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Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)

Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice (2016)  

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  1. 1. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)

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Affleck was great. Gadot was great. Batman saving Ma Kent was awesome, Wonder Woman to the rescue was awesome.


Pretty much everything else needed a good bit of work.





Also Batman kills people. I guess Snyder just decided to throw his morals out the window for this one. Just let Affleck write and direct the solo film, he'll do fine.



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Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice has a decent, almost good, flirting with greatness first two-thirds. The cast is really great, fitting their roles with ease. Laurence Fishburne and Jeremy Irons are supporting highlights, and Adams surprisingly isn’t lost in the ensuing madness. Gadot’s Wonder Woman is alright, but barely in the movie to make a mark. Unfortunately, the script does not support the three main characters as we know them. Affleck’s Batman is really neat and has awesome action scenes, but he’s only sorta Batman. Cavill’s Superman is probably the best part except for a few really nagging issues that make him feel like some original character, not Superman. Eisenberg’s performance is one of the best aspects of the movie, but he’s not playing Lex Luthor, he’s playing some Joker-esque sadistic version of him that feels wrong. Despite legitimately wonderful casting, the script lets them down over and over again, despite “cool” moments here and there.


And those cool moments are really great. There’s an astounding Superman montage (although marred by a weird cameo) and Batman’s solo fights are really neat to watch. The highlight of the movie is the Batman vs. Superman fight, with Snyder delivering the exciting visual panache along with being easy to follow. However, the film is surrounded with excess subplots. Holly Hunter and Scoot McNairy have no business being in this movie, and Snyder really needs to get over over-the-top dream sequences (especially considering one of this universe’s Batman’s biggest flaws is showcased in the major dream sequence). The Justice League build-up is incredibly out of place too, with the movie legitimately pausing to showcase origins for members and put production photos of upcoming films on screen. Heck, the film opens with one of the most unnecessary opening credits scenes I’ve ever seen, and then is immediately followed by an actually good “prologue” scene.


This all leads to the final act, which may the worst final act I’ve seen in any blockbuster. Everything becomes CGI and Goyer and Terrio take influence from the worst aspect of Avengers: Age of Ultron. However, the final 20 minutes of the movie makes a fatal mistake that honestly soured the whole movie for me. I obviously can’t say what that is, but rest assured, it’ll make you wonder why they chose to make Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice instead of Man of Steel 2 or just Batman v Superman without the Justice League stuff. This choice reveals that Snyder, Terrio, and Goyer know nothing about what makes these characters truly classic and honestly turns me off from this cinematic universe going forward.


This is a true shame, because I really liked Man of Steel and saw a lot of potential from it, even with its flaws. This film even had moments that made me smile from pure glee. Unfortunately, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice completely squanders said potential and makes you rethink on if you truly want an “edgy” Batman, or a “realistic” Superman. I’d personally rather just have the real Batman and Superman, but it looks like DC Entertainment has no interest in that. D

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I did not like this movie. I did not like it all. I disliked it so much I decided a general overview would not begin to cover all the problems I had with it. So I decided to do a full summary review from beginning to end. Then I managed to write 2500 words on it without even getting out of Act 1. Because the story is that goddamn dense. So, instead of one enormous chunk, I'm going to make it a multi-part review on my blog (which I'm reviving solely for the sake of not cluttering up this thread).


Here's Part 1. Enjoy.


(I suppose at least I'm getting some enjoyment out of the movie now, even if it's just from ragging on it.)

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At my second showing the crowd cheered for WW


The movie holds up okay after a second watch, but the pacing and editing is still a huge problem for me. I was also able to enjoy the soundtrack more, but still don't like Batman's OST much. 



Edited by BoxOfficeZ
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After some sleep, a lot of the problems really got to me, like I can understand Batman being weary of Superman at first, but there was not enough evidence to warrant him, killing him!, especially because superman was just trying to freaking talk to the guy at first! and the editing of the scenes, namely like the one where Clark Goes to see Marthan, it is so stinking short, needed to be longer, a lot of scenes like that  needed more dialogue, I still like it overall, but I have a feeling this movie is going to go down the more I watch it.


also I know people said batman kills people, aside from the dream sequences, I can't remember him killing anyone to be honest..  

Edited by Kalo
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6 hours ago, Blankie Cochran said:

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice has a decent, almost good, flirting with greatness first two-thirds. The cast is really great, fitting their roles with ease. Laurence Fishburne and Jeremy Irons are supporting highlights, and Adams surprisingly isn’t lost in the ensuing madness. Gadot’s Wonder Woman is alright, but barely in the movie to make a mark. Unfortunately, the script does not support the three main characters as we know them. Affleck’s Batman is really neat and has awesome action scenes, but he’s only sorta Batman. Cavill’s Superman is probably the best part except for a few really nagging issues that make him feel like some original character, not Superman. Eisenberg’s performance is one of the best aspects of the movie, but he’s not playing Lex Luthor, he’s playing some Joker-esque sadistic version of him that feels wrong. Despite legitimately wonderful casting, the script lets them down over and over again, despite “cool” moments here and there.


