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Weekend Estimates: Ant-Man 58.04 | Minions 50.24 | Trainwreck 30.24 | IO 11.66 | JW 11.36 (Page 88)

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And Black Widow would do very well because of ScarJo. Just look at shitty Lucy. That movie was ridiculous garbage and did well. Marvel needs to get a Black Widow movie out within the next couple of years while the ScarJo iron is still hot.


It would do well because of ScarJo and because of the Marvel brand, especially if they truly make it a badass spy romp that just happens to star an Avenger. Imagine Salt meets Lucy meets Bourne Identity (hopefully with Bourne identity's quality more than anything).

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Not yet.. Got funeral stuff to deal with for the next 2 days.. Maybe next weekend... Definitely WWE Battleground tonight though.. I want to see Pure Lesnar Domination for all the Kane fuckery from the past 2 RAW'S..

Oh, I see :( But I am sure you are gonna enjoy it a lot.


Get ready for

Undertaker and Sting fuckery. Both are rumored to return tonight. 


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His death made the movie at the time a "Must See" over TIH.. Not to mention the fact that HULK 2003 didn't exactly do TIH any favors by leaving the bad aftertaste in the audience's mouth's in being willing to give a reboot a chance... It took TA to do that obviously..


Batman and Robin did not do Batman any favors either.

Yet Batman Begins crossed 200m.

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Typical overreaction of the internet the same way as a movie called SUICIDE SQUAD will be a one off for the DCU.. With a title like SUICIDE SQUAD, what kind of an audience do you expect to buy into something like that beyond the internet/comic-con crowd???

I don't know the fact that it trended on twitter was on youtube's frontpage had more trialer views than any marvel movie not named avengers and was all over facebook for the past week. i mean those are the most fanboy sites on the internet right..... did antman even trend once I mean really on any site

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They will just quietly remove them from the schedule.

ERC, Boxoffice.com and other sites will still report the news and it is gonna be hilarious. 

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Right, nevermind then.

Hope next week is big, it gets full week in Spain, Japan and UK.


Well... no, technically not again. Spain and Japan, yes, but when we get the totals from the UK it will have just debuted again. The next two weeks, along with Sept 1st (when it opens in China apparently) will be the most important ones for IO's global run.

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How on earth is that the same thing dumbass??? How so??? Complaining about a World watched boxing match VS People eliciting false anger over an actors death and a movies box office is night and day you clown..


"Ant-Man is the GOTG of 2015"

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