada increase plus madagascar's 90% and that's 115%

The number makes sense in that case sense cheap Tuesdays are in a few places in America now and Big Hero 6 is better liked than M2

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lol Just because it had a princess? THE PRINCESS AND THE FROG had a princess as well. What happened?


BRAVE did well. What did you expect? A number bigger than MADAGASCAR III?

Brave underperformed overseas for a Pixar release. It was a flop in Japan.


Anyway, I'm done arguing with you man. We are getting too off topic. Let me have my Brave hate.

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Brave underperformed overseas for a Pixar release. It was a flop in Japan.


Anyway, I'm done arguing with you man. We are getting too off topic. Let me have my Brave hate.


You did not answer my question. And I am not arguing with you.

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Brave underperformed overseas for a Pixar release. It was a flop in Japan.


Anyway, I'm done arguing with you man. We are getting too off topic. Let me have my Brave hate.


It earned more than Cars and Wall e overseas, it did well, end of.

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I think people are under estimating Penguins.

Quite possibly, given the apparent disconnect between most predictions and how the GA has been responding to the trailers. It probably won't be huge because I'm not seeing that level of anticipation and buzz, but quite a few people may well show up anyway.


No, I don't think they will be gigantic, and I think its possible Penguins will underperform a bit OS,

The only reason I can think of for the latter scenario would be that the Penguins are not as popular as the other characters in the collective OS market. Is this actually true? They seem to be the most popular of the characters in the DOM market.


but I think it has the potential to be quite big in the US.  Remember that after Madagascar 2, the Nickelodeon show they launched to cash in on the movie's popularity focused on the penguins, ran for multiple seasons to strong ratings, and won multiple Emmys, Kids' Choice and other awards.  My kids will occasionally forget that the Madagascar movies *weren't* about the penguins.

True, but then again there is the theory that a TV show might well dampen the box office a bit, which seemed to be the case for HTTYD 2, if anything.



The Madagascar films have been bunking the trend, each new movie has had a higher WW gross than the previous movie.

This won't go on forever, though, and I think that in the DOM market sequels tend to start petering out sooner than in the OS market.


Brave made 21m more DOM. Big deal. DWA will take the extra 200m WW that Mad3 made any day.

It's to illustrate that these markets are different, and one major way in which the OS market is different makes your comparison between an original movie and a sequel unfair.



Anyway, I dislike Brave so I can't help but point out its failings.

Therefore your comparison is not only unfair, it is forcibly so. Hey, I don't like Brave, either, but let's be fair.



No no no. Everyone expected Turbo to flop. But Brave was a Pixar movie with a princess, it should have done better. It is all about expectations.

Pixar, yes, princess, lately, but Pixar + princess was hardly ever expected to begin with.



Usually that's because the 4th movie is when the series starts sucking hard.  The 4th Shrek movie was a sad, sad departure from the brilliant first two.  In the case of Shrek, it actually started sucking at movie #3 but the first two were so good that people gave it a shot.

Beginning to suck is certainly a factor, and I think this usually happens around the 2nd or 3rd movie, which is why the 3rd or 4th will often begin to falter at the box office, even if they are better movies. But another factor is fatigue, which statistically speaking seems to happen sooner in the DOM market than the OS market--this is on top of how the movies are individually perceived. Especially with the short theatrical-to-video release windows of today, at some point more people are going to decide to wait for the video, especially if they've been watching a TV show about the same characters for a while.

Edited by Melvin Frohike
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Convinced that American critics and audiences rate superhero movies higher than others.


Big Hero Six is the same film seen before in every single superhero origin story. It doesn't miss a beat. Safe, safe, safe and boring.


No imagination but people eat it up. Kind of like Guardians of the Galaxy too.


Gonna get flamed but it's the truth. 

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Kids weren't out of school in the Middle TN area. 

Veterans day, while a Federal Holiday, isn't one that I'm aware anything other than US Federal Buildings and Banks get off work for. 

Some school districts can opt to take off but it's not large enough to solely explain that impressive increase. The answer has to be that adults have heard about it and opted for BH6 over Interstellar. 

