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Weekend revised estimates and 4 days totals pg 43 4 day est: RA2: 41.6: The Rev: 39.0... SW7: 32.5

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9 hours ago, MovieMan89 said:

Yay, TFA passes ESB this weekend adjusted to move into its permanent residence as the second biggest SW film ever! 


I see $845m. I'm basing that on BOM. Would be great if it gets to $939m and enters the top 10

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12 hours ago, MrPink said:


I think WOM is somewhat mixed but it's not the kind of mixed that's turning off people from seeing it out of curiosity.


The release was perfectly timed considering it got 12 nominations and major Globe victories. Is 200 million possible?




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2 hours ago, jandrew said:

SO pissed. Fuck people that bring their 1 year olds to PG13 movies. Me and the gf were having a great day and wanted to see Ride Along to cap off the evening, but a couple with four? or so children including a BABY sat behind us. That baby babbled, whined, and moaned from the start of the previews (and there was like 7) to about 20 minutes into RA.


I didnt want to move closer to the screen because 1. its closer to the screen, and 2. the theater room is small with really no acoustics so it wouldnt have made a difference. We just decided to leave and since I threw away the stubs, the manager gave us rainchecks.


He said they cant do anything until someone complains, but when someone does then they can go in, so I hope he did. I'm no snitch, but fuck you. That is EXTEMELY ignorant and selfish for people to ruin a movie experience for the rest of the audience. When you have to tell your child "shush" 15 times, ITS NOT GOING TO WORK. This is why people watch movies at home instead. We're gonna just watch Rogue Nation on Redbox.


I'm very upset. A small child doesnt need to be taken to a movie like Ride Along in the first place, but if you cant find a babysitter for your children, DONT GO. If this was Alvin or Norm, I have no right to complain, but it's not. Just wish theaters would pass restrictions. Parental guidance my ass, a baby doesn't need to be in a PG13 movie period. 


Sorry for the rant.

To be honest, if it was Alvin and Norm, I would still be pissed. I saw The Good Dinosaur and a baby was wailing the whole movie. It pissed me off even more because there were well-behaved young kids there and I remember as a kid seeing a Pixar movie was an awesome formative experience that made me love movies, and I guarantee you if a baby was blaring when I watched Nemo or Incredibles, I wouldn't be as in love with movies as I am today.


Fucking pisses me off bringing babies to a theater.

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1 hour ago, CJohn said:

Melissa McCarthy's real draw power is seen in Tammy. Denzel's real draw power is seen in The Equalizer. 


In Safe House and Identity Thief they are both paired with Reynolds and Bateman, respectively. Also, both of those movies are good.


When did Ryan Reynold's become a box office draw? 


Edited by PenguinHyphy
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Just now, MrPink said:

A Best Pic win would probably do it, but I don't think that's going to happen (yet)

Don't torture me so, Pink


Then again, I'm cursed to have my least fave BP nom always be most successful at the BO, so it's definitely passing Mad Max

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4 hours ago, No Prisoners said:

avatar was a girl thing? didn't know.

regardless, I though fanboys were the most obsesive


Norm is down "0" on RT. that was a fast retraction

come on down to 5m

I was talking about Titanic and yes it was in many ways what the original SW was for boys, that movie they went to see 5,10 and even 20 times in the theater.

It had a lot of repeat viewers, mainly young girls, and they were the major reason for it's ungodly run.

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1 hour ago, CJohn said:

The true DiCaprio draw power. A movie where literally nothing else looked appealing besides the lead actor. Similar cases include Wedding Ringer, Joy and Tammy. And we can talk a lot about Denzel's mightiness, but 2 Guns barely did 75M and that also had Walhberg (another proven draw in the right movie). Draw power nowadays is very hard to evaluate and tbh almost existence. You need to pair the right actor with the right premise/story. 

Tammy hurt McCarthy's brand a lot and we saw that in Spy's results.

maybe.  i don't know, i just didn't think spy was that great.  After I saw it I couldn't believe it's RT score.  Statham was my favorite part of the film but I guess I just went in with really high expectations after all of the buzz.  


But even if I was in the minority and I think I am I would expect with Spy's positive reception and GG noms only help.  Though I'm not sure I even agree that a female getting a comedy to 110 domestic is evidence of the audience shying away from her.

