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Not So Fantastic Weekend Thread | MI5 29.4, F4 26.2, Gift 12, Ricki 7, Shaun 4, Vac 9, AM 7.8

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(Still an early) Update - 


Fantastic Four: 10.3

Mission 7.5

The Gift 4

Ricki 3.3

Minions 1.8



F4 was ahead of MI5 hourly biz earlier today but now they're about the same.

Is that possible that Minions only got a $1.8 considering it was at $1.6M yesterday or was that an error? I predicted a $2.2M Friday for Minions in its 5th Friday. How is Shaun doing? I'm guessing $1-1.2M

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On another website, someone said they thought the actor's careers would be torpedoed from Fantastic Four's release. I LOL'd hardcore


Miles Teller will continue being awesome indie actor

MBJ has Creed 1-5 coming out

Kate Mara has The Martian and a ton of other movies coming out


But this guy kept on insisting they'd be blacklisted because F4 is bombing :rofl:

The only person that will be affected is Trank. All the actors are young enough to get out of this mess fine.
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Well it looks like Uncle now has less competition next week.

@BoxOffice: The Weinstein Company’s UNDERDOGS will no longer open on August 14 and is currently without a release date.


It is obviously moving to December 18 to take on Star Wars.

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And Jamie Bell has that tintin sequel peter jackson SWEARS he's making. toby kebbell has surefire hit warcraft, reg e cathey will still randomly show up for house of cards two episodes a season. it's all good with everyone.

Plus True Detective season 3.

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The only person that will be affected is Trank. All the actors are young enough to get out of this mess fine.

Actors can always put the blame on the writer and the director. Trank does not have the option......

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Throw Adam Sandler in there as well.

At least I feel like the casting process for the third season isn't gonna piss on expectations and be as disappointing as last time. remember when Brad Pitt, Christian Bale, Jessica Chastain, Fassbender etc. were all rumored to be in the running for season 2? Somehow I doubt the big name rumors will come up again next time...

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Fantastic Four:an early What Went Wrong? The casting choices, and Kate Mara looking like Blake Lively. Also toxic WOM like it's being released in 1990.

The cast is legitimately the only reason I'm interested in the movie; I'm major fans of MBJ, Mara, and Teller.



So, anyone else looking forward to November 6?

Matt Damon should be able to save the box office lull before then



Josh Tranks next movie should be about the making of this movie.

Jane Got A Gun v Fantastic Four: Dawn of Filmmaking Injustice


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At least I feel like the casting process for the third season isn't gonna piss on expectations and be as disappointing as last time. remember when Brad Pitt, Christian Bale, Jessica Chastain, Fassbender etc. were all rumored to be in the running for season 2? Somehow I doubt the big name rumors will come up again next time...

Yeah lol. I still think they will want some famous names. 

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Joe Carnahan on Twitter :


"Nice to know that those vigilant online trolls can copy & paste & make Josh Trank pay dearly for any unfortunate faux pas. Thank you cunts."


"I just think of myself at roughly Trank's age on MI3 & if Twitter had been around then, I would have been a dead man with no career."


"The trolls had it in for Trank. If someone like Nolan had been behind FF, they couldn't get on their knees to felate that film, fast enough."

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