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Not So Fantastic Weekend Thread | MI5 29.4, F4 26.2, Gift 12, Ricki 7, Shaun 4, Vac 9, AM 7.8

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MARVEL 1st of all, wouldn't have Cast Jordan as Johnny Storm.. They would've stayed faithful to both casting and storyline cause it's their story and characters.. If anything Jordan would've been a bystander on the street passing by one of the characters during mid action.. The hipster crybaby crowd is all up in arms if you don't agree with him being cast is absurd.. Deal with it..


Hey BKB...

You're 49 years old. Remember that.

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Michael B. Jordan casting had nothing to do with this bombing or not. People need to get their shit together. Now everyone, look at this gif:


Fuck the weekend. This is the real deal.

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Actually I find the incredible public meltdown of Josh Trank to be the most interesting thing about this fiasco. Studios having big budget bombs happens all the time, but you seldom see a director self destruct the way Trank did.

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Michael B. Jordan casting had nothing to do with this bombing or not. People need to get their shit together. Now everyone, look at this gif:


Fuck the weekend. This is the real deal.


The more funny bad True Detective season 2 gifs I see, the more I think this season is complete shit.  Thanks guys.

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When was the last time a director did this? I know there have been some in the past.

I saw Kevin Smith at WonderCon 2010, at that point in time he was essentially lashing out at the people trashing Cop Out (though within a couple years, he too came to the realization that it was a piece of shit he didn't enjoy making, and publicly admitted that it was a piece of shit he didn't enjoy making).

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Actually, it is important..

It's not. It doesn't harm the story one bit if she is adopted or not. It would be different if her powers had to come from her family though genetics, like Superman. But she gets her powers later.

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Michael B. Jordan casting had nothing to do with this bombing or not. People need to get their shit together. Now everyone, look at this gif:


Fuck the weekend. This is the real deal.



I'm glad the thread is going in this direction. But let's just cut to the chase, here's my 30,000 word dissertation on my problems with #blacklivesmatter...


Guys. Tonight.



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Yes please provide us data that generalizes something as complex as human relationships


His comment perfectly generalizes complex human relationships by equating adopted siblings with biological siblings. Nice try.



trolls trying to ruin the weekend thread after ruining the F4 one. Sigh. 


Everyone calling everyone else trolls on these forums just because they disagree with their opinions. Yup business as usual.



Why is so hard for people to understand the difference here? 95% of main character movie roles are for white people. It's even more true for comic book movies, since comics were written in the past. In "good old days" no one thought non-whites were important enough to need representation in film or comics. So everybody is white, except a few tokens here and there.

So yes, people would complain about a white Black Panther or a white Storm. That takes away all diversity. But making one white character black does nothing to harm whites. It doesn't take away all white representation in the film.

And it's not like the most important part of the story is Johnny and Sue sharing chromosomes.


Cool story, except the topic being discussed is relevance to the source material, not racial diversity. Racial diversity is a separate topic and point of discussion.



Actually I find the incredible public meltdown of Josh Trank to be the most interesting thing about this fiasco. Studios having big budget bombs happens all the time, but you seldom see a director self destruct the way Trank did.


I wasn't too surprised by that. He has a very "anti-establishment", contrarian, and immature sort of attitude about him. Like a petulant child in other words.

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Kevin Smith is the best natural story teller Ive ever seen. That man has a gift. You can just ask him a question and he could reply with an hour narrative, 3 acts, bringing jokes full circle and all.

The best thing Smith has done

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Kevin Smith is one of the most what-the-fuck-happened filmmakers I can think of working today. It's like he became bitter and cynical that his fans expected a certain thing of him, so he's going out of his way to make stuff that actively pisses off his own fans. He could have just done a Dave Chappelle and retired for a decade, or he could have completely quit filmmaking and just spent the rest of his career on his podcasting and speaking engagements. But his films seem to be an active quest to prove something (I don't know what, frankly), as if all the hate he got for Jersey Girl bubbled up for 7 years and finally exploded around the turn of the decade...

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