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Not So Fantastic Weekend Thread | MI5 29.4, F4 26.2, Gift 12, Ricki 7, Shaun 4, Vac 9, AM 7.8

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Me = faceblind = no idea what movie's cast or... is on that picture. Especially confusing bcs soneone gets kicked out? Are the FF actors on it too? Who else


no solo names needed, the reason for them being on, like cast or crew or... of ... whatever is, what got me curious

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I would love to see a philosophical Silver Surfer standalone movie with amazing vistas of space.

I'm not really familiar with the character but liked him in the last F4. I get that the movie wasn't great and stuff but I was only 14 so I enjoyed it - mostly because of Jessica Alba if not anything else
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I feel kind of sad for the cast. Four really talented young actors who deserve so much better than what will likely go down as a cautionary tale about the importance of crafting a good comic book movie.

Yep.  MCU actors have been rather fortunate that, for the most part, their movies have played well.  But when a cbm movie bombs, it does so all the way.  

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I'm not really familiar with the character but liked him in the last F4. I get that the movie wasn't great and stuff but I was only 14 so I enjoyed it - mostly because of Jessica Alba if not anything else



Here's her audition tape for Get Smart



The part went to Anne Hathaway...

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Me = faceblind = no idea what movie's cast or... is on that picture. Especially confusing bcs soneone gets kicked out? Are the FF actors on it too? Who else


no solo names needed, the reason for them being on, like cast or crew or... of ... whatever is, what got me curious


The F4 cast are in the photo with the X-men cast and the soon to be Gambit, Channing Tatum.

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This is the first of the thousand copycat Cinematic Universes to be put into motion, right? Maybe it'll stop all of the non-Marvel/DC/Star Wars ones in their tracks (those three are inevitable freight trains)

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This is the first of the thousand copycat Cinematic Universes to be put into motion, right? Maybe it'll stop all of the non-Marvel/DC/Star Wars ones in their tracks (those three are inevitable freight trains)


Star Wars will be fine as long as they don't build to something. Keep each movie individual.


DC have one last shot to impress me with BVS.

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This is the first of the thousand copycat Cinematic Universes to be put into motion, right? Maybe it'll stop all of the non-Marvel/DC/Star Wars ones in their tracks (those three are inevitable freight trains)


That would be one hell of a silver lining.

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This is the first of the thousand copycat Cinematic Universes to be put into motion, right? Maybe it'll stop all of the non-Marvel/DC/Star Wars ones in their tracks (those three are inevitable freight trains)

The Universe United (that is the name FOX gave it :lol:) is tecnically Marvel tho :lol: but I know what you meant.
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Like, maybe Paramount is looking at these numbers and rethinking the Bumblebee movie

That is gonna tank as well. Paramount wouldn't need any of that. Just combine the Transformers and the GI Joe movies every 2 or 3 years and make individual movies between them. The Universal Monsters Universe is already dead.
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In the end it was simply a case that Trank was the wrong director for the project. He wanted to do a dark gritty Horror Sci Fi film.."Chronicles 2" basically and Fox wanted a Fantastic Four  adventure,probably close in tone to what Marvel Studios does,and the two were never compatible.


But my sympathy for Trank is really wrecked by his behavior. I can understand his being upset at Fox,but taking it out on the cast and crew is just,well. real Asshole behavior.

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I really wish we could've seen Trank's version. 


Fuck the comics, it could've been a cool scifi/horror film.

Fuck the comics but then use comic book characters and title?

Just make a completely original horror/sci-fi movie without using comic characters.

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