And those cool moments are really great. There’s an astounding Superman montage (although marred by a weird cameo) and Batman’s solo fights are really neat to watch. The highlight of the movie is the Batman vs. Superman fight, with Snyder delivering the exciting visual panache along with being easy to follow. However, the film is surrounded with excess subplots. Holly Hunter and Scoot McNairy have no business being in this movie, and Snyder really needs to get over over-the-top dream sequences (especially considering one of this universe’s Batman’s biggest flaws is showcased in the major dream sequence). The Justice League build-up is incredibly out of place too, with the movie legitimately pausing to showcase origins for members and put production photos of upcoming films on screen. Heck, the film opens with one of the most unnecessary opening credits scenes I’ve ever seen, and then is immediately followed by an actually good “prologue” scene.


This all leads to the final act, which may the worst final act I’ve seen in any blockbuster. Everything becomes CGI and Goyer and Terrio take influence from the worst aspect of Avengers: Age of Ultron. However, the final 20 minutes of the movie makes a fatal mistake that honestly soured the whole movie for me. I obviously can’t say what that is, but rest assured, it’ll make you wonder why they chose to make Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice instead of Man of Steel 2 or just Batman v Superman without the Justice League stuff. This choice reveals that Snyder, Terrio, and Goyer know nothing about what makes these characters truly classic and honestly turns me off from this cinematic universe going forward.


This is a true shame, because I really liked Man of Steel and saw a lot of potential from it, even with its flaws. This film even had moments that made me smile from pure glee. Unfortunately, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice completely squanders said potential and makes you rethink on if you truly want an “edgy” Batman, or a “realistic” Superman. I’d personally rather just have the real Batman and Superman, but it looks like DC Entertainment has no interest in that. D


Man now you're really starting to change my views on this film, it's like making these characters dark and "realistic" (which they are not). neuters them, that's why after I processed it, I ended up hating MoS so much.

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11 hours ago, Harpospoke said:

5/10   Started off really good and veered off course badly.   A bit like Fan4stic.   I didn't hate it and I don't think it's a 3/10 like the RT score would indicate at least.


Actually the average critic score is 5/10, so your reaction is very similar. 30% at RT is just the number of critics who said it was a good movie. 

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After three years in which every rumor, announcement, and tease was scrutinized at length by rabid fans and hardened skeptics alike, Batman v. Superman has finally arrived in finished form and can be judged on its own merits. And the final result, regrettably, is even more frustrating than the already divisive Man of Steel. The film's single biggest problem is that it's so eager to put the cart before the horse with regard to getting this shared universe to Justice League that precious little in the story feels well-developed. There's certainly plenty of room to explore the darker Superman psychology that Zack Snyder and crew introduced in the previous film, but we never get much more than quick, petty lip service as to why Superman is either necessary or a menace. Likewise, Batman's story is woefully underdeveloped (did we really need the umpteenth retelling of the origin mythos that everyone in the audience already knows in place of, say, some more explicit development of what makes Bruce Wayne/Batman tick in the present timeline of this universe?), and his motivation for targeting Superman is sketched so thinly that it feels like it's compelled more by the needs of the script than anything developed organically within the film. Unfortunately, the character who acts as the connective tissue between the two - Jesse Eisenberg's Lex Luthor - is a mixed bag. The decision to reframe Luthor as a young billionaire (genius?) is bold, and Eisenberg goes for broke with the scenery-chewing, but his eccentricity makes his dark and twisted villainy in the second half of the film tougher to swallow. As for the titular showdown... it's fine. Snyder's visual style works as well as it has in his past films, and there's something fun about watching these two titans finally duke it out on the big screen, even if it feels hollow from a storytelling standpoint given that it's inevitable that they'll both survive and team up. What sinks the battle isn't a stylistic choice in how it is presented on a visual or aural level, but rather how it comes to an end (REALLY? You hired an Oscar-winning screenwriter, and THAT'S what stops a fight between BATMAN AND SUPERMAN?).


I wanted to like this film. I really, really did. I wanted to put aside my adoration for the Christopher Nolan Dark Knight trilogy, and my belief that it couldn't be rebooted effectively so soon after those films proved to be the definitive screen version of the character in so many ways. I wanted to forget that I would love to have a glimpse into the parallel universe where the "new Superman sequel" actually came out in 2009 and was directed by Bryan Singer. I wanted a cast with so much talent to deliver something special. I wanted Zack Snyder to deliver something that succeeded in being as dark and challenging as his underrated (but yes, admittedly very divisive) Watchmen adaptation. I wanted this movie to succeed on such a level that it could reap similar cultural and financial success as the MCU while taking a radically different tonal approach.


