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Fanboy Wars Thread: Personal Attacks not allowed | With Digital Fur Technology

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Don't believe a war veteran should be spit on and mocked for not having legs?


Then you are being politically correct.


Political correctness is basically the effort to keep douchebaggery on the fringes of society insteady of becoming mainstreamed and normalized like it was leading up to Trump.


You still have free speech but that doesn't mean your speech is above critism.


Don't be a hypocritical bitch when people criticize your free speech.


That's still allowed, bitches.

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31 minutes ago, Napoleon said:

Toby Emmerich (WB film chief) basically implying Batman v Superman was ahead of its time and that in 20 years it will be appreciated for the masterpiece it is:


"(...) when you’re talking about art, I do believe that it’s tough to judge art at the moment when its presented to the world. My father was very involved in the arts, he was always taking me to museums and galleries and historical buildings. He believed any kind of art — whether it’s fashion or sculpture or architecture or filmmaking or music — it takes 20 years to judge the quality of something. Twenty years after Sgt. Pepper or Born to Run comes out, then you can understand what that album was. I guess when I say “quality,” I don’t want to judge anybody’s movies completely at the moment of release. But I would say there are movies that are right for their time, that an audience is ready for, that’s in sync with the zeitgeist, and I think you need a movie whose quality is recognized at the moment of release so it’s in touch with the culture of the moment. We’re at a unique moment around the planet and certain types of movies are working better than others at this moment of time."




WB executives love Zack Snyder, I have no doubt we will see his cut of Justice League one day, probably in some anniversary edition. They must have been pissed at Jon Berg and Geoff Johns arguing with Snyder for a fun and colorful Justice League and then failing spectaluarly at the box office. No wonder they were given the boot so quickly.





Edited by raulbalarezo
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What's up with these internet voices of wanting a Snyder cut? Because his cut on MoS turned out so damn good?


It's like prefering a Snyder-cut piece of shit over a non-Snyder-cut piece of shit.

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35 minutes ago, Napoleon said:

Toby Emmerich (WB film chief) basically implying Batman v Superman was ahead of its time and that in 20 years it will be appreciated for the masterpiece it is:


"(...) when you’re talking about art, I do believe that it’s tough to judge art at the moment when its presented to the world. My father was very involved in the arts, he was always taking me to museums and galleries and historical buildings. He believed any kind of art — whether it’s fashion or sculpture or architecture or filmmaking or music — it takes 20 years to judge the quality of something. Twenty years after Sgt. Pepper or Born to Run comes out, then you can understand what that album was. I guess when I say “quality,” I don’t want to judge anybody’s movies completely at the moment of release. But I would say there are movies that are right for their time, that an audience is ready for, that’s in sync with the zeitgeist, and I think you need a movie whose quality is recognized at the moment of release so it’s in touch with the culture of the moment. We’re at a unique moment around the planet and certain types of movies are working better than others at this moment of time."




WB executives love Zack Snyder, I have no doubt we will see his cut of Justice League one day, probably in some anniversary edition. They must have been pissed at Jon Berg and Geoff Johns arguing with Snyder for a fun and colorful Justice League and then failing spectaluarly at the box office. No wonder they were given the boot so quickly.

Wow this guy is taking it even further than BRIE LARSON. Only people 20 years into the future should be allowed to review a movie now!

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What did Geoff Johns even do to earn all this hate? Also the Synder cut doesn't exist and thankfully never will.

20 minutes ago, grey ghost said:

Don't believe a war veteran should be spit on and mocked for not having legs?


Then you are being politically correct.


Political correctness is basically the effort to keep douchebaggery on the fringes of society insteady of becoming mainstreamed and normalized like it was leading up to Trump.


You still have free speech but that doesn't mean your speech is above critism.


Don't be a hypocritical bitch when people criticize your free speech.


That's still allowed, bitches.

Image result for free speech xkcd

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8 hours ago, vc2002 said:

What's up with these internet voices of wanting a Snyder cut? Because his cut on MoS turned out so damn good?


It's like prefering a Snyder-cut piece of shit over a non-Snyder-cut piece of shit.

This type of comment is aways baffling to me. Some of you in this forum act like people with different opinion don't exist. There are obviously millions of people who like Man Of Steel and Batman v Superman and also Snyder's previous movies. He has a very large and loud fanbase on social media. Even if you don't care for it, you should know there are many people who believe his cut of Justice League is good or at least more interesting than the released version, and they want to see it. There shouldn't be a discussion about this.

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12 hours ago, vc2002 said:

What's up with these internet voices of wanting a Snyder cut? Because his cut on MoS turned out so damn good?


