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***SPOILERS*** The Force Awakens Spoiler Thread ***SPOILERS ALLOWED*** You have been warned! DO NOT ENTER if you don't want to be spoiled

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Han Solo got a lightsaber Smashed through his body. That is clear. They showed it on the other side of his body. He's dead guys you can speculate all you want but that boy is dead.

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After seeing it for my 4th time I noticed another little nod to the originals. When Finn is on the Millenium Falcon with Ford and chewy, for a split second, and it literally was a split second, you see him pick up a little white sphere. That was the blaster that Luke used to train with in a new home with Obi Wan Kenobi. I laughed out loud watching it today and no one else did when they saw that part. But like I said this was my 4th time seeing it so it's a bit easier to pick these things up.

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- Han's dead... Good move as it leaves more time for new characters. I'd have killed Leia as well or had her die in the 30 years since VI. 

- Rey's parentage is pretty inconsequential... Luke will train her and that's all that really matters

- Ren's parentage also pretty inconsequential though we know it... Snoke will train him and that's all that really matters

- Empire/First Order crippled again... What's next for them?

- Republic/Resistance hanging in there... What's next for them?


The only continuing threads that matter remotely are the training of Rey and Ren... The only promised directions left by VII. The rest of it, Johnson could almost jettison wholesale and move in whichever narrative direction he finds most compelling. Finger's crossed that he does just that.


I preferred Abrams and Co. started Episode VII where it appears they'll start VIII. Could've easily and effectively briefed the audience with some rudimentary dialogue and really hit the ground running with a new trilogy.

Edited by JohnnyGossamer
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9 minutes ago, Baumer Fett said:

Han Solo got a lightsaber Smashed through his body. That is clear. They showed it on the other side of his body. He's dead guys you can speculate all you want but that boy is dead.


Yeah but Darth Maul got cut in half and fell down a huge shaft and they brought him back in the cartoons or something


Think about it, baumer

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1 minute ago, Frozen said:

Do you think they will make Finn be Lando's son?

Not if Rian Johnson has a hand in writing. I think the cheap, fan-driven callbacks will be at a minimum going forward. Time to tell a story. And, now that everyone's back on board circa '80 with Empire, they'll do just that.

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14 hours ago, Obi-Wan Telemachos said:


JJ will be involved with the next movies to roughly the same degree that Lucas was for EMPIRE and JEDI.


now you KNOW that's not true. lucas was back seat directing ESB and ROTJ more than most directors direct their own movies

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