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Independence Day: Resurgence (2016)

Independence Day: Resurgence (2016)  

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  1. 1. What grade would you give Independence Day: Resurgence?

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10 minutes ago, Water Bottle said:


The first ID is so dumb that the two characters knowingly try to sneak on board a ship filled with telepathic aliens to plant a computer virus. The aliens, who are telepathic, don't notice anything wrong until the ship tries to leave the hanger. THEN they open up the ship's windows, which they didn't think was strange were kept closed. Then the humans successfully hid by ducking even though the aliens were once again telepathic.


The first movie is poor filmmaking, but dumb fun.  This movie is was an insult to all things good.

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8 minutes ago, Baumer said:

I told @Free State of Tele this earlier today and I'll share it with you guys as well.  About two decades ago, I wrote a manuscript that I tried to get published, called Day for Night.  It was about aliens invading earth and using us for slavery and food and so on.  It was my first book I tried to get published.  I didn't succeed.  However, my best friend at the time was married to a woman who's grandfather was the fifth richest man in Canada.  He had business ties with Centropolis.  My friend's wife gave my manuscript to two execs from Centropolis who apparently read it on a flight.  They told her that my manuscript was not quite good enough to made into a film or to be optioned for a novel.  I agree with them....it was not good enough.  Having said that, they told me that my book wasn't good enough to be made into a movie and yet they come up with this piece of shit called Independence Day Resurgence, and they had the audacity to tell me that my work wasn't good enough?  My novel was War And Peace compared to what they put on screen this weekend.  Basically, IDR is a horrible film with absolutely no redeeming qualities except that I enjoyed seeing Maika Monroe on screen.  Other that than, this is about the worst film I've seen, at least in the top 100 worst films of all time.


After 20 years of relative peace, the aliens from the first come back for revenge.  Basically they create a ship that is 3000 miles long.  Let that sink in for a second.  Not only is it ridiculously big but the aliens have developed a new shield technology that is impenetrable.  So they decide that they are going to drill to the earth's core so that they can steal resources or something...and that will basically wipe out earth.  This massive ship that is drilling in the ocean is untouched and it is being monitored by a rogue ship which was looking for 100 million dollars in gold.  This ship is seen at the beginning f the movie, and then at the end.  Again, Earth's weapons cannot get through it's shields.  It's untouchable.  We'll get back to this in a minute.


Now, the earthlings think that the best thing to do is to try and find the Queen alien and try to kill her.  So they send out their ships and try to blast their way through a bunch of alien ships and then they figure that they can find the queen on another ship.  Shockingly, the aliens this time are smarter and set a trap for them.  I have no idea why the erthlings would think that they would find the queen unprotected, but this is actually in the script.  Keep in mind, the queen is the only one that can be killed in order for the humans to win again.  Wouldn't you think the best place for her would be to be on the ship that is 3000 miles long and is impenetrable?  


Then there is a subplot about a bunch of characters who are somehow mentally linked to the aliens.  So when it's convenient to move the story forward, every few minutes one of the charazcters gets a head ache and then draws something