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Fanboy Wars Thread: Personal Attacks not allowed | With Digital Fur Technology

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1 hour ago, Darth Lehnsherr said:

DCEU will be in a better position than Star Wars moving into the 2020s I reckon. 

Did you ever imagine you'd be saying that? lol


I think the DCU will start doing a bit better but never reach Marvel, but at least it won't be a total embarrassment anymore now that Zack Snyder is out of the way.   Star Wars I think is going to be on play-it-safe autopilot mode for eternity thanks to Rian Johnson's baffling fuckup which is a shame because that means we'll never get a really great SW movie on the level of something like LOTR or Fury Road.                                                    

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11 minutes ago, Ozymandias said:

Did you ever imagine you'd be saying that? lol


I think the DCU will start doing a bit better but never reach Marvel, but at least it won't be a total embarrassment anymore now that Zack Snyder is out of the way.   Star Wars I think is going to be on play-it-safe autopilot mode for eternity thanks to Rian Johnson's baffling fuckup which is a shame because that means we'll never get a really great SW movie on the level of something like LOTR or Fury Road.                                                    

Star Wars is gonna have life on TV for a while post-EP IX with Mandalorian & that Rogue One spin-off show, unless B.D Weis/Benioff's project is way further in development than we think [Rian's shooting knives out, so I don't think he's even started pre-production on his films]

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1 hour ago, LaughingEvans said:

Star Wars did the cardinal mistake of turning on its fans. It will never recover and will always be a ghost of what it used to be.



It recovered from AOTC which had way more hate. It will recover from TLJ (and we don't even know if TLJ killed this franchise or if the franchise really even died).


11 hours ago, Ozymandias said:

because that means we'll never get a really great SW movie on the level of something like LOTR or Fury Road.                                                    


We never ever will get a Star Wars movie of that caliber. In my opinion, TLJ was the closest we got to that and even then the gap in terms of quality is a mile wide.

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Why the he'll is Fury Road even in the same sentence as LOTR and SW? Fury Road is average at best, it's a critical darling with alot of internet fanboys but your average movies goers really don't care for it. After the first hour it becomes boring to watch, If they made a SW film like Fury Road people wouldn't be happy

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1 hour ago, lorddemaxus said:
3 hours ago, LaughingEvans said:


It recovered from AOTC which had way more hate. It will recover from TLJ (and we don't even know if TLJ killed this franchise or if the franchise really even died). 


AOTC was a bad movie and people didn't like it. It ends there. Nobody came out to say that AOTC is a misunderstood genius space opera.


TLJ was at best mediocre, and people didn't like it. LF decided to bury their heads in the sand and proclaim that anyone who didn't like the movie is an idiot. Ruin Johnson and the media Disney paid off doubled down on that and we saw the result with Solo's box office.

Now episode 9 has a rare chance to make things up with the fanbase, but I don't really count on it.

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44 minutes ago, LaughingEvans said:


TLJ was at best mediocre, and people didn't like it. LF decided to bury their heads in the sand and proclaim that anyone who didn't like the movie is an idiot. Ruin Johnson and the media Disney paid off doubled down on that and we saw the result with Solo's box office.

Disney and Lucasfilm never called everyone who disliked the film idiots (they can't even do that lmao). Neither did Rian Johnson or anyone related to the film. The only people called the idiots are the bigots and the attackers (mentioning Rian Johnson every time you found 'a criticism' of TLJ is sttacking too. If you have criticism, say it out loud. Just don't keep spamming at the director. It's annoying). Unless you are one of the bigots or attackers, you aren't the idiot.


Please try reading their tweets and stop listening to dumb ass YouTubers who propagate this stuff.


And 95% of the people who will watch Star wars movies don't even care/know about this drama. How the fuck does something like that have a huge affect on the franchise? 


