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BOT's Top 100 TV Shows of All Time - COUNTDOWN COMPLETE! (Top 20 Time! Starts p.17)

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Here's my complaint about the list.  What's with all the fucking anime?

Hm? Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokemon and DBZ are the only anime shows in the Top 100.  And all 3 aired on North American TV channels so they have that nostalgia factor too. I'm pretty surprised that there were so few tbh. But Naruto, Bleach and FMA/FMA:B barely missed the Top 100.

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#39 Gilmore Girls (-19 ranks- 189 Points
IMDB Rating:
Aired:  2000-2007 (WB)
Episodes: 153
Genre: Drama/Comedy
List Trivia: Gilmore Girls drops 19 ranks from the previous year's list, which is once again the smallest drop so far. Out of the four WB network shows, it ranks #3, which is impressive because that means three WB shows are all in the Top 40.
Storyline: A drama centering around the relationship between a thirtysomething single mother and her teen daughter living in Stars Hollow, Connecticut.
Show quote:
Lorelai: My mother - she was here. I can feel it.
Rory: Grandma hasn't been here.
Lorelai: Smell that?
Rory: Smell what?
Lorelai: The room - it smells like guilt and Chanel No. 5
BOF User Blurb:
Gilmore Girls created a very believable and well-fleshed universe with Stars Hollows and that's why it's one of my favorite shows. Every character and even every town event had an emotional depth to it; there are few shows that can achieve this kind of connection with the viewer. Plus Lorelai Gilmore is one of my favorite TV characters of all time, she's hilarious, smart, funny, and above all, very caring.
Episode Ratings:
Opening Theme:


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#38 The Legend of Korra - 190 Points
IMDB Rating:
Aired:  2012-2014 (Nickelodeon)
Episodes: 52
Genre: Saturday Morning Cartoon
List Trivia: The Legend of Korra is the second-highest ranked Saturday Morning Cartoon. If you haven't guessed it yet, the Avatar series occupies the top two spots in the Saturday Morning Cartoon category. Avatar: The Last Airbender, the predecessor to this show ranks above Korra, but by how much?
Storyline: Avatar Korra fights to keep Republic City safe from the evil forces of both the physical and spiritual worlds.
Show quote:
Zaheer: Do you know who once said, "New growth cannot exist without first the destruction of the old"?
Korra: No.
Zaheer: The wise Guru Laghima. An airbender.
BOF User Blurb:
Korra is the ideal representation of the Millennial generation and couldn't be more different a protagonist than Aang of The Last Airbender. She lives in a far more socio-politically and technologically advanced civilization than her predecessor Avatars, was raised in a much more sheltered environment, has a world of opportunities open to her that wasn't afforded to those who came before and is sure of herself in ways that Aang wasn't.
Which makes her journey to spiritual enlightenment that much harder! While Aang sought growth through the typical hero's quest structure, Korra has to find herself by shaking off the excesses in her relatively comfortable life and through lateral thinking. Korra is definitely the more relatable of the Avatars as her situation closely mirrors our times, right down to societal and global issues. The Legend of Korra is a worthy sequel to Avatar: The Last Airbender. The show gets extra points for retaining and even improving upon ATLA's strong female characterizations. 
-Spidey Freak
Episode Ratings:
Opening Theme:


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#41 Doctor Who - 187 Points
IMDB Rating:
Aired:  1963-1989/2005-present (BBC)
Episodes: 812
Genre: Drama
List Trivia: Doctor Who has the third highest number of episodes in the Top 100, after Sesame Street and Pokemon. The episodes are pretty much everywhere in terms of ratings distributions, look at that graph!
Storyline: The continuing adventures of The Doctor, an alien time traveler - a Time Lord - from Gallifrey. Together with his companions they travel through time and space in the TARDIS, battling evil where they find it.
Show quote:
The Tenth Doctor: Need this?
[offers the Fifth Doctor his sonic screwdriver]
The Fifth Doctor: No, I'm fine, thank you.
The Tenth Doctor: [sarcastic] Oh no, of course, you mostly went hands-free didn't you? It was like, "Hey, I'm the Doctor, I can save the universe using a kettle and some string! And look at me, I'm wearing a vegetable."
Episode Ratings:
Opening Theme:



Doctor who is retarded. and Korra needs higher.

Edited by KaloVisor
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#40 Dragonball Z - 187 Points
IMDB Rating:
Aired:  1996–2003 (Fuji TV/Syndication)
Episodes: 291
Genre: Saturday Morning Cartoon
List Trivia: Dragonball Z is the highest ranked anime in the Top 100. It's also the third highest "Saturday Morning Cartoon", outranked by 2 shows from the same series.
Storyline: After learning that he is from another planet, a warrior named Goku and his friends are prompted to defend it from an onslaught of extraterrestrial enemies.
Show quote:
Vegeta: You can take control of my mind and my body, but there is one thing a Saiyan always keep... his PRIDE!
Episode Ratings:
(uhh wtf happened in season 4)
Opening Theme:



Hahaha, so what the hell happened to this show after the 100th or so episode?  The ratings for it just plummet.

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Doctor who is retarded. and Korra needs higher.

Yea if we were able to see that finale before voting, I'm sure a lot of us would have ranked Korra a bit higher than we did. I still can't get over how

Korrasami actually happened. It's pretty groundbreaking to include bisexual characters at all, let alone in a children's TV show.



Hahaha, so what the hell happened to this show after the 100th or so episode?  The ratings for it just plummet.

