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Baumer's/Tele's/Chas' 25 films that have brainwashed people into mindless adulation (Tele pg 26)

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22) Interstellar:  The first time I saw the film, I was bored, which lead to fatigue which lead to me looking at the screen like this:  




The second time I saw it, I paid more attention and it still bored me but I now understood it more and realized that the whole thing makes no sense.  This lead me to look at the screen like this during the second viewing of it:




Interstellar is a mess.  I don't need my films to make all the sense in the world scientifically, they are after all, just movies.  Michael Bay is quoted on the Criterion Armageddon DVD as saying that he knows that what happens in space in Armageddon is bullshit, but it makes for a hell of an entertaining film.  This is something that Christopher Nolan should have taken heed of.  Instead what we get is 3 hours of improbable and improbable after stupid situations.  The entire first hour could have been 15 minutes and this might have made the film better but what we are given instead is a film that moves at a snails pace and at the same time it asks you to accept a lot of baloney.  In the film, there is 5 dimensions, but they have managed to narrow it down to 3 dimensions and because of this, Mud can send his daughter a message so she can save humanity.  Somehow in this dimension, he can communicate with his daughter by using a wrist watch.  And his message to her is so cryptic that it took her 25 years to figure out.  Why didn't he just tell her, "sweetie, it's your dad. Don't let me go, I'm in the future, trust me, shit is fucked up here."  And of course, she knew that the watch was trying to send her a signal, she knew it was morse code.  It couldn't just be that the watch was acting strangely and doing strange watch things.  Nope, she figured that that her dad was somewhere behind the wall, in another dimension, trying to communicate with her.  I think in one draft of the film, the Nolan boys had the daughter drop acid and figure all of this out, but that was left out of the script.  


Interstellar is loved at our forums as Nolan causes just as many hard ons with young men here as does this guy:  




It has grossed 660 million WW and is number 11 on imdb's top 250.  I don't have a clue why, so I'm going with the Manchurian Candidate kind of stuff here.





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Problem is that only the Nolanites where brainwashed by Interstellar.  Hard to be overrated when most people don't rate it more then just a 'good' movie.


But who are the Nolanites?




Well, not really, but I can't pass up the opportunity to use that GIF again.


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