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3 minutes ago, Biph Shmata said:

I was talking about Titanic and yes it was in many ways what the original SW was for boys, that movie they went to see 5,10 and even 20 times in the theater.

It had a lot of repeat viewers, mainly young girls, and they were the major reason for it's ungodly run.


These days, a lot of that repeat viewing would be done with a pirated screener, or an iffy cam recording.

Edited by Orestes
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8 minutes ago, Biph Shmata said:

I was talking about Titanic and yes it was in many ways what the original SW was for boys, that movie they went to see 5,10 and even 20 times in the theater.

It had a lot of repeat viewers, mainly young girls, and they were the major reason for it's ungodly run.

No movie makes as much as Titanic or the original Star Wars did from a single demographic alone. "Appealing to as many moviegoers as a film could possibly reach" was the major reason for their ungodly runs.

Edited by filmlover
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Haha, there are those occasional horrible theater stories that's for sure. When someone else ruins the movie, it really is unfortunate. It just flat out sucks and makes you regret going to the theater. 


TFA at my theater is clearly over performing as it was just as busy as the 3rd weekend at our IMAX. I just didn't see that happening, so I showed up too close to the show time, and I ended up on the side of Row 5 which wasn't very good. It was really packed in there, I was shocked. It's just weird, like even last weekend it wasn't that busy. The parking lot was completely jam packed more so than the average summer day, there was a line of 60 people outside (thankfully that was after I left, because when I got there in the afternoon the line was like 2 people), and I'm assuming the nice mix of overall films is really bringing people out at least to my theater. It seems to be doing way better than usual, which is just bizarre to me. I've only ever seen the parking lot that full on the first two weekends of TFA. There was this lady a few seats over from me who was huge and fat and stunk like mothballs and BO and it just didn't make for a pleasant experience. I honestly should have moved. 


My manager confirmed Star Wars stays in IMAX until that coast guard movie opens January 29, sorry blanking on the name. Anyway, so about two more weeks of Star Wars in IMAX, yay! That's not bad, 6 week run. 


I was at an indie theater last summer, speaking of bad stories, and it was a small theater maybe seating 60 people or so. Very tiny. But these two girls sit just one seat away from us on the same row when there were only 5 people in the theater. It was kind of bizarre, because my girlfriend actually moved her purse just because it was like... well, does this girl want to sit right there? So about half-way into the movie, I laugh at this scene, literally that's it -- I LAUGHED. I'm staring at the screen, and suddenly a piece of trash hits me on the arm. This girl threw a piece of trash at my girlfriend and it hit her and bounced off me. She's like, "Will you SHUT UP?" I said, "Excuse me?! I laughed, and you're throwing trash at me?" She babbles on about, "I don't want to hear noise, I'm watching the movie!" I said, "People laugh," and pretty soon the theater is no longer movie time it's watching us fight time. So she's like, "Whatever, asshole," and that was it for me. I won't get into the details but suffice to say she got a nice little refresher on some of the finer swear words in the English language. She leaves to "go talk to the manager" and I laugh at her and said, "Yeah let me know how that works out for you, throwing trash at other customers." Nobody came in, nobody said anything, but I just couldn't believe you'd throw trash at someone for laughing and then start some big argument in a movie theater. It was beyond crazy to me.

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One aspect of Titanic's international run that makes it impossible to fairly compare to today is that Titanic was pre-Euro. So you have the French franc, German mark, Spanish peseta, Italian lira, Greek drachma, etc. that we have no way of knowing where the exchange rates would have gone.

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2 hours ago, CJohn said:

The true DiCaprio draw power. A movie where literally nothing else looked appealing besides the lead actor. Similar cases include Wedding Ringer, Joy and Tammy. And we can talk a lot about Denzel's mightiness, but 2 Guns barely did 75M and that also had Walhberg (another proven draw in the right movie). Draw power nowadays is very hard to evaluate and tbh almost existence. You need to pair the right actor with the right premise/story. 

Tammy hurt McCarthy's brand a lot and we saw that in Spy's results.


Huh? Spy did 110 mil. That's big for a comedy like that. 

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