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Convinced that American critics and audiences rate superhero movies higher than others.


Big Hero Six is the same film seen before in every single superhero origin story. It doesn't miss a beat. Safe, safe, safe and boring.


No imagination but people eat it up. Kind of like Guardians of the Galaxy too.


Gonna get flamed but it's the truth. 


No it's not.


If you're unable to see the difference between BH6 and the other SH movies then you're just plain ignorant.

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Quite possibly, given the apparent disconnect between most predictions and how the GA has been responding to the trailers. It probably won't be huge because I'm not seeing that level of anticipation and buzz, but quite a few people may well show up anyway.


The only reason I can think of for the latter scenario would be that the Penguins are not as popular as the other characters in the collective OS market. Is this actually true? They seem to be the most popular of the characters in the DOM market.


True, but then again there is the theory that a TV show might well dampen the box office a bit, which seemed to be the case for HTTYD 2, if anything.


Re:  Buzz, bear in mind that marketing tries to generate buzz in its target audience.  If you're not a kid, or have kids, its entirely possible you aren't seeing the marketing or hearing the buzz.  I'm not a kid and only have daughters, and as a result missed the bulk of the TMNT buzz and underestimated the movie.  I knew it was coming, but didn't think it was a particularly big deal while my friends who have sons later told me their kids were talking about little else and were getting constantly bombarded by advertising. Sometimes being even just a little out of the target market means you miss most of the marketing and underestimate what they're up to.


My guess, regarding the penguins, is that their sense of humor and the quasi-military way they banter will lose something in translation relative to an average animated movie.  The other Madagascar movies were all pretty easy to get the message across, and I'm not sure it will be as smooth with the penguins.  Also, their TV show ended its run in 2011 or 2012, whereas HTTYD only started in 2012 and is still on the air.

Edited by Wrath
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Convinced that American critics and audiences rate superhero movies higher than others.


Big Hero Six is the same film seen before in every single superhero origin story. It doesn't miss a beat. Safe, safe, safe and boring.


No imagination but people eat it up. Kind of like Guardians of the Galaxy too.


Gonna get flamed but it's the truth. 


Well, this would be pretty easy to figure out.  Go pick a bunch of non-US movie reviewers, see what they said about a handful of superhero movies, compare that to what US reviewers say and you'll have your answer.  Rotten Tomatoes is a good place to start.  That would give you something useful to say.  


Go get 'em, champ.  I'll wait.


Edit - Back on topic, has anyone seen any numbers on Jessabelle?

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Wait a second, you haven't even seen the film. Your comment above is eerily similar to what the Nolanites would say.


Nope, I'm condemned to wait until February but I know how to read reviews and opinions, and I can see trailers.

I don't see any ressemblance with other SH movies in terms of characters and background, and it's an animated movie so it's much more rare than live movies.

And if you can find the equivalent of Baymax in another SH movie keep me informed ;)

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Convinced that American critics and audiences rate superhero movies higher than others.


Big Hero Six is the same film seen before in every single superhero origin story. It doesn't miss a beat. Safe, safe, safe and boring.


No imagination but people eat it up. Kind of like Guardians of the Galaxy too.


Gonna get flamed but it's the truth. 


Hm.  I don't deny that superhero movies are popular, but if that was the only draw then every superhero movie would do well.  People can identify more with certain characters than with others.  If you feel weak and powerless in your normal life then the fantasy of becoming something more is an appealing one.


This isn't restricted to the superhero genre either.  Take Harry Potter for example.  He's a normal kid (therefore identifiable)... until he finds out he's a wizard.  


People like stories about the ordinary becoming extraordinary.  It's the appeal of superhero films... and a lot of other kinds of films.

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Convinced that American critics and audiences rate superhero movies higher than others.


Big Hero Six is the same film seen before in every single superhero origin story. It doesn't miss a beat. Safe, safe, safe and boring.


No imagination but people eat it up. Kind of like Guardians of the Galaxy too.


Gonna get flamed but it's the truth. 

Having seen BH6, calling it identical to most other origin stories is somewhat insulting. Also, most superhero films make 60% of their money overseas, so your initial statement is not exactly true.


