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***SPOILERS*** The Force Awakens Spoiler Thread ***SPOILERS ALLOWED*** You have been warned! DO NOT ENTER if you don't want to be spoiled

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Well, im back from my viewing. I have to say it was alright i guess. Didnt feel as rich or epic as i expected. Story was a little thin and incoherant. Its badly explained at times, not always well paced, and rather derivative. In short its a JJ movie through and through. Oh well.


The whole thing seemed small. Where was the universe we know? There was none of it at all. The resistance base looked pathetic, even the death planert thing didnt impress. What were the worlds that it destroyed? Not explained why they were important really and frankly i hardly cared at all.

Edited by GirafficPark
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3 hours ago, The Stingray said:

I'm really surprised by the backlash. I thought JJ delivered an enjoyable and well-made film that's leaps and bounds ahead of the prequels. Were y'all expecting The Empire Strikes Back or something?

All I was hoping/expecting was to be better than the prequels. It failed even that.

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55 minutes ago, Amadeus said:

Like the fact that they took down the starkiller base just as easy as it is to eating a big mac and coke while driving your car. Have they kept building those stations every other five years? 

Yeah that was dumb. At least in the original they said they found a tiny flaw in the station to exploit - this was just a standard bombing run by the looks of it. Not sure why First Order can't prepare for that...

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3 hours ago, The Stingray said:

I'm really surprised by the backlash. I thought JJ delivered an enjoyable and well-made film that's leaps and bounds ahead of the prequels. Were y'all expecting The Empire Strikes Back or something?


I haven't seen it yet, but the rehash factor seems to be bothering a lot of people. I don't think anyone would expect modern day Disney to give us another film as good as Empire Strikes Back. Too big of a corporate influence for that. But is it too much to ask for a new story that doesn't rehash just about every single aspect of ANH? This is the complaint I've been reading on numerous websites. I'm curious to see how it plays myself. If nothing else I figure the box office will be fun to track even if the movie itself is just a cash grab.

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1 hour ago, Goffe said:

In the last scene, when Rey goes to find Luke, for some reason I thought the final twist would be that Luke was hidden on Earth, the actual world we live in.


Now, that would be one hell of a twist.

I think that was shot on Earth. 

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32 minutes ago, redfirebird2008 said:


I haven't seen it yet, but the rehash factor seems to be bothering a lot of people. I don't think anyone would expect modern day Disney to give us another film as good as Empire Strikes Back. Too big of a corporate influence for that. But is it too much to ask for a new story that doesn't rehash just about every single aspect of ANH? This is the complaint I've been reading on numerous websites. I'm curious to see how it plays myself. If nothing else I figure the box office will be fun to track even if the movie itself is just a cash grab.


The film honestly is like Disney said "lets remake or reboot Star Wars/ANH". Its just the same as any of these 50 remakes we get a year, it pales in significance to the film its remaking.

It blows away the prequels though in everything except epicness. The new film feels small and not epic at all.

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Kl. I'm back home here's my thoughts


  • Why were The Raid guys in this? They didn't do shit
  • That scene itself just seemed out of place
  • This movie is the definition of a rehash. Seriously, so much is taken from the previous movies
  • Rey starting to use the force coulda been more explored, it just happened.
  • that yellow tangerine woman is the best CG character I've ever seen
  • Carrie Fisher pulled a Will Smith and forced her kid into this movie. I kinda felt bad for the kid, everyone thought she would have a bigger role and she didn't get to speak more than twice.
  • The movie is fun as shit but coulda been a lot better. A damn good B.


The thing I LOVE though is how Kylo Ren is a bitch. I like him more than Vader. He has more of a personality.

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15 hours ago, Salacious Tree Crumb said:

The few things that they introduced in the film were completely wasted.


Exploring what happened to Luke seems interesting, with him abandoning the resistance, it would have been interesting to see how his character develops. But nope he's basically not in the movie.

The relationship between Han and Ren, what the fuck happened there? Didn't go into any depth whatsoever about why they are apart, what happened, why they feel anger or regret towards each other. Speaking of which, lol @ the scene where Han and Leia are explaining the plot to each other. "Kylo Ren is our son, Leia"; "I know, Han, and he's turned evil!" no shit guys.


Also what's with the First Order? There is a Republic in place and the Order are some fringe group... yet they have armies the size of an empire, and they have a weapon that destroys dozens of planets at once, and the Republic gives no fucks? That wasn't explained, like at all.


This film was crammed with enough stuff already and you want more stuff added in. If anything it needs stuff taken out. Most of what you asked will obviously be expanded in the sequels anyway.

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6 minutes ago, Noctis said:

Will this remind me of the OT


I just want it to be something new.




You will be reminded of the

OT to the point where the movie doesn't seem that 'new'


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2 minutes ago, CJ Ren said:

Tele is gonna destroy it. This is Jurassic World part 2.


I dunno, he seems to be a much bigger SW fan than Jurassic Park fan. He will probably give it a pass for the most part. I'm actually hesitant to re-watch the original trilogy before seeing this now that there are all these people saying it rips off ANH. Maybe I won't notice as much if I haven't watched ANH in the days leading up to it.

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