It's like prefering a Snyder-cut piece of shit over a non-Snyder-cut piece of shit.

I really enjoyed MoS and Watchmen, Are they controversial opinions? 

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12 hours ago, grey ghost said:

Don't believe a war veteran should be spit on and mocked for not having legs?


Then you are being politically correct.


Political correctness is basically the effort to keep douchebaggery on the fringes of society insteady of becoming mainstreamed and normalized like it was leading up to Trump.


You still have free speech but that doesn't mean your speech is above critism.


Don't be a hypocritical bitch when people criticize your free speech.


That's still allowed, bitches.


This is a somewhat archaic definition, we cannot ignore that the term is derogatory. 


Political correctness is determined by it's excessiveness. For example, if someome called you out on using the word "bitch" as demeaning to women, even though you never used it to describe women or use it to offend anyone.

Another example, real life, is when a scientist landed a probe on a meteor, which was a monumental scientific achievement, but because he wore a shirt with anime girls in the presentation, he was called sexist and accused of discouraging girls in taking stem classes. He was harassed online and was forced to apologize in tears. Funny enough, the shirt was designed by  a woman.



Now I'm not against criticizing someone of course, but arguing and criticizing is one thing, harassing is another, especially when it extends to relatives of the target. It's not unusual for the the people who support this political correctness to use online mob tactics, and frankly, if you support that, maybe you should ask yourself if you are any better than the people you are attacking.

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1 minute ago, LaughingEvans said:


This is a somewhat archaic definition, we cannot ignore that the term is derogatory. 


Political correctness is determined by it's excessiveness. For example, if someome called you out on using the word "bitch" as demeaning to women, even though you never used it to describe women or use it to offend anyone.

Another example, real life, is when a scientist landed a probe on a meteor, which was a monumental scientific achievement, but because he wore a shirt with anime girls in the presentation, he was called sexist and accused of discouraging girls in taking stem classes. He was harassed online and was forced to apologize in tears. Funny enough, the shirt was designed by  a woman.



Now I'm not against criticizing someone of course, but arguing and criticizing is one thing, harassing is another, especially when it extends to relatives of the target. It's not unusual for the the people who support this political correctness to use online mob tactics, and frankly, if you support that, maybe you should ask yourself if you are any better than the people you are attacking.

I'm all for making a distinction between reasonable PC and unreasonable PC, but I doubt that will happen.




I'm convinced terms like PC and SJW are not being weaponized simply to point out annoying behavior but to help build alt right sentiment and to antagonize any effort to counter white nationalism and bigotry. 

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Well, here lies the problem: People in groups are easier to control and manipulate. The right uses nationalism and bigotry, and the left uses identity politics. In any case, they both make things worse.


But I have faith in people. I don't believe the majority is either bigots or of excessive PC. It's just that these kind of people are always louder.

Edited by LaughingEvans
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Watchmen is a solidly fun film. I'm glad to be able to find a film, a superhero one at that, with which to agree with you upon. Watchmen is overly harshed upon. The narrative elements left out of the film that some of the loud haters get vocal about made sense to omit. 

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14 minutes ago, JamesCameronScholar said:

Don't get me wrong I love the Graphic Novel, and I've only seen the extended cut of Watchmen, but I really did like it! 


To explain myself, I don't think it's a bad movie either, other than the fact that Snyder made it a bit boring*. Actually, by Snyder's standards it was pretty good.


But my main grievance with the movie is that it loses the heart-breaking approach that the novel had. Watchmen and Squadron Supreme are the best cape comics I've read, and they both share this quality, that they call on to the pure cape readers. 


*I don't see why Snyder included the freight story since he drastically changed Ozymandias and the squid. The story was a parallel to his own progress and psyche, so it made no sense to have it in the movie. Also, too many songs/video clips.

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1 hour ago, LaughingEvans said:

Well, here lies the problem: People in groups are easier to control and manipulate. The right uses nationalism and bigotry, and the left uses identity politics. In any case, they both make things worse.


But I have faith in people. I don't believe the majority is either bigots or of excessive PC. It's just that these kind of people are always louder.

Holy false equivalency, Batman.


I'll take a thousand liberals who hate the N-word over one tiki torch carrying, Hitler youth reject promoting evil public policy and destroying decades of progress as their shitty hobby.



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It s normal americans don't care for Avatar or don't sympathize with the characters, which is mistakenly taken for bad writing.

The Na'vis are everything the young american is not tought while growing up, they are almost anti-american and what this country is all about.

So the butthurt americans and their Avatar problem is only theirs.


Edited by The Futurist
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