If anything, though, the thing that annoys people is this whole "I'm right and everyone else is wrong!" attitude you take to the situation.

Edited by Spaghetti
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Having seen BH6, calling it identical to most other origin stories is somewhat insulting. Also, most superhero films make 60% of their money overseas, so your initial statement is not exactly true.


If anything, though, the thing that annoys people is this whole "I'm right and everyone else is wrong!" attitude you take to the situation.


All superhero films follow the same parental/familial storyline, and the same villain one.


Besides the Dark Knight, I think there have been no great villains in any superhero film. X-Men are alright but they play a bit with the otherwise stale concept of superhero/supervillain and origin and whatnot.


I didn't say anything about money. Sequels in general make 60% of their money overseas, check first entries for superhero films and US is 50%+ or close to it.


I'm talking about critics and audiences. Americans love it for some reason. Guardians of the Galaxy, Winter Soldier, Big Hero Six were really all nothing special but they get that bump. I know it's an unpopular opinion, but yeah, for example, I didn't even really like Interstellar and it had its problems but it tried for something more unlike all three of and mostly all superhero films, yet they are always praised. Marvel has also grown stale and boring but everyone laps it up like sheep. The standard they are held to is so much lower and so many more things are forgiveable. It's a joke.


And, yeah, I do believe I'm right because I've seen enough of the movies and critical response to detect the leniency to which they are graded. I'm not talking about outright Green Lantern trash, but the very average stuff Marvel gets away with. I think both Iron Man 2 and 3 are fresh over 70% even, there's that bias, I don't know why, but there is, whilst other stuff gets rated more harshly.

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All superhero films follow the same parental/familial storyline, and the same villain one.


Besides the Dark Knight, I think there have been no great villains in any superhero film. X-Men are alright but they play a bit with the otherwise stale concept of superhero/supervillain and origin and whatnot.


I didn't say anything about money. Sequels in general make 60% of their money overseas, check first entries for superhero films and US is 50%+ or close to it.


I'm talking about critics and audiences. Americans love it for some reason. Guardians of the Galaxy, Winter Soldier, Big Hero Six were really all nothing special but they get that bump. I know it's an unpopular opinion, but yeah, for example, I didn't even really like Interstellar and it had its problems but it tried for something more unlike all three of and mostly all superhero films, yet they are always praised. Marvel has also grown stale and boring but everyone laps it up like sheep. The standard they are held to is so much lower and so many more things are forgiveable. It's a joke.


And, yeah, I do believe I'm right because I've seen enough of the movies and critical response to detect the leniency to which they are graded. I'm not talking about outright Green Lantern trash, but the very average stuff Marvel gets away with. I think both Iron Man 2 and 3 are fresh over 70% even, there's that bias, I don't know why, but there is, whilst other stuff gets rated more harshly.




It's fine to feel that way, but I think there's something about your post that comes across as very elitist. Like, you just cannot believe that anyone could love these movies, or that we don't recognize that there are similar patterns in the story. I think it's really, really dismissive of fans of certain CBMs to call them "sheep". Like… why go there? 


The superhero origin story does follow somewhat similar beats. The MCU origin stories do it, Spider-Man and X-Men did it, BIG HERO 6 does it, but so does… *gasp* Batman Begins and Superman/Man of Steel too.


There are some elements that stay the same, and others that are different. Also, what makes each of these movies better than some is the presentation, the way they can use certain details about the characters for clever moments, wit and relatability. The quality of visual effects plays a big part in them too. These movies are meant to be crowd pleasers; is it so beyond the realm of possibility that a crowd pleasing movie *gasp* also gathers some critical acclaim as well? Like, basically a majority of critics praising a movie that delivers fun, pleasing moments?


Maybe something like INTERSTELLAR, while being unique, was simply too divisive for some critics. It should be pointed out that 73% on RT and whatever it has on Metacritic hardly indicates that it is a critical flop; there are very few CBMs that scored higher than IS. 


That's fine if you don't like them, but really, you present your opinion by basically insulting those of us who do. What's the point in doing that? 

Edited by WhiskeyTangoFoxtrot
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