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Jurassic World Weekend Thread | Official Est. 204.6M | 208.8M - Actuals

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Hmmm, this will be a lot closer to the previous record than Avengers was. So basically I think right now Universal won't claim a record and it will only be revealed (or not) with actuals.

I think so too.

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Hmmm, this will be a lot closer to the previous record than Avengers was. So basically I think right now Universal won't claim a record and it will only be revealed (or not) with actuals.

That's why I'm hoping JW wins the OW by 10m or more to be on the safe side.


OW records are usually announced before the Sunday newspapers go out, and it great marketing for a studio.

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In the US, if we had reserved seating... it seems likely every party would leave a single open seat next to them.  You'd end up with a ton of empty singles on big movies.


Is that not a problem with reserved seating elsewhere?

Over here, you can only leave 2 seats or no seat. So not an issue. :)

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Yeah but TA beat the last record by 37 million.


yes it was 3d but still. 


What TA1 did was incredible and that is proven by the fact its sequel came up well short despite a lot more showtimes/screens and even extra time (Thursday shows vs. midnights).


But no one gave JP4 a chance in 100 million years to even sniff this kind of number. The fact it's even this close gives Universal the right to fudge, but I hope the Sunday spillover is epic and the thing blows past $210m without any help.

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I don't want fudging to be an issue here. I don't want people placing asterisks next to this amazing accomplishment.


Basically I say either set a new record that's undeniable or don't, but no fudge please.

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Okay. Once was enough. Next one gets a thread ban or worse.


Oh that's picky moderation. One guy already did it twice without a reaction and then that guy, that everybody seems to hate over here does it, and somehow it gets moderated. This place...

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Just look at us, we're talking about JW and the opening weekend record in the same breath...I still can't believe it.


2 of the 3 Jurassic park movies broke the opening weekend record. I mean sure none us, including myself, predicted this but is it REALLY that surprising if you think about it?.

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2 of the 3 Jurassic park movies broke the opening weekend record. I mean sure none us, including myself, predicted this but is it REALLY that surprising if you think about it?.


In terms of audience size it's not that surprising. JP is one of the biggest movie brands of all-time. But the diminishing returns of the first two sequels and the fact Universal wasn't confident enough to put out a JP movie over the last 14 years suggested to many people that this franchise was just about as dead as the dinosaurs.

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