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DEADPOOL WEEKEND THREAD | Deadpool 152.193 actual. Daily breakdown on page 159

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5 minutes ago, GiantCALBears said:

When did the CMB explosion really happen? 10-12 years ago? Makes sense that the core of those movies is a lot older now, & that a more adult CMB done right had a good chance of surprising to the upside.


You don't hit these numbers with just older comic book nerds.


The superhero genre has a huge fanbase now thanks to movies like TA and TDK. So even adults who wouldn't come close to a comic book are excited about the next big superhero movie.



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6 minutes ago, Cochofles said:



The last two X-men films brought the franchise back to critically acclaimed relevance, with the last one, DOFP not only getting a higher average rating and higher RT score than Deadpool, but becoming the biggest worldwide earner of the series.

If anything, things have gone extremely right as of late for the X-Men and Singer.


What they are probably thinking is, "How can we make more money out of this suddenly hot notion of R-rated superhero films?"

Bring on She-Hulk, Deadpool, Whizzer, Squirrel Girl, Flatman, and Dazzler and call them the Legion of Losers or something...!

Make it raunchy, sexy, action-packed and utterly gonzo!


Well, critically acclaimed relevance didn't give them Avengers or Batman money. And trust me, done right they'd get both. Fox doesn't own She-Hulk, Squirrel Girl and Flatman. Universal owns She-Hulk but it's tricky, Marvel Studios owns Squirrel Girl and Flatman, and I'd love to see Great Lake Avengers happening. After Deadpool's success, a PG-13 film by Marvel tapping into comedy with someone like the dudes behind Lego The Movie could be kinda awesome for Phase 4. 


What you're talking about is actually already in talks though: X-Force is bound to happen after this weekend. A great roster would be Deadpool, Cable, X-23, Domino, Syrin, Negasonic and Colossus. Colossus was a member of the X-Force once, but that run kinda sucked. Since Singer is going out after Apocalypse (THANK GOD AGAIN), I wouldn't want Tim Miller as the overseer of the X-Men, since he'd be needed for Deadpool 2 and X-Force. But I'd love to see someone passionate enough about these characters and with a great tackle to clever visual storytelling like Tim Miller clearly does. The guy behind New Mutants is talented, but I feel that he hasn't the same background that Miller has, since even if this is his first job as a director, he has been dealing with the medium and cgi effects for quite some time now. 




1 minute ago, wildphantom said:


It is absolutely a success because of the R rating. The language and violence and self-awareness is what's got the mainstream to buy a ticket. They haven't gone because they think it's true to the character. They didn't know who the hell he was, but they thought this looked like something they hadn't seen before. 


Not really wanting this to turn into an X-Men vs Deadpool thread at Fox. The vast majority have loved the last two X-Men films. 


It's great that Deadpool is exploding at the box office. But it's as much to do with Fox's great marketing campaign as anything. 



I completely agree with you. But marketing won't salvage a film that isn't good. The thing with Singer's X-Men films isn't that they aren't necessarily good, it's that they aren't necessarily as good as they need to be to have the same hype that Deadpool does, let alone everything else. Deadpool embraces the medium and that builds buzz. Singer still looks too afraid of going too much comic booky even though he's making literally a cgi-fest out of Apocalypse. I feel that just like the rating and the marketing campaign are essential components for Deadpool's success, the fact that this is true to the source material went a long way to generate the buzz this has. 



Just now, Goffe said:

Except he didn't, though.

He left in 2003, to return only 2014.

So, that's like 5 years.


According with Bryan Singer himself, he was much more than a producer of First Class, he says that film is as much his film as it's Matthew Vaughn's. I won't bother looking it up, but you're good with google, search it if you don't trust me. My point is that he has been doing this for far too long. George Lucas directed four Star Wars films and produced another two. Bryan Singer directed four X-Men films and was heavily involved with one, according with him, not really something that Vaughn said. I think we've had enough of his vision, that's what I'm saying. 

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Rth has to show up tonight, right?!

36 minutes ago, grey ghost said:

I doubt it was his last chance.


Reynold's got more second chances than the Wachowski's, Jai Courtney and Taylor Kitsch put together.


He must have obscene photos of every studio head in Hollywood.

Well, according to something he says in Deadpool...

37 minutes ago, John Marston said:

can X-Men Apocalypse gross less than Deadpool possibly?

Possibly? Seems more likely than not right now tbh.

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Holy FUCK that was awesome!! That is how you start an r-rated superhero movie franchise. Ryan Reynolds absolutely kills it in this movie. Then again I think he kills it in every movie but he especially killed it in this one. I loved it right from the opening credits and then the end scene is just absolutely awesome. The after credits scene had me rolling in the aisles.

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Just now, Baumer said:

Holy FUCK that was awesome!! That is how you start an r-rated superhero movie franchise. Ryan Reynolds absolutely kills it in this movie. Then again I think he kills it in every movie but he especially killed it in this one. I loved it right from the opening credits and then the end scene is just absolutely awesome. The after credits scene had me rolling in the aisles.


