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Tuesday: BvS 12.2m (DHD) 19% drop from Monday

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Started a Podcast, would like to maybe make it the unofficial podcast of the forums. Hopefully you can ask questions and stuff. Made a page in the Speakeasy for it http://forums.boxofficetheory.com/topic/21497-cinema-sesh-podcast/ 


You can listen this week here http://cinemasesh.libsyn.com/episode-006 we breakdown the weekends box office, BvS, News, blu rays, new releases.









Edited by Jay Hollywood
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9 minutes ago, Jay Hollywood said:

Started a Podcast, would like to maybe make it the unofficial podcast of the forums. Hopefully you can ask questions and stuff. Made a page in the Speakeasy for it http://forums.boxofficetheory.com/topic/21497-cinema-sesh-podcast/ 


You can listen this week here http://cinemasesh.libsyn.com/episode-006 we breakdown the weekends box office including BvS, news, and new releases! Check it out!








Since I've been listening to a lot of podcasts recently, I might check it out. Sounds interesting. 

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4 hours ago, Telemachos said:


The way to attack or hurt someone like that is to hurt those he loves and cares about deeply, and especially to do so in a way where (apparently) his immense powers can't help.

You mean like the Joker did to Batman like in The Dark Knight? Still one of the best scenes in a comic book/super hero movie ever (The interrogation room).

Edited by somebody85
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6 hours ago, grey ghost said:


Well it took 5 decades for people to get tired of constant Westerns, so...


And that was with dozens (hundreds?) of them released every year.    We got 3 super hero movies last year out of 700 movies.   Not exactly overkill.


5 hours ago, filmlover said:

Rate the superhero actors by their crotch shots?


Wonder Woman wins.


4 hours ago, Telemachos said:


I agree with your post completely, but I don't think he's outdated at all. I don't even know that much about the character (aside from the movie versions of him), but the idea that a sincere, good-hearted hero is "out of date" is pretty short-sighted. (Not saying you agree with that concept.) Raimi's Spidey and Markus-McFeely's Captain America show that this basic concept is very much alive even in current superhero movies... and outside of the genre, Harry Potter and Frodo/Sam proved that these really "old-fashioned" characters will still be embraced by modern audiences.


"Outdated" is the sort of groupthink that happens when execs examine current "trendy" big movies, and try to react to them by imitation. But the next big thing is usually counter-point to prevailing wisdom.


It comes down to execution. As it always does.


I hope you are right on that.   A lot of people seem to believe Supes just doesn't work any more, but as you say....just make a good movie and he'll work just fine.    It's the same logic as the Hulk.   No one is brave enough to put the actual Hulk onscreen but some still claim it won't work.    How about actually trying before saying it won't work?


I am kinda wondering if one thing is out of date though.   While watching Daredevil I noticed I was siding more with the Punisher and Electra in the "kill or no kill" debate.    Now with Batman being a killer like Wolverine and Deadpool, is it possible that the hero who refuses to kill is old-fashioned?   If we listed our favorite heroes wouldn't most of them be character who kill?    That's including older ones like the Bruce Willis, Arnold, and Stallone characters.   Heck...Bruce Lee and Clint Eastwood piled up some bodies too.     I'm now looking at Daredevil and his attitude doesn't seem as cool as Dexter's.


2 hours ago, Orestes said:

If I could pop into alternate universes like the Flash, I would totally check out the universe where this and Civil War released on the same day.


Oooo...we almost had that glorious weekend, didn't we?


32 minutes ago, The Dark Alfred said:

People cry about Batman being in every DC film. Please make it so. Biggest SH draw of all time. Marvel is doing the same with IM. Outside RDJ there is no standalone MCUU huge hit either. So in that comparison DC wins. Marvel probably wins in the showdown between TA and JLA, but the next comparison is DCUU's win again comparing CA to Supes. We'll find out if WW and Aquaman can do Thor and Ant Man numbers. My point is that DCUU's future is bright after BvS, don't get the negativity just because the reviews. IM2's reception wasn't great either, but it didn't stop IM3 doing better business.


The problem with that is you don't develop any more characters when you lean on one so heavily.   Like Fox did with the Wolverine and friends movies.   You get no audience connection with Cyclops, Storm, Colossus, Nightcrawler, Rogue, etc.    


Not sure what you term a huge hit, but Marvel is at least letting other characters have their own space.   Batman just came in an dominated the narrative and there was nothing left for Supes or WW.    So can we look forward to a JL movie...set at night in the rain of course....where every other character is the "other Xmen"?


Maybe it keeps working or maybe you wear it out and get a Batman Begins box office...it happens to all of them.   Meantime you've got Supes fans like me who are dissatisfied with the DCU because he's written as a moron to make Batman look good.    Sounds like a one-trick-pony to me.

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5 hours ago, Telemachos said:


I don't really buy this. Technically, yes, there's only one first time. But it's hardly like that's your only chance, or even that it's impossible to make a popular movie version of a character that's already failed. WB has "nailed" Batman three times. They're one for three for Superman. But that doesn't mean another Superman, down the road, is doomed to failure and/or audience rejection.


Heck, Marvel "failed" twice with Hulk (once by outsourcing the material, essentially; once on their own) before the Ruffalo/Whedon combo clicked with audiences. Spidey is on his third iteration -- I assume most people here expect the new version to be entertaining. Outside of the superhero-verse, Bond has been rebooted successfully five (?) different times, with arguably one failure (and even that failure was a big hit). Even the famous Kirk/Spock/McCoy trinity of Star Trek -- once deemed so iconic that many felt it would be impossible to replicate -- has been successfully rebooted as well.


Why would DC prove to be the exception to the rule?


Kinda insane in 15 years, Spider-Man franchise has seen 3 versions. Unprecedented. There is 23 years in-between Adam West version of Batman and the super-blockbuster Burton/Keaton version, and almost 20 years between Superman IV and Superman Returns.



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3 hours ago, Rth said:





start weekend thread


5 hours ago, Rth said:



Why wasn't the title updated with Rth's actual numbers for Tuesday?


3 hours ago, Baumer said:

I have a 63 mill weekend and a 410 domestic finish. 


I'm nothing but an amateur next to Baumer.  He is one of the best I've witnessed here, watching him breaking down numbers was how I first started getting to actually understand how to try to predict box office numbers. With that said, based on the factors at play, I'll try to break it down the numbers that I see going forward:


Wednesday: $8,89m

Thursday: $8,09m

Friday: $17,6m

Saturday: $23,2m

Sunday: $12,7m


$53,5m weekend, mirroring slightly under Fast 7.


I'll be more comfortable predicting the final Dom numbers after this next weekend, but right now I see <~$350m. 


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6 minutes ago, Baumer said:

You're giving it a 2.12X Ijack.  Come on dude.  That's way too low.

It's useless. He's been low balling this movie since it started. if this does less than $55 I would be really surprise.

BvS have the whole Oasis to itself, no new competition ....

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7 minutes ago, Baumer said:

You're giving it a 2.12X Ijack.  Come on dude.  That's way too low.

I know, man. I just think this pattern of going slightly under Fast 7 will keep going, and then the big releases of Aprik/May will do the rest. TASM2 had a slightly above 2.2 multiplier. Bad buzz killed it but that had a way less frontloaded opening weekend. It could even go lower than 2.1, Watchmen had a 1.94 multiplier and due to frontloadness/buzz BvS could descend even further. That's actually my optimistic prediction. The bad one is like $315m-$330m.

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