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Tuesday: BvS 12.2m (DHD) 19% drop from Monday

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15 minutes ago, James said:

Wow you guys, I just had to look at this page to figure out that this thread is just as awful as the yesterday one. WTF? Is the need to say the same shit again and again really that strong?


what do peolple expect to do to fill the time between rth's estimates and when actuals come out? 


I gave up trying to figure out 200-300 page weekend threads for the same reason. At least rumor has it, there was an actual dick measuring contest earlier today.  

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1 minute ago, redfirebird2008 said:


It's a Transformers 2 type of win for them. Question is whether they really want their DC Universe to be a superhero version of the Transformers franchise. I can't help but think they would rather see it play out in a different manner. It's within their power to produce better movies. Hopefully they will learn something from this one.


Hard to say. I guess it depends if WW or Suicide Squad take a massive hit from bad press from BvS. Even then, it'd be far too late to change JL, but you might save JL part 2. If this movie gets the headline "BvS Under Deadpool" there might change, just because that isn't an appealing headline. In much the way AoU is a disappointment, BvS may look like one in those conditions.


But again, that's just colorful speculation.

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3 minutes ago, Lumos said:

Saw this film last night, and I'm pretty sure this is the worst superhero movie I have ever seen. I hope this film crashes and burns. Really rooting for a Deadpool>BvS DOM Total

Then I seriously doubt you have watched much Superhero Movies.

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1 minute ago, redfirebird2008 said:


Thank you for the apology. My only point in responding to Jessie is that I have no problem with people piling on BvS, but let's stick to the facts. IM2 most certainly did have a huge budget and it was not as profitable as BvS will be. It's not as profitable as it could be if it was a much better movie, but it's still very profitable for WB.

The difference being that Iron Man 2 wasn't Iron Man vs Captain America vs Thor vs The Hulk and wasn't the blockbuster superhero film worst reviewed since Green Lantern. I'm sorry red, but comparing BvS with IM2 is loony talk. 


Warner fired their shot for a "first team up" between their trinity with this film, and it's been savaged. Reception for IM2 was mild,  and even though profitable and not nearly as vilified as both MoS and BvS were, they  realized the best move was find someone else to direct The Avengers instead of Favreau. Warner is in the brink of committing the mistake that Marvel didn't commit for s second time keeping Snyder as the director of Justice League. Comparing IM2 to BvS is just a fanboy attempt to make the mess that BvS is less bad, and you are nine circles of hell of lot more clever than this. WB screwed up. Twice. They have a Ben Affleck script ready as an option and they should take their time to make the event that Justice League deserves to be. They are rushing it, but at least we know via McWeeny that there are people there championing Affleck's Batman film. THAT film can make more than Iron Man 3 and maybe even Civil War if that's the call they make in the wake of BvS.


I'm not saying that WB won't be successful as Marvel Studios, but comparing both like you and TDA are doing is fanboy talk.

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6 minutes ago, Hatebox said:


It speaks volumes about the level of discussion surrounding this film that I now assume such sentiments are sincere.


I'm playing friend. It's just entertainment! Do not worry! 


I just think Zack Snyder is hurting the entire DC universe. 


The DC does not pay my debts.



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6 minutes ago, Lumos said:

Saw this film last night, and I'm pretty sure this is the worst superhero movie I have ever seen. I hope this film crashes and burns. Really rooting for a Deadpool>BvS DOM Total


The amount of hate..aren't you tired yet?

Movie crossed half-billion WW in 5 days, so crash and burn isn't a possibility anymore.

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2 minutes ago, filmlover said:

I am already ready for this movie's run to be over just to quiet things down around here.


Even for a cynic like me, it's been damn ugly.


Meltdowns are supposed to be fun, but this is something else. The sense of fun and proportion has totally drained from both sides of the argument.




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4 minutes ago, iJackSparrow said:

The difference being that Iron Man 2 wasn't Iron Man vs Captain America vs Thor vs The Hulk and wasn't the blockbuster superhero film worst reviewed since Green Lantern. I'm sorry red, but comparing BvS with IM2 is loony talk. 



No, I was only correcting the facts being discussed. I do not actually agree with any of Alfred's rants. Just when I see someone claim IM2 didn't have a big budget, that is horse shit. Stick to the facts. There are plenty of problems with Alfred's arguments and you brought up some good ones above.

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11 minutes ago, Gabriel Sales said:

Someone agrees that BvS will be the highest grossing film of DC? I see no other film of DC (Justice League 1 and 2, Suicide Squad, Wonder Woman, etc.) doing more than BvS.


In short, the chance that DC had to make a film that has scooped more than 1 billion was wasted. In my opinion, if BvS was a good movie make easy 1.5 billion.


Congratulations Zack Snyder! You should be arrested! :angry:

Imo BvS was never making more then 1.3 billion. It's coming off mos, had its release delayed, had trailers people didn't like and let's not forget we had tons of people question Affleck and Gadot in their rolls. Had the reviews been better, wom would have been way better and that could of taken it to the higher end, right now it looks like the movie should make that billion. I personally see JL1 making more then BvS and also see a solo batman movie making more as well.


I think WB is a lot more pleased then any of us think, if this crosses the 700+

million mark Sunday like predicted that would be a pretty good 11 days for them. 

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2 minutes ago, Telemachos said:


Technically, it was yesterday.


edit: wait, no, there were dick jokes today too.




I miss the BOM thread where we actually threw out measurements, argued over rulers, and where to start measuring (I'm still on Team Taint btw).  Sigh...good times!


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BvS vs Incredible Hulk may both be second movies in DCEU and MCU but it's not an apples to apples comparison.


BvS was a huge event film.


Neither is BvS vs AOU an apoles to apoles comparison.


MCU had five movies building up towards Avengers which slowly increased anticipation a great deal.





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13 minutes ago, TimmyRiggins said:

If JL is great, and they market it great, no reason it can't do more than BvS, The Flash has appeal, not on Superman, Batman or Wonder Woman level, but still. We'll see, the DCEU universe is successfully launched, exciting times.


I think Flash will be the star Justice League just like Wonder Woman was for Batman v. Superman.

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The first Avengers is the most accurate comparison for BvS. Problem for BvS is a lack of world-building and the movie itself is not very good. The negative buzz surrounding it is very strong. WB can either learn from BvS reception or they will just go the Transformers route. I don't think the future movies will be anywhere near as critic-proof as this one though.

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Just as a point of comparison, here are the biggest WB films of all time (worldwide):


DH 2 $1,341m
TDKR $1,084m
Hobbit 1 $1,021m
TDK $1,005m
HP1 $974m
DH 1 $960m
Hobbit 2 $958m
Hobbit 3 $956m
HP 5 $940m
HP 6 $934m
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