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Weekend Estimates : BVS 52.39M | Zootopia 20M | Wedding 11.13M | God's Not Dead 8.1M | Sun Rth - Bvs 12 or 14.2, Zoo 5.3, MBFGW2 2.8, GND2 2

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3 hours ago, narniadis said:


Thats just sooooo crazy when you think about it. @cannastop you have a real prize on your hands with this film.

Lol, did you really have to mention me when Zootopia outshines BvS? Am I the ambassador of Zootopia's ass-kicking on this board?

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1 minute ago, TimmyRiggins said:


Snyder is on, whether people like it or not. Look, the box office run is disappointing but it's still a success, I'm sure it's not exactly what WB had in mind,  but they can't expect to catch up to Marvel on two movies alone, the DCEU is successfully launched, they did it, I guess they have to find a way to turn it around. And I'm not sure that the key to better box office for JL is about tone exactly, or even reviews, perception plays a lot. All the negativity swirling around the film lately has done its job, that + they're new to the game, just putting Batman in your film isn't enough to propulse your film to Avengers realm, BvS follows MOS, so imo, this is a step in the right direction, they just have to find a way to magically make critics like DC films.


And it's not as simple as "well they just didn't like the film", there's so much baggage here coming along that there just isn't with Marvel because they've been there first and have earned all that good faith throughout the years. Maybe it can start with the ultimate cut which might very well solve a lot of the problems some are having with the film, not only could that be a nice selling point (30 extra minutes ! the cut Snyder wanted in theaters (which is true) ), but it could help with correcting some of that perception, and WB at least knows now what things they can "correct" in JL and other films to make them more widely likeable, which to me is not a great thing but whatever.


I love MOS and BvS, and like many others who do, I just don't want DC to trade in what makes DC movies DC for cheap jokes and Marvel-type fun, just find a nice balance. 

Magically? It's called making a good freaking movie. Critics and audiences both loved the Nolan DC films just fine, even before it was revealed they wouldn't be part of a larger universe. The problem with BvS isn't that it's dark or not Marvel or whatever, it's that it's not very good. There are a shit ton of flaws in it that permeate to the very core and drag the movie down for critics and audiences alike. (If you want more details, see my 5-part review.)


Don't get me wrong though, if you liked BvS and consider it a good movie, that's great, more power to you (since there is admittedly some good stuff in it). But to pretend that the only reason critics disliked it is because they're biased or bribed or whatever, is just willful blindness and not going to do anyone any favours in the long run.

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17 minutes ago, jj99 said:


Where is @Napoleon with the excuses?


That's a very sexy Drop. 1 down 2 to go, in Deadpool's quest to be #1 CBM in 2016.


Allegiant having a good hold is also not good for my derby.


He is not here but let me try:


Biggest 2nd weekend for movie with Superman.

Biggest 2nd weekend for movie with Wonder Woman.

Biggest 2nd weekend for a Batman movie in 3D.

Biggest 2nd weekend for a DCEU movie.

Biggest 2nd weekend for a Zack Snyder movie.

Biggest 2nd weekend for WB in April.

Should I go on or is this enough?



(I was also gonna add "Biggest 2nd weekend for WB outside Summer" but Lego Movie and Sniper had huge 2nd weekends outside summer! Also Potter 1 and 4 in November and 50m+ 2nd weekends)

Edited by a2knet
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This is a failure on WB's part no matter how you see it.


There is no way WB was expecting a WW gross of $200m/$250m superior to MOS when added their whole roster and biggest assets, Batman and Wonder Woman included....not after non 3D TDK and TDKR.  


That a newcomer like Deadpool deprived of chinese gross may end up matching this movie WW gross sans China is a total blow to WB.


Snyder and co have been bragging for months about having icons in this, throwing cheap shots at flavour of the month from rival studio to sell what they perceive as a superior product with major incentives and definite advantages over the MCU.


The worst part of all of this is that it has pushed back even further the prospect of building a brand and acquiring market shares abroad.


SS will suffer from this in a lot of markets where both MOS and BvS had toxic WOM. 


It has to deliver big and unquestionably just to restore faith and repair the damage made to the brand.


The only character that will got unscathered from this is Batman who has more hits in his resume and a huge following among the general audience. 


For Wonder Woman, it will all depends on how WB react to its potential BO as they are one studio quick to dump any character performing under their own projection.


I hope WW prevails because it is my most anticipated DC offering.  But the timing may really hurt the movie even if it's good.

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5 minutes ago, TommyA10 said:

TFA was just pure BO insanity. That's why those $225+ million OW clubs for BvS and CW seem ridiculous to me. (SW is my biggest movie love and superheroes, especially Batman and Spider-man are second, so no hate here for either of those movies (BvS was OK IMO, 6/10).


I think some have caught on to the pattern of X movie sets new record for opening weekend and soon other blockbusters reach the mark with ease. But not this soon, fellas. I can possibly see a really hyped movie coming in at JW / Avengers OW numbers (around $210 mill). 


But just because SW set the bar at $249 mill, doesn't mean movies this year will be coming anywhere close to it. I give it 2-3 years or more before the major blockbusters (excluding Star Wars) even come with $10 mill of that. I'm going to be rather surprised if any film this year breaks $200 million OW. 

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6 minutes ago, rukaio101 said:



Don't get me wrong though, if you liked BvS and consider it a good movie, that's great, more power to you (since there is admittedly some good stuff in it). But to pretend that the only reason critics disliked it is because they're biased or bribed or whatever, is just willful blindness and not going to do anyone any favours in the long run.

A true diplomat. 

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18 minutes ago, BATMOOSEMIKE said:

15 million Friday???!!


Are you guys sure RTH isn't making an April Fools joke?

It's poor taste to make April Fools jokes on April 2.

BTW, I'm an insider just like Rth, and Zootopia totally made $10 million on Friday.

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8 minutes ago, Baumer said:


Are you saying that BvS is going to make less than 20 mill on Saturday?  So basically no increase?  Do you know how impossible that is?

You were the one saying this would gross $61m and have a 61% jump Friday. Right now you're this guy:




If you haven't noticed, Rth is talking about low end of $15m, maybe even less than that. A fairly generous 30% jump from Friday to Saturday with $15.1m would make around for more $4.53m, and that's under $20. I'm not saying it will go as low as that, but only people completely disconnected from where this is going would doubt that. Another gentle decrease of 40% from Saturday's 19,63m (and I'm not even taking things like TWD's finale and Final Four), it'd go to $11,7m. And I bet the drop will be bigger. This is a fairly 'positive' $46,43m. This is a "looking good" scenario right now, B. Just admit that you were wrong and let's move on. 

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Oh dear, this is horrible. 
I think it's not important now, if it's a weekend or a weekday movie. It's a movie, that got absolutely killed by buzz and critics. 

A 71% drop against a single openener, that is DOA, is worrisome.

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Even not being a fan of this film or style I am shocked...


I used to be a bit silly and say that this film with Zack Synder in Charge will fall 70% 2nd weekend but I never expected it to be true...


A 70% ish drop on a 2nd weekend with no competition is bad, no way to spin that imo. The film does have some other weekends ahead so it may soften its drops like MOS, but the damage has been done. 


Let the meltdowns begin...




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Very disappointing all things considering.


Yeah, this movie will make a decent profit, but I'd imagine WB would have expected much better for this movie. I did really like this film, but I can't say I'm not disappointed that it's not going to make more than it is.

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