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Monday SW:TFA Estimate - 31.4M (-27%)

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9 minutes ago, peludo said:

I do not know if this has been said, but if today is able to reach $600m, the average per day will be $50m during its 12 first days...


8.8% drop and under and TFA can make it, so definitely in the realm of possibility.

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Jurassic World made around $237 million more after it's second Monday which would put Star Wars at around $800 million; this, I believe, is the floor.  Considering the differentiation between legs and how Star Wars has fared much better and has even challenged the holds of AVATAR, $1 billion is the ceiling and over $900 million and around the middle range of said number is the target for Star Wars!  Then, Disney can re-release it some time later and get it past $1 billion! :D 

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Just got out of my 4th viewing. Went with my family/extended fam for their first time. 12:50 Matinee... 90% full. Lots of crowd reactions during the movie and an applause after. All showings are 75% full for the rest of the day... I'm sure they will almost sell out by the time the showing starts. $5.00 Tuesday's are the best! 


The theater was busier today than it was yesterday. I'm hoping for an up-tick today. 


Everyone I was with today wants to see it a 2nd time. (They are not the types to see movies more than once in theaters)  if this makes it to 1B ... It will be because repeat business. I think it can do it. I'm on team 1B. Is that a club yet? 

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I just wanna point out that Star Wars dropped only 0.4% more than Titanic on pretty much the same Monday (Dec 28 vs Dec 29), so it doesn't mean that it doesn't hold like Avatar that it's a bad hold.


Also, 1B club, where? I wanna join that :P

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2 hours ago, GiantCALBears said:

That's where I think it's going to end up btw @jimshorts maybe a little bit higher. The $1.1b predictions just aren't realistic.


Sure they are.  It will have a 400+ million dollar lead on Avatar by the end of the weekend, and will still be gaining on it.  


I'm not saying it will for sure happen, but I think $1.1B is exactly where it ends up.

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Of course it has to start slowing down.

Of course it can't mirror Avatar's drops.

This all makes sense.


But this weekend is going to be big.  Will it be 110 mill big or will it be 85 million big?

If it falls below 100 mill, then yes, a billion domestic is done.

But I think it will get over 100 mill this weekend.  Every movie from 2009 at this time of year had ridiculously good holds and that includes the steep drop they all had on Sunday.


And as for post holidays, we have no idea what it will do.  Many are predicting steep declines during the week, but maybe it won't.  

One thing it will start doing thta Avatar didn't is to have bigger increases on Tuesday and bigger drops on Wednesday.  

The bottom line is right now we can speculate as to when it will run out of steam and a litany of box office related things, but this really is a special film right now.

It's doing things that haven't been done....EVER....so whether it ends at 900-950 or north of a billion, people will be talking about this for years, and we can all say, "I used to doubt a domestic movie could hit a billion...I mean..a film that encompasses the dark and the light and brings us all together.  But here's the thing....it's true, the box office, the records, the 247 mill opening weekend, the 57 mill previews......all of it.

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1 hour ago, terrestrial said:


you got me curious... details?




A few of us predict this weekends TFA gross.


Entry = $5

Predict weekend gross

Closest prediction wins(You keep

your $5)

Losers all donate $5 to the forums.


So far...






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Demand burn is happening slowly, there won't be a falling out of bed effect, there never is with an all time grosser, it's the nature of the beast.  The weekend will be over 100m based on a number of historical stats already discussed.

It will probably drop 50%~ on the 8th-10th, be close to 850m with a 50m weekend, and have a few small drops mixed in over the following 8 weeks including 2 holiday weekends.  1b is done w/o a doubt. A few surprise holds and 1.1b is in play.

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5 hours ago, GiantCALBears said:

Weather or not, $1b domestic chances have gone down a decent amount last few days.


I'm not going to hope for that anyway because I don't want to ruin the awe in what SW7 is doing.   It just broke the old Monday record AGAIN??    And then I would end up "disappointed" that it fell short of 1b?     Sounds like a terrible thing for me to do to myself in the middle of a historic BO run.    I've been gobsmacked at everything it's doing and that's the way it should be.


4 hours ago, Jim Shorts said:

What Disney movies are coming out the first 4 months of the year?  You gotta believe that Disney will push this to $1B if it's within 20-30M.  They're saving all their fudge points for the end!


Disney would just prove for the umpteenth time that they have no interest in fudging for round numbers or milestones.

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It's crazy to think about but by the end of day Sunday, TFA will be the 2nd biggest (or possibly biggest with strong holds) movie ever domestically and should be 4th biggest worldwide.....


All in less than 3 weeks (17 days domestic, 19 worldwide).

Unfortunately China doesn't look like it will be huge for it. I see most places are saying $150 million is a good number to hit. Even so, we're on pace for $2 billion without China! :)

When I joined last week I predicted $889 million as the final tally for the domestic number. Now though, especially if today holds over $30 million, I think $1 billion is going to happen.

Either way lets enjoy this run because I think this confluence of events won't happen again for a while, if ever.

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1 hour ago, 23IsEverywhere said:

This movie needs to make $81m by Thursday to win the year, It should make it, but it might not :o

The movie has won the year already.


Even if the movie opens on December 31st and is top gross movie by end of its run, it wins the year regardless.

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