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Fanboy Wars Thread: Personal Attacks not allowed | With Digital Fur Technology

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Just now, Napoleon said:

He's not just getting an executive producer credit. Zack and Deborah Snyder are producing Wonder Woman 2 just like they did the first one, where he also got a Story By credit and a cameo.

Patty Jenkins will be calling the shots on WW2;you can bet on that. Any disagreement between her and Snyder, Snyder loses.

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6 minutes ago, dudalb said:

Patty Jenkins will be calling the shots on WW2;you can bet on that. Any disagreement between her and Snyder, Snyder loses.

Zack Snyder still goes home with an Oscar if the movie wins Best Picture.



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9 hours ago, AJG said:


Yikes. This looks like a student fan film, acting and all. When he said "fuck batman" I cringed.

It looks like a Greg Berlanti show as directed by Zac Snyder:gold:




Why did they do this to the New Teen Titans?

If any DC property was ripe for a great live-action film, it is the Marv Wolfman/George Perez NTT run.

This is awful... is "Fuck Batman!" the new "I'm the goddamn Batman!"??? Yuck.

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Not surprised tbh

James Gunn has admitted before how much he was one of those types that liked to write those type of comments on twitter before he got the GOTG gig. Not defending him at all just noting I don't think this should be a surprise to anyone who has looked at Gunn's history pre-GOTG.

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Imagine if Snyder wrote half those  things Gunn wrote on twitter.....:sarah:

Being part of the MCU has its perks..Fanboys,...Bloggers etc will defend him to the  death. Website don't want to be blacklisted by the Mouse too.

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5 minutes ago, StevenG said:

James Gunn really posted those tweets?


Dude is truly gutter trash.


He is a so called edgy director...A shame he is forced to make save pg-13 comic book films for kids. It explains why the so called edgy and raunchy jokes in Guardians fall flat.....I bet he would prefer to direct an r-rated Deadpool film

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3 minutes ago, Hades said:

He is a so called edgy director...A shame he is forced to make save pg-13 comic book films for kids. It explains why the so called edgy and raunchy jokes in Guardians fall flat.....I bet he would prefer to direct an r-rated Deadpool film

He is going nuts on Twitter trying to "apologize" for those tweets and making sure that people understand that they were immature "jokes" from his past.

Hmmm. I bet that the suits at Marvel have already talked to him about the potential fallout of his pedo self being revealed...

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45 minutes ago, Hades said:

I bet Gunn would like to direct a Power Pack or Young Avengers film....:apocalypse:

Seriously, his blog and tweet feed (which luckily has been screenprinted before he deleted the incriminating evidence) is disgusting. Everything from "jokes" about being raped, giving BJs to children and "getting lucky" with kids to. The guy is straight up pedo trash. I am shocked that Marvel has not taken him off GOTG3 by now...



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