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Ready Player One | March 29, 2018 | Spielberg directing | No untagged spoilers allowed

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2 minutes ago, Chewy said:


It's already bittersweet underwater tho. Doubling down in a way it doesn't need to, to reinforce a point it already made

Not really. David does reach his end goal, but the idea of it ending with him stuck wishing towards the Blue Fairy is just depressing, and would leave me on a sour and unhappy note. The actual ending has bits of a depressive angle, but it still ends on an emotional high note with just the right amount of warm fuzzies and heart tied in with a dash of cynicism, considering David finally achieves his main arc and goal, and acceptance of both himself and his mother, leading to something that's more meaningful and heartfelt. Sorry dude, you're wrong.

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2 hours ago, The Futurist said:

Steven Spielberg the producer with Amblin, is also an interesting conversation, without the Berg,  no 5 Bayformers movies.

Hail The Berg !

He went after Bay to destroy earth with giant robots.


Also, Zemeckis, his mot brilliant pupil/padawan.


His relationship with ILM tells you also the history of visual effects : War Horse & Tintin were his first non-ILM movies which informed you the VFX industry had changed forever = more players able to do ILM level quality work.

Transformers and the JW sequels indicate he has little to no quality control or care as a Producer for those franchises - he's in it for $$$$

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Is it too late?


1 Schindler's List 10/10
2 War of the Worlds 10/10
3 Empire of the Sun 10/10
4 Munich 9/10
5 Jaws 8/10 
6 AI 8/10
7 BFG 8/10
8 Catch Me if You Can 8/10
9 Jurassic Park 8/10
10 Bridge of Spies 7/10
11 Tintin 7/10
12 Always 7/10 
13 Minority Report 7/10
14 Color Purple 6/10
15 Duel 6/10
16 Crystal Skull 6/10
17 ET 6/10
18 Amistad 6/10 
19 Lost World 6/10
20 Private Ryan 5/10
21 Raiders 5/10
22 Lincoln 5/10
23 Termnal 4/10
24 War Horse 4/10
25 Hook 4/10
26 Third Ecounters 4/10
27 Temple of Doom 3/10
28 Sugarland Express 3/10
29 Crusade 3/10
30 1941 2/10

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56 minutes ago, Chewy said:


AI is tremendous right up until the wack ending. So ends up just below top tier Berg for me


48 minutes ago, Zakiyyah6 said:

AI isn't bad but ultimately doesn't work for me. Even before the terrible ending I had issues.


21 minutes ago, aabattery said:


Need more people to chime in and tell me what I should think. 


Don't listen to them aabattery, the ending is what seals the deal on this movie being his best one. It's incredible.

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7 minutes ago, TalismanRing said:

Transformers and the JW sequels indicate he has little to no quality control or care as a Producer for those franchises - he's in it for $$$$

In France, saying things like these can send you to jail or at least a trial and a big fine.

And no, I am not kidding.

Hoping BOT servers aren't in frogland.

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10 minutes ago, CoolioD1 said:

i think any much less interesting director ends it where boring fanboys want it to end. honestly the actual ending is even more depressing to me.

I doubt many director would have cut Kubrick ending from A.I.


Can you imagine the guts it would have needed to fundamentally change Kubrick last posthumous movie to that point, to remove the very concept of circularity like that from it.


Maybe a Jodorowsky's type of director would have, but I imagine for the vast majority it stay there if they have the money for it.

Edited by Barnack
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11 minutes ago, CoolEric258 said:

Not really. David does reach his end goal, but the idea of it ending with him stuck wishing towards the Blue Fairy is just depressing, and would leave me on a sour and unhappy note. The actual ending has bits of a depressive angle, but it still ends on an emotional high note with just the right amount of warm fuzzies and heart tied in with a dash of cynicism, considering David finally achieves his main arc and goal, and acceptance of both himself and his mother, leading to something that's more meaningful and heartfelt. Sorry dude, you're wrong.

The idea that he's hopeful he'll see his mother again til the end is less depressing than him actually being allowed only a moment with her. Not sure how you got warm fuzzies out of that ending, it's even darker - he spent forever wishing only to be allowed a glimpse. But it's also much more removed from the actual movie that led up to it


Anyway we could argue this all day, just gonna agree to disagree

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