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Weekend Estimates : BVS 52.39M | Zootopia 20M | Wedding 11.13M | God's Not Dead 8.1M | Sun Rth - Bvs 12 or 14.2, Zoo 5.3, MBFGW2 2.8, GND2 2

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5 minutes ago, iJackSparrow said:

This will blow up like a bomb on this film this Saturday. The whole bombing thing has become an event on itself, it's the pay off from the negative reviews and the negative buzz. Like Rth said:


Wishful thinking. I won't be surprised with stuff as low as under $20m from Saturday and under 10m for Sunday. 


Should clarifiy:


Your post inadvertently seems to indicated that Rth said "Wishful thinking. I won't be surprised with stuff as low as under $20m from Saturday and under 10m for Sunday."


as opposed to:  Rth said "Wishful thinking." and iJack adds "I won't be surprised with stuff as low as under $20m from Saturday and under 10m for Sunday."




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4 minutes ago, a2knet said:


You are right. F7 had an 18.8m Friday and a 15.2m Sunday. I don't expect BVS to have a 15m Sunday after a 15m Friday, but wanted to be very optimistic to see the uber-high end weekend number.


But 35%+ drop on Sunday should happen and it will go below 14m for sure, if the Friday is 15m.


Yeah man, I'd say it was possible or even likely, if it did that for Friday. But if it only did 15m or lower...yeah, those 2 huge events will definitely have an impact on Sunday. Both are must see TV. You can't DVR either. TWD has been hyped to hell and a lot of people are going to watch it live to avoid being spoiled.

I've heard some compare it to the biggest episode of TV since the season finale of The Sopranos. I don't know if it's going to live up to all the hype though.


4 minutes ago, iJackSparrow said:

This will blow up like a bomb on this film this Saturday. The whole bombing thing has become an event on itself, it's the pay off from the negative reviews and the negative buzz. Like Rth said:


Wishful thinking. I won't be surprised with stuff as low as under $20m from Saturday and under 10m for Sunday. 

We'll see what it does tomorrow but I can see the headlines coming as soon as tomorrow if estimates hold. Like stated above, Sunday it has some harsh competition. 

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1 minute ago, a2knet said:


Should clarifiy:


Your post inadvertently seems to indicated that Rth said "Wishful thinking. I won't be surprised with stuff as low as under $20m from Saturday and under 10m for Sunday."


as opposed to:  Rth said "Wishful thinking." and iJack adds "I won't be surprised with stuff as low as under $20m from Saturday and under 10m for Sunday." :)


Great comeback. :)


Thanks for clarifying too. 

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5 minutes ago, somebody85 said:

Yeah man, I'd say it was possible or even likely, if it did that for Friday. But if it only did 15m or lower...yeah, those 2 huge events will definitely have an impact. Both are must see TV. You can't DVR it.


We'll see what it does tomorrow but I can see the headlines coming as soon as tomorrow if estimates hold. Like stated above, Sunday it has some harsh competition. 


If Sunday is harsh then 50m is tough. Cause it needs a 44-45% bump on Sat as it is to keep 50m alive. If it has a smaller bump on Sat then Sunday has to compensate. 15 + 21.75 [+45%] + 13.5 [-38%] = 50.25.


I don't think WB will report sub-50m weekend estimates though.

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BO is predicting X:A to have a 124m ow (4-day) and 260m dom. That would be great. Singer is a great director and have high hopes on X:A.


WB gave him Superman Returns and it didn't go well. An example of how 'bring director xyz' cannot fix things. That is not to say 'remove director xyz' is a bad move.

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24 minutes ago, a2knet said:

BO is predicting X:A to have a 124m ow (4-day) and 260m dom. That would be great. Singer is a great director and have high hopes on X:A.


WB gave him Superman Returns and it didn't go well. An example of how 'bring director xyz' cannot fix things. That is not to say 'remove director xyz' is a bad move.


Snyder is on, whether people like it or not. Look, the box office run is disappointing but it's still a success, I'm sure it's not exactly what WB had in mind,  but they can't expect to catch up to Marvel on two movies alone, the DCEU is successfully launched, they did it, I guess they have to find a way to turn it around in some ways. And I'm not sure that the key to better box office for JL is about tone exactly, or even reviews, perception plays a lot. All the negativity swirling around the film lately has done its job, that + they're new to the game, just putting Batman in your film isn't enough to propulse your film to Avengers realm, BvS follows MOS, so imo, this is a step in the right direction, they just have to find a way to magically make critics like DC films.


And it's not as simple as "well they just didn't like the film", there's so much baggage here coming along that there just isn't with Marvel because they've been there first and have earned all that good faith throughout the years. Maybe it can start with the ultimate cut which might very well solve a lot of the problems some are having with the film, not only could that be a nice selling point (30 extra minutes ! the cut Snyder wanted in theaters (which is true) ), but it could help with correcting some of that perception, and WB at least knows now what things they can "correct" in JL and other films to make them more widely likeable, which to me is not a great thing but whatever.


I love MOS and BvS, and like many others who do, I just don't want DC to trade in what makes DC movies DC for cheap jokes and Marvel-type fun, just find a nice balance. 

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42 minutes ago, Deathlife said:

I guess those guys that called BvS an art movie and said it wasn't made to make money were right.



On the other hand, some hardcore DC fans:







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40 minutes ago, iJackSparrow said:

Great comeback. :)


Thanks for clarifying too. 


Are you saying that BvS is going to make less than 20 mill on Saturday?  So basically no increase?  Do you know how impossible that is?

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25 minutes ago, Intergalactic Ping Pong said:

Not trying to start a Star Wars vs DC flamewar since I enjoy both properties, but Dawn of Justice will probably make less in its second weekend than SW made on its second Saturday ($56 mill+). Crazy. 


P.S. I liked the film. Do not tie me to a stick and place me over a bonfire, porfavor. 

TFA was just pure BO insanity. That's why those $225+ million OW clubs for BvS and CW seem ridiculous to me. (SW is my biggest movie love and superheroes, especially Batman and Spider-man are second, so no hate here for either of those movies (BvS was OK IMO, 6/10).

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