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Fanboy Wars Thread: Personal Attacks not allowed | With Digital Fur Technology

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7 minutes ago, YourMother said:

I doubt the majority of the GA knows about flame wars between both sides.

The majority of the GA probably can’t distinguish the difference between marvel/dc/xmen etc so you’re right I think. 

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9 minutes ago, iJackSparrow said:

No. But the critics and people in the know do. And this animosity will end up creating a climate that more critics will speak out and come to the tipping point that will affect the general audiences as well. 

Critics have a job first and foremost to review and no whiny fanboys will influence reviews or gross.

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3 hours ago, Warmaster506 said:

Marvel fans are not innocent in this as Ijack pointed out.   Remember in 2008 when Iron man 1 came out and did very well?  Comic fans as a whole celebrated the achievement but then Dark Knight came out broke records and was the superior film in quality and box office.  Marvel fans took massive offense to this and started attacking the film and DC as a whole.  


The continued success of the MCU while DCEU struggles to find its footing is not helping things. 


This flame war is not close to ending.  Both sides are to blame and WB/Disney are becoming increasingly bitter and petty towards each other. 


I don't remember it that way at all.   I recall comics fans being excited about the "Avengers initiative" in the IM post credits.   Then TDK came out and it was obnoxious gloat time from DC fans.   Just like you worded it there despite the fact that both are 94% on RT.   Suddenly it was a competition that DC was "winning".


 They were pretty nasty...even throwing fits when the Academy had the gall to not nominate TDK for best picture.   Keep in mind this was when things were going well for DC fans.  Even the good reviews for TDKR weren't enough....the famous death threats began for any critic who dared to not give it a good review.   As you said, DC fans have really gotten hard to live with in the ensuing years as Marvel has changed the landscape of comic book movies while DC sorta lagged behind.


I might need to amend that to "Batman fans" because I suspect they are really the more objectionable group and not really "DC fans".   Most Batman fans don't even like the DC heroes that much...particularly Superman.   Batman is seen as superior to all other DC characters and of course it is illogically insisted that Batman can somehow defeat all of them in battle.    I can't think of an equivalent fan base in Marvel.   Spider-Man fans don't act that way.   His popularity has never meant that he must be painted as smarter and superior to all other Marvel characters.   Iron Man fans didn't do that either once he became popular.   It's something unique with Batman fans where the phrase "I'm Batman" is the answer to all questions.


DC fans might actually be normal if you surgically removed the Batman fan base.


3 hours ago, TalismanRing said:

Hind sight is 20/20. 


They used BvS as a launching pad to get people interested in this iteration of WW and build buzz for her film.  Even though the film was bad this worked.  She was one of the commonly cited highlights of the movie which made the audience more excited for her film.  That WW became the first DCEU critical darling (heck first DC filmed critically well liked since TDKR)  drove the legs and WOM to $400m plus but if it had been another stinker or mediocrity it still would have opened big (though not as big) due to her build up.  She was in the public eye for over two years by the time WW opened.



Not a bad point.   Maybe it ruined the novelty for JL, but it certainly helped WW.


3 hours ago, a2knet said:

A'ight, currently active CBM-verse verses CBM-verses:


1) Fox Marvel (X-Men, Wolvie solos, DP solo) : A- (6 As, 1 B, 2 Cs, 1 D) ... TW is B, X3 & APOC are Cs


2) MCU : B (can I do this later? :lol:)

3) Sony Marvel (basically all of their solo SMs including SMH) : B- (1 A, 3 Bs and 2 Cs) ... SM1 and ASM2 are the extremes. Rest in between. SM3 is the other C.

4) DCEU : C+ (2 Cs, 1 D and 1 A)


Edit: That #4 does not make me happy. Hopefully after JL and AQM it will be tied at #3 if not better.

Pretty generous for X3, Wolverine Origins, and Apocalypse.    Also helps to pretend they didn't make the FF films or Daredevil , eh?  ;)  

3 hours ago, Napoleon said:

Who's gonna get killed in Infinity War Part 1 and get resurrected in Part 2?

I know this one!   Superman!   (oh....wrong franchise)

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6 minutes ago, Harpospoke said:



Pretty generous for X3, Wolverine Origins, and Apocalypse.   

Have given C for X3 and APOC, and D for XO. Unless it's a joke, I don't get it.



1) Fox Marvel (X-Men, Wolvie solos, DP solo) : A- (6 As, 1 B, 2 Cs, 1 D) ... TW is B, X3 & APOC are Cs

and my comment on previous page


3 hours ago, a2knet said:

Well they are my As! :) so naturally I don't think I have been generous.-_-


Also to elaborate on "1) Fox Marvel (X-Men, Wolvie solos, DP solo) : A- (6 As, 1 B, 2 Cs, 1 D) ... TW is B, X3 & APOC are Cs"


A : X1, X2, FC, DOFP, DP, Logan

B : TW

C : X3, APOC



The average totally works out to A-: 


Start with 6A, 1B, 2C and 1D

1st one B and one C cancel out each other leaving 6A, 1C and 1D

Two A and one C cancel out each other leaving 4A and 1D

Three A cancel out one D leaving 1A


Now A could be either of A+, A, A- (and same for B, C, D). So going with A- instead of A or A+ cause I know where they stand for me.


looks like you didn't read it at all :lol:


Edited by a2knet
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6 minutes ago, raegr said:

Kinda sick of Star Wars and Marvel movies...


Go ahead, downvote me. Oh wait, not on reddit 



No one is forcing you to watch them, or read about them or talk about them. And yet you show up with remarkable consistency in Marvel and SW threads. If you are so sick stay away and stick to what you like

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8 minutes ago, ZeeSoh said:

No one is forcing you to watch them, or read about them or talk about them. And yet you show up with remarkable consistency in Marvel and SW threads. If you are so sick stay away and stick to what you like

You can question something or be skeptical about something without hating it. 


I don't like the direction they are going with the MCU right now, should I not voice my opinion?

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33 minutes ago, raegr said:

It will be forgettable. What marvel movie is everyone STILL talking about?


4 minutes ago, raegr said:

You can question something or be skeptical about something without hating it. 


I don't like the direction they are going with the MCU right now, should I not voice my opinion?

If this is how you voice your opinion then no you shouldnt or you will find yourself banned pretty quickly. I still dont understand if you are sick of something like you said why even waste your time on it?

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3 minutes ago, raegr said:

I genuinely like the JJ Abrams Star Trek movies more than the Kathleen Kennedy Star Wars era, am I a bad person now?


You guys take this too seriously. 


I don't think anyone would care as much if you afforded others the same generosity to voice their opinions, good or bad, on movies you like and are excited for. Anytime someone disagrees with you on Justice League's potential BO or the trailers, you take it as an affront. Now you're doing the same thing to other movies and expect everyone to accept it. 

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