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Weekend Thread: Grimsby Bros leads the way with massive 3.1M, 10CL has decent 25.2M, Zootopia crumbles to $50M ;) P.31

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I do think Sacha Baron Cohen needs to go back to television and create new characters. I'm sure they'd be interested in a new SBC show from the likes of Netflix, Amazon etc I'm sure he'll still get film roles, I wouldn't be surprised if he's up for Fagin in the new Oliver! film that Sony, Working Title and Cameron Mackintosh are developing.

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1 hour ago, Kung Fu Panda Tree said:

The 5pm Allegiant showing at my cinema is 5.4% full. Bear in mind my cinema is situated next to a massive high school. #bombombomb


The core audience of the series HATES this book, to the point where many of them refuse to acknowledge it exist. Both these movies are going to bomb hard unless word comes out that the ending was rewritten for the movie.

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1 minute ago, John Marston said:

This is apparently not a Cloverfield  sequel. Is t this false advertising?

False advertising is when they sell something that doesn't exist (like Weinstein selling Carol as a thriller- dead- in later TV spots). The marketing for 10 Cloverfield Lane has made it clear that it's about Mary Elizabeth Winstead trying to get away from captor John Goodman. The only false advertising is if you go into the theater just knowing the title (although I guess it's debatable how remembered Cloverfield is among the general audience 8 years later).

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3 minutes ago, Ray G said:


The core audience of the series HATES this book, to the point where many of them refuse to acknowledge it exist. Both these movies are going to bomb hard unless word comes out that the ending was rewritten for the movie.

Cjohn was saying yesterday that Allegiant part 1 actually covers the entire book; which should mean Resurgent next year will be a new movie.

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JJ Abrams said there's a larger idea with 10 CL that they're playing with, and that they hope they get to make (with those numbers, definitely), there is this film called God Particle coming out in 2017, which could be related, there are also 3 or 4 other untitled JJ Abrams/Bad Robot projects, two being sci-fi. 


There's a bigger thing at play here. 

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1 minute ago, La Binoche said:

Don't forget to support the smaller movies this weekend! 


Helen Mirren + Alan Rickman in his final role in EYE IN THE SKY which is earning rave reviews: http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/eye_in_the_sky/

Alice Through the Looking Glass is really Rickman's final movie (even though it's only voiceover).


Also, Hello My Name is Doris with Sally Field is opening. I hope that does well, it looks funny.

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Cloverfield is a great time. Highly recommended. My theater was about 80% full. Pretty good crowd for an 11:35 show. They seemed to dig it. I feel the film itself is good enough to ward off the severe potential drops being thrown around but I'm probably wrong.

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32 minutes ago, La Binoche said:

Don't forget to support the smaller movies this weekend! 


Helen Mirren + Alan Rickman in his final role in EYE IN THE SKY which is earning rave reviews: http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/eye_in_the_sky/

I really don't understand why we're getting it one month later than the US, even though it's a British movie :( it's not like there are any big movies out atm. #NotFair

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1 hour ago, babz06 said:

Sasha Baron Cohen should not have dropped the Freddy Mercury biopic. His career needs a rejuvenation. 


If a lighter skinned Zoe Saldana is getting grief for playing the darker skinned Nina Simone, I really doubt the reaction to a white SBC playing an Indian Freddy Mercury will "rejuvenate" SBC's career. For all intents and purposes, it's best that project went away.

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8 minutes ago, DAJK said:

Is it just me, or is anyone else more surprised at Cloverfield Lane's audience score than critic score?

Now that I saw it, nope. It's legit good, and very mainstream friendly as well. The worries by many (including me) about the lack of ties to the original are overstated.

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12 minutes ago, DAJK said:

Is it just me, or is anyone else more surprised at Cloverfield Lane's audience score than critic score?

I'm not, reactions to the film leading up to release have been stellar.

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3 hours ago, Spaghetti said:

Brothers Grimsby: 235k


Considering SBC's fans, that's a horrific number.


What fanbase? Like any actor people only flocked to see his films out of interest and good WOM. Once his "shtick" ran it's course, people got tired of it.

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Solid for Cloverfield. Ok for Young Messiah. Terrible for Grimsby. Sasha Baron Cohen had one decent movie out of his characters and that was Borat, Ali G was good for what it was too. But Bruno was stupid, and The Dictator was mediocre at best. 

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