I knew you would like it :) 


and hey got my likes back too :P



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7 minutes ago, Baumer said:

Holy FUCK that was awesome!! That is how you start an r-rated superhero movie franchise. Ryan Reynolds absolutely kills it in this movie. Then again I think he kills it in every movie but he especially killed it in this one. I loved it right from the opening credits and then the end scene is just absolutely awesome. The after credits scene had me rolling in the aisles.

So it's better than TFA:ph34r:

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7 minutes ago, iJackSparrow said:

Well, critically acclaimed relevance didn't give them Avengers or Batman money. And trust me, done right they'd get both.


I don't understand your reasoning. A film that makes over a billion dollars is automatically better and was unequivocally 'done right' as opposed to a film that grossed "merely" 747 million? That's just capriciously fanboy-ish nonsense, especially considering that both The Avengers and Days of Future Past were generally considered great films by moviegoers and film reviewers.

You may not care about what Singer's done, but that doesn't make what he's done "wrong."


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4 minutes ago, John Marston said:

Interesting how Deadpool is breaking out while Kick Ass flopped 


I don't think Matthew Vaughn is really suited for superhero films like people as Tim Miller, Joss Whedon and the Russo Brothers are. I haven't seen Kingsman yet (I know, I'm correcting this this weekend) but he seems much more confortable with things grittier and a little bit more grounded in reality like Kingsman is. Same goes for Bryan Singer, I feel that everytime he tries too hard with special effects (Jack Beans something, can't remember the name won't bother to search) , he falls flat because that's not really his specialty. I feel Singer needs to branch off to dramas and sci-fi films. He's a refined and great director, but not really suited for films like the X-Men, especially when he seems so passionate with his own version of these characters that all they usually have in common is their looks and powers. Colossus in X-Force just feels like Colossus from the comics, and it somehow Miller made him work more than literally any other X-Men character other than Wolverine (


even if he's sort of a running joke in the film



I don't know what they are doing if Apocalypse goes below Days of Future Past, but if it does, I do hope that means to rethink the X-Men franchise. I'm not sure they can make the X-Men cast from Apocalypse interact with Deadpool, since McAvoy and the rest of the team are all in the eighties while the events of Deadpool happens in the present, and that's one hell of a hot potato. How would they justify to keep the team and get they in the present days with Deadpool? All I know is that I don't have an attachment to any character from Singer's timeline other than Hugh's Wolverine, but even him should be doing his last Wolverine now (this one actually obviously is going to be rated R, because c'mon). I don't know how the audiences would react to another reboot of the X-Men franchise, but what I feel is that they've missed a great opportunity with Days of Future Past. At the end, we see how they changed the timeline and saved the future. That was a clean slate, they could have gone from there to a team in the present, with things happening in the same period that Deadpool and supposedly the Gambit film do. Not really a clean slate with whoever decided it was a good idea to keep them in the 80s. 

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32 minutes ago, wildphantom said:

Not really wanting this to turn into an X-Men vs Deadpool thread at Fox. The vast majority have loved the last two X-Men films. 

 True, but iJack feels that because he didn't like them, they are "not as good as they could have been." :rolleyes:

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Just now, iJackSparrow said:


I don't think Matthew Vaughn is really suited for superhero films like people as Tim Miller, Joss Whedon and the Russo Brothers are. I haven't seen Kingsman yet (I know, I'm correcting this this weekend) but he seems much more confortable with things grittier and a little bit more grounded in reality like Kingsman is. Same goes for Bryan Singer, I feel that everytime he tries too hard with special effects (Jack Beans something, can't remember the name won't bother to search) , he falls flat because that's not really his specialty. I feel Singer needs to branch off to dramas and sci-fi films. He's a refined and great director, but not really suited for films like the X-Men, especially when he seems so passionate with his own version of these characters that all they usually have in common is their looks and powers. Colossus in X-Force just feels like Colossus from the comics, and it somehow Miller made him work more than literally any other X-Men character other than Wolverine (

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I don't know what they are doing if Apocalypse goes below Days of Future Past, but if it does, I do hope that means to rethink the X-Men franchise. I'm not sure they can make the X-Men cast from Apocalypse interact with Deadpool, since McAvoy and the rest of the team are all in the eighties while the events of Deadpool happens in the present, and that's one hell of a hot potato. How would they justify to keep the team and get they in the present days with Deadpool? All I know is that I don't have an attachment to any character from Singer's timeline other than Hugh's Wolverine, but even him should be doing his last Wolverine now (this one actually obviously is going to be rated R, because c'mon). I don't know how the audiences would react to another reboot of the X-Men franchise, but what I feel is that they've missed a great opportunity with Days of Future Past. At the end, we see how they changed the timeline and saved the future. That was a clean slate, they could have gone from there to a team in the present, with things happening in the same period that Deadpool and supposedly the Gambit film do. Not really a clean slate with whoever decided it was a good idea to keep them in the 80s. 


Are you a writer for a living?

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31 minutes ago, Spidey Freak said:


Hmm, I think DoFP and now Deadpool may help Apocalypse opening. The multiplier I don't suspect will be better than the typical X-Men movie multiplier but enough to put it above 200M, which I think Fox will be content with. OS is where the real X-cash comes from now.

Sincerely, don't see it happening. Unless they scrap the film and have Deadpool breaking the fourth wall the entire time telling us that it's all a fucking dream. Now that I'd be completely interested to watch. 

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