That's what I'm wondering too...it kind of recovered after season 4 though. Maybe there were fillers.

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I'll post the rest of the list later (need a short breakand these likes are coming in pretty slow) but in the meanwhile, here's Buzzfeed's 35 best episodes of 2014:


I'll post the rest of the list later (need a short breakand these likes are coming in pretty slow) but in the meanwhile, here's Buzzfeed's 35 best episodes of 2014:


Only 14th!? This list bid a joke if that's not the top 5.

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I'll post the rest of the list later (need a short breakand these likes are coming in pretty slow) but in the meanwhile, here's Buzzfeed's 35 best episodes of 2014:



Lol looks like Buzzfeed didn't finish watching Korra before making their list too! :P

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#37 Angel - 190 Points
IMDB Rating:
Aired:  1999-2004 (WB)
Episodes: 110
Genre: Drama/Comedy
List Trivia: Angel is the second highest ranked WB show in the Top 100. What's the highest ranking WB show? Its predecessor; Buffy. 
Storyline: The vampire Angel, cursed with a soul, moves to Los Angeles and aids people with supernatural-related problems while questing for his own redemption.
Show quote:
Charles Gunn: [referring hockey] You realize this is the whitest sport known to man?
Angel: True. But the games are indoors and they usually play at night.
Charles Gunn: Got you.
Episode Ratings:
Opening Theme:


Edited by iceroll
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#36 The West Wing - 193 Points
IMDB Rating:
Aired:  1999-2006 (NBC)
Episodes: 156
Genre: Drama
List Trivia: The West Wing is the only drama among NBC's top 9 shows in the Top 100. It ranks 8th out of 21 NBC shows. This means that the Top 7 NBC shows are all comedies. 
Storyline: Inside the lives of staffers in the west wing of the White House.
Show quote:
Leo McGarry: This guy's walkin' down a street when he falls in a hole. The walls are so steep he can't get out. A doctor passes by and the guy shouts up, "Hey you! Can you help me out?" The doctor writes a prescription, throws it down in the hole, and moves on. Then a priest comes along and the guy shouts up, "Father, I'm down in this hole; can you help me out?" The priest writes out a prayer, throws it down in the hole and moves on. Then a friend walks by. "Hey, Joe, it's me. Can ya help me out?" And the friend jumps in the hole. Our guy says, "Are ya stupid? Now we're both down here." The friend says, "Yeah, but I've been down here before and I know the way out.
Episode Ratings:
Opening Theme:


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I'll post the rest of the list later (need a short breakand these likes are coming in pretty slow) but in the meanwhile, here's Buzzfeed's 35 best episodes of 2014:


No Archer? Or South Park? And you have the Mediocre family guy Simpsons cross over instead of the sublime Futurama one?! For shame!
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#35 M*A*S*H - 202 Points
IMDB Rating:
Aired:  1972-1983 (CBS)
Episodes: 256
Genre: Drama/Comedy
List Trivia: With a 33.7 average score, M*A*S*H has the highest average since Blackadder, which ranked at #45 with a 34.6 average. It's also the sixth highest average of the shows unveiled so far.
Storyline: The staff of an army hospital in the Korean war find that laughter is the best way to deal with their situation.
Show quote:
Hawkeye: War isn't Hell. War is war, and Hell is Hell. And of the two, war is a lot worse.
Father Mulcahy: How do you figure, Hawkeye?
Hawkeye: Easy, Father. Tell me, who goes to Hell?
Father Mulcahy: Sinners, I believe.
Hawkeye: Exactly. There are no innocent bystanders in Hell. War is chock full of them - little kids, cripples, old ladies. In fact, except for some of the brass, almost everybody involved is an innocent bystander.
Episode Ratings:
Opening Theme:



Edited by iceroll
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#34 How I Met Your Mother (-16 ranks- 204 Points
IMDB Rating:
Aired:  2005-2014 (CBS)
Episodes: 208
Genre: Comedy
List Trivia: HIMYM is the second highest ranked CBS comedy, what will be their highest? It also drops 16 ranks from the previous list, once again the smallest drop so far.
Storyline: A father recounts to his children, through a series of flashbacks, the journey he and his four best friends took leading up to him meeting their mother.
Show quote:
Barney: It's gonna be legend-... wait for it... and I hope you're not lactose intolerant because the second half of that word is DAIRY!
BOF User Blurb:
It's Just an incredible Show, I remember watching a few episodes, and thinking it was funny, but nothing special, but then a few months later I started Watching it again, and I was hooked, I couldn’t stop and would watch up to 7 or 8 episodes in a day. there is just such great chemistry between the cast, and it's hilarious the story is very cleverly written, for instances things that are mentioned in one episodes are later revealed. seasons later! somehow this show and the characters in it found a special place in my heart.
Episode Ratings:
(The absolute collapse at the final season!)
Opening Theme:


Edited by iceroll
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#33 The Big Bang Theory - 207 Points
IMDB Rating:
Aired:  2007-ongoing (CBS)
Episodes: 170
Genre: Comedy
List Trivia: The Big Bang Theory is the highest ranked CBS comedy. It also scores the lowest average (23 points) since Pokemon at #47.
Storyline: A woman who moves into an apartment across the hall from two brilliant but socially awkward physicists shows them how little they know about life outside of the laboratory.
Show quote:
Sheldon: I'm not crazy. My mother had me tested!
Episode Ratings:
(The absolute collapse at the latest season! What even happened, I stopped watching after S5)
Opening Theme:


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