Unfortunately, this big bout just doesn't deliver the goods as anticipated.



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3 hours ago, Kalo said:

After some sleep, a lot of the problems really got to me, like I can understand Batman being weary of Superman at first, but there was not enough evidence to warrant him, killing him!, especially because superman was just trying to freaking talk to the guy at first! and the editing of the scenes, namely like the one where Clark Goes to see Marthan, it is so stinking short, needed to be longer, a lot of scenes like that  needed more dialogue, I still like it overall, but I have a feeling this movie is going to go down the more I watch it.


I'm liking it less after sleeping on it too.    Last night I could remember feeling "I like this movie" during the first half, but that feeling is getting harder to recall now.   I guess the conclusion of stories are what really stick.   Getting a Phantom Menace vibe here where it might take a while to admit how little I like it.


3 hours ago, Kalo said:


also I know people said batman kills people, aside from the dream sequences, I can't remember him killing anyone to be honest..  


Same here.   I don't remember seeing that as a problem at any point of the movie.    And anyway, cops don't want to kill people either, but sometimes it's a necessity in that line of work for self protection at least.    I watched the Honest Trailer for Batman 89 and they pointed out that he murdered the crap out of a lot of people.   I guess this is a Nolan thing?

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They killed Superman way too early, we didn't get to see the more confident character of Superman or even get to love him yet imo and they killed him.. and from the looks of it they, are setting up the Injustice Storyline, which is a great story, but it should be like Justice League 3.. not this before we even have the regular Justice League set up! 


Also becuase Superman wasn't fully established, has death had way less impact than it should have, I liked it at first, because I was like yay! that's the superman I know and love who will sacrifice anything for the good of mankind, but becuase he wasn't fully developed I only got choked up at bit, Superman is very favorite superhero ever. you kill him and I should be balling and i wasn't, even though that scene at had impact, and some emotion it was nearly as much as it should have or could have been.

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It's not Green Lantern-bad but after I was reading for 14-15 years about this concept... this final product is very dissapointing. Affleck, Irons and Gadot are great, Eisenberg is just over-the-top and Cavill's still wooden. Snyder's directing and Terrio's script... TRASH.


5/10 (D)

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I just came back from seeing and while flawed, and clearly missing the 30 minutes cut, the fanboy in me couldn't help but smile. And Affleck=Batman. Get the solo Batman movie going pronto (well, after Justice League; just forget about Cyborg).


****/*****, (B+/A-, 7.9/10, 3/4)

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Can you guys believe that a huge tentpole didn't portray a politician with sizeable screen time as one of the bad guys? I know I can't. 


Not only that,  she was actually reasonable in her arguments.


Pretty groundbreaking if you ask me

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One of the most deflating theatrical experiences I've ever had, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is a simultaneously overcooked and undercooked superhero saga that mistakes darkness for actual entertainment. I didn't particularly like Man of Steel, but I held out hope that they would correct a number of that film's mistakes for the next outing. That assumption was wrong, though, as Zack Snyder has not only learned zilch from that film's problems, but magnified them to a degree that the movie ends up leaving the audience feeling as if their senses have been literally assaulted. There's certainly nothing wrong with making a very serious comic book movie, especially when one of the characters has long been seeped in his tragic background, but Snyder goes so far out of his way to ensure the audience that they're watching "grim dark" film that it ends up not being any fun at all. Who knew that the job of being a superhero could be so...dull? The movie isn't even pleasing to look at visually because the whole thing just looks so drab. Good lord, not even Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy was this glum. When the movie isn't trying to make sure the audience isn't having a good time, it really doesn't make any sense whatsoever. Character motivations are half-developed at best, and Snyder's views on these characters are different from previous incarnations in the least appealing ways. The talented cast is left pretty much stranded. Ben Affleck is decent and proves that he makes for a cool Batman but is unable to completely overcome the script's limitations, while Henry Cavill's most notable attribute remains that he looks great in the suit. Jesse Eisenberg is a talented actor, but he's miscast as Lex Luthor: he goes over-the-top for sure, but never do we buy him as even remotely threatening. Amy Adams does the best she can with the still underwritten Lois Lane role, while the other terrific actors that are either new or returning (Diane Lane, Laurence Fishburne, Jeremy Irons, Holly Hunter) make the most of the tragically little that the film gives them to do. I will say that I quite enjoyed Gal Gadot, who brings life to the film whenever she appears and certainly makes one curious about the Wonder Woman movie, but she's not in it much. I really don't know how they got this so wrong. A Batman and Superman movie was one of those things that I was always so excited about seeing someday. But even with lowered expectations, this disappoints. Snyder's a talented filmmaker, but he isn't the right fit for this material. Despite flashes of promise, this doesn't set a good foundation for the DC movie universe to build upon. C-


On a related note:



I knew it would never happen but a part of me was really hoping that Superman would just be dead for good at the end. I think the only way they will be able to make this universe work after this is through role reversal: make the inherently villainous Suicide Squad characters the heroes and let these two douchebags be the villains, and get Wonder Woman (and those other DC characters that randomly made cameos) to join their side. In the real world, no one would feel safe in the hands of this unlikable pair.