We don't know if TLJ affected Solo. Solo mainly flopped because of the release date and it had no marketing outside of a mediocre super bowl ad. There is no proof that TLJ caused this. That's like saying BvS caused Suicide Squad to become a huge hit and Infinity War caused Ant Man and the Wasp to gross a disappointing 620 mil. 


Edit: there is also nothing that says most people didn't like it. Point the RT audience score at me and I'll point out the cinemascore, posttrak score, Imdb score, letterbox score, and Fandango score.


Edited by lorddemaxus
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56 minutes ago, LaughingEvans said:

AOTC was a bad movie and people didn't like it. It ends there. Nobody came out to say that AOTC is a misunderstood genius space opera.


AOTC also feels very much like a Star Wars movie, unlike whatever TLJ was going for... 

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2 hours ago, Jessie said:

Why the he'll is Fury Road even in the same sentence as LOTR and SW? Fury Road is average at best, it's a critical darling with alot of internet fanboys but your average movies goers really don't care for it. After the first hour it becomes boring to watch, If they made a SW film like Fury Road people wouldn't be happy

Your average movie-goer cares about Transformers than The Godfather. I guess the former shouldn't even be in the same sentence as The Godfather.


The movie is in the same sentence as those films because not only is it a critical darling but most people in the film industry loved it. It will have as much of an influence in the film industry as those films. No one cares if you found it boring.


Also, the movie made 60.5 million in home video sales. One more than Spiderman homecoming. No one cares about the movie my ass.

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The new Star Wars Episodes were always going to be caught between a rock and a hard place the moment it was determined it would continue the storyline of the original series.


Do the tried and tested and one ends up with The Force Awakens and tribute versions of the OT, try new stuff and inevitably face a fan backlash from a large portion of the fandom as with TLJ. 


The lack of planning and continuity hasn't helped. Not at all. But mostly it comes down with these stories being far harder to forge than most people think.


It isn't a world where you can 'expand on themes' of the OT, since there aren't really any themes in the first place. Lucas isn't coy about the fact it was based on myth-making and the tropes of epic storytelling. The OT isn't Sci-Fi: it's fantasy and a self-contained piece of storytelling that is very hard to expand for the masses.


It doesn't help that since the first movie of the original you have the opposing forces of a) The Jedi are cool and what the fan aspires to be and b) In order for the story to work the Jedi are a failed concept and didn't/can't work. Equally you have the opposing forces of a) The Force is around everyone and people are/aren't sensitive to it in equal measure and b) The Force is what the Jedi use, even though technically anyone in theory could. 


In a self-contained original story the above oppositional forces didn't matter, they were kept in tension. Ever since these inherent dissonances have caused problems with creating satisfying Star Wars stories. It's not an accident that the best Star Wars story since the OT, Rogue One, very much kept the Force and the Jedi at arms length. 


And Solo failed because nobody asked for it, there was no clear consistent tone in the marketing, and it came out at a ridiculous time relative to the last instalment. Release it after October and lean overtly into B-Movie fun territory and it would have probably done much better.

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1 hour ago, LaughingEvans said:

TLJ was at best mediocre, and people didn't like it. LF decided to bury their heads in the sand and proclaim that anyone who didn't like the movie is an idiot. Ruin Johnson and the media Disney paid off doubled down on that and we saw the result with Solo's box office.

Now episode 9 has a rare chance to make things up with the fanbase, but I don't really count on it.

Solo was so far from Last Jedi and going full Abrams on episode 9 is the maximum LF can do.

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9 minutes ago, Ipickthiswhiterose said:

And Solo failed because nobody asked for it, there was no clear consistent tone in the marketing, and it came out at a ridiculous time relative to the last instalment. Release it after October and lean overtly into B-Movie fun territory and it would have probably done much better.


Also should have kept the original directors who would have made something memorable and not the bland, uninspired and forgettable trash we got from the most boring modern director. They lost my money by kicking out Lord and Miller. I ended up using free tickets I got (as compensation for a shitty screening of another movie) to watch the movie.

