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Weekend Numbers THG: 123, BH6 20.1, IS 15.1 pg 205

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For the record, and maybe I am according too much credit to this fact, but Entertainment Weekly had not one cover for MJ1. None.


Both first Hunger Games had each 3 EW covers and all 5 Twilight films had at least two covers per film. The only EW cover Jlaw got this year was for X Men.


EW, even if paper media is loosing steam, is the biggest entertainement magazine in America, right ?

But maybe I am according too much weight to their influence but it is still weird to me that a movie that fits EW s demo got shunned entirely.

Edited by The Futurist
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I asked this question on Friday morning but now we know how the weekend is playing out imma ask this again:


Does anyone think MJ2 could earn less than CF?


I know it'd buck the trend but other similar franchises didn't get their part 1 slashed by this much. Plus, this series will have only been around for 3.5 years by the end, so it's not like the GA is as attached to the films as Harry Potter, for example.


It is not an unreasonable question. Very possible the franchise peaked with Catching Fire, which is considered the best book of the three and benefited from being the sequel to a surprise megahit in HG1.


I definitely feel franchise fatigue is an issue with this weekend. 3 movies in 2.5 years is a lot. 4 in 3.5 years is going to be a lot too.

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The marketing campaing sucked. That's what it really comes down to.


Agreed. Lionsgate assumed that because the last two installments made $150 million, they could use this general interest to their advantage, and just became lazy with the marketing. You can't sell a movie in 1 minute, it takes a lot more to make a general moviegoer to pay for their ticket. Lionsgate's marketing only targeted the fans, who were going to see the movie anyways.

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It is not an unreasonable question. Very possible the franchise peaked with Catching Fire, which is considered the best book of the three and benefited from being the sequel to a surprise megahit in HG1.


I definitely feel franchise fatigue is an issue with this weekend. 3 movies in 2.5 years is a lot. 4 in 3.5 years is going to be a lot too.


Twilight had no franchise fatigue whatsoever. It never reached the peaks of the first two Hunger Games movies but Twilight 2,3,4 and 5 remained amazingly consistent year after year and all made around 300m dom and 700m ww with Twilight 5 overperforming ww with more than 800m ww.

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I asked this question on Friday morning but now we know how the weekend is playing out imma ask this again:


Does anyone think MJ2 could earn less than CF?


I know it'd buck the trend but other similar franchises didn't get their part 1 slashed by this much. Plus, this series will have only been around for 3.5 years by the end, so it's not like the GA is as attached to the films as Harry Potter, for example.


Possibly. WW no. It's definitely possible domestically, especially with S7ar Wars as comp

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Mockingjay 1 definitely ranks among the movies that should have held the line or increased, but dropped because of substandard marketing.


Star Trek Into Darkness was a notable one from last year. Its marketing just was not that good at all, especially with the dumb mystery box angle regarding Khan. The result was an OW drop (after an underwhelming Thursday opening). Legs were reduced due, though you can argue that as a mix of normal sequel frontloading, lesser WOM, etc

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