Edited by filmlover
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at my screening people loved it , and I don't get it the complaints about no heroes or no good guys superman was always shown to be a good  guy he saved lex from doomsday and at the end batman admitted he was wrong and his refusal to brand luthor just reflects that. The whole point of the movie is that people are good and darkness sin't always the answer. Bruce Wayne succeeded in getting the info while Batman failed that's why the universe will lighten the mood after this that's the point.

Edited by boomboom234
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Just some random thoughts after seeing the movie.  I really liked and am close to loving it.


Things I liked:

*I like all the actors/performances for the most part.  I am a big fan of Cavill as Superman, Affleck was great as were all the supporting roles.  I feared the worst for Eisneberg in the trailers and he ended up being pretty good. Also loved seeing Pa Kent even if a brief scene.

*I thought the execution of Wayne/Batman's motivation to hate superman was excellent. A very believable and powerful way to make the story go early on.

*The last 45 minutes was awesome.  The fight between Batman/Superman was painful to watch in an effective way. But the "Martha" moment was wonderful and the sequences with the trio and Doomsday was fantastic.

*I was personally moved by the end with Superman/Lois, his sacrafice, and death.  Awesome stuff


Things I didn't care for:

* The first half of the film was uneven at times

* The cameos of the justice leaguers wasn't necessary IMO.

*The score was great, though that may change on multiple viewings.  The Superman theme from Man of Steel was my favorite music whenever it popped up.


Overall, awesome entertainment!



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3 hours ago, Goffe said:

Can you guys believe that a huge tentpole didn't portray a politician with sizeable screen time as one of the bad guys? I know I can't. 


Not only that,  she was actually reasonable in her arguments.


Pretty groundbreaking if you ask me


I really liked Holly Hunter's character, she was a smart politician. well for the most part. not smart enough to foresee her demise. I loved the Grandma's Peach tidbit in there too, kind of feel like that was Chris Terrio behind that.

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24 minutes ago, filmlover said:

One of the most deflating theatrical experiences I've ever had, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is a simultaneously overcooked and undercooked superhero saga that mistakes darkness for actual entertainment. I didn't particularly like Man of Steel, but I held out hope that they would correct a number of that film's mistakes for the next outing. That assumption was wrong, though, as Zack Snyder has not only learned zilch from that film's problems, but magnified them to a degree that the movie ends up leaving the audience feeling as if their senses have been literally assaulted. There's certainly nothing wrong with making a very serious comic book movie, especially when one of the characters has long been seeped in his tragic background, but Snyder goes so far out of his way to ensure the audience that they're watching "grim dark" film that it ends up not being any fun at all. Who knew that the job of being a superhero could be so...dull? The movie isn't even pleasing to look at visually because the whole thing just looks so drab. Good lord, not even Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy was this glum. When the movie isn't trying to make sure the audience isn't having a good time, it really doesn't make any sense whatsoever. Character motivations are half-developed at best, and Snyder's views on these characters are different from previous incarnations in the least appealing ways. The talented cast is left pretty much stranded. Ben Affleck is decent and proves that he makes for a cool Batman but is unable to completely overcome the script's limitations, while Henry Cavill's most notable attribute remains that he looks great in the suit. Jesse Eisenberg is a talented actor, but he's miscast as Lex Luthor: he goes over-the-top for sure, but never do we buy him as even remotely threatening. Amy Adams does the best she can with the still underwritten Lois Lane role, while the other terrific actors that are either new or returning (Diane Lane, Laurence Fishburne, Jeremy Irons, Holly Hunter) make the most of the tragically little that the film gives them to do. I will say that I quite enjoyed Gal Gadot, who brings life to the film whenever she appears and certainly makes one curious about the Wonder Woman movie, but she's not in it much. I really don't know how they got this so wrong. A Batman and Superman movie was one of those things that I was always so excited about seeing someday. But even with lowered expectations, this disappoints. Snyder's a talented filmmaker, but he isn't the right fit for this material. Despite flashes of promise, this doesn't set a good foundation for the DC movie universe to build upon. C-


On a related note:


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Wow I haven't seen anyone as dispirited by a movie since I witnessed people's reaction to A.I..


Amazing the diversity of opinion this movie creates. 


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