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2 minutes ago, lorddemaxus said:

Dude can't find any evidence that supports his argument and starts acting like he won the argument. Lmao 


I won the argument the moment Solo was proven to be a bust.


Whatever you believe to present as an argument here is nothing more than parroting whatever Ruin Johnson and the paid shills have been parroting for a year now.


See, when you're right about something, attacking someone's person is the last thing you do. Save the "bigots" and the "racists" for where they really apply: SW fandom had no problem with Jyn or Donnie Yen in Rogue One for example, and their discontent with Rose and Holdo is legitimate, because they have 0 redeeming qualities as characters.*



*Holdo actually has 1 redeeming quality, being the brave character who sacrifices themselves for the greater good of the resistance. But around 10 minutes after that, Fin tries to do something similar, and instead he gets lectured. Whoever wrote the script for the movie is obviously not very strong with themes.



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I tend to defend Holdo as a character.


I think those who dislike her read the film as narratively presenting her as entirely in the right (and Finn entirely in the wrong), as opposed to one half of a failed piece of communication. I don't really agree with that reading.


I think what it comes down to is if you think it's unrealistic that upper management of a large organisation will arbitrarily keep secrets and strategy from everyone else, even though it seems not to provide any advantage for them to do so and it just presents as a facade of arrogance, then you obviously haven't worked in a large organisation.


But then I'm also the person who thinks that Rey is being presented as a hot-headed do-gooder-for-self-centred-reasons with a misplaced and dangerous sense of manifest destiny and is basically the character that Anakin should have been in the prequels. But I don't think the level of planning is there to pull it off.



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22 minutes ago, LaughingEvans said:

See, when you're right about something, attacking someone's person is the last thing you do. Save the "bigots" and the "racists" for where they really apply: SW fandom had no problem with Jyn or Donnie Yen in Rogue One for example, and their discontent with Rose and Holdo is legitimate, because they have 0 redeeming qualities as characters.*



Racists and bigots do apply here. There have been many people making racist and sexist remarks towards the actors. That is why Kelly Marie Tran deleted her insta. Racists and bigots had no problem with Rouge One because it wasn't part of the main series. It was a side story and no one cared about those movies as much



I won the argument the moment Solo was proven to be a bust.

No, it doesn't prove shit. You know what then? Infinity War caused brand value of the MCU to decrease and Ant-man and the Wasp proved that when it barely made its budget back. BvS saved the DCEU because Wonder Woman was a huge hit. 



 Whoever wrote the script for the movie is obviously not very strong with themes.

Or you find it hard to read the subtleties of a script. It never says sacrifice is good or not (because anyone can make that statement). The movie says sacrifice should only be used when it is needed to save people who they love and not destroy the ones they hate because it also causes pain and suffering to the people who loved them. Finn's sacrifice was a misguided act of hate (I don't care if it could saved the resistance. he explicitly says he is doing it because he hates the FO and wants to destroy it) that would have gone in vain since his ship started melting already. He would had no impact with his hateful act.

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14 minutes ago, Ipickthiswhiterose said:

Rey is being presented as a hot-headed do-gooder-for-self-centred-reasons with a misplaced and dangerous sense of manifest destiny 




I completely agree with this. But I think TLJ tried to fix that in a way. Rey learns that her self-centered reasons aren't important anymore once she learns she is a nobody. She isn't trying to find her parents anymore but is now on her journey to create her own identity by taking actions that will benefit others. That is the importance of the scene with Rey lifting the rocks. Not only does it shows that Rey finally has found confidence in herself (and stops doubting herself like before) but the scene is also about saving the people we love (the people under the rocks). I think Rey has started her journey as a selfless person who will not go the way of Anakin like she could have if her parents were Luke Skywalker or something. Because then her selfish desires would have been achieved and she would not have cared about the rest of the resistance. Having her desires ripped apart forces her to realise about the others around her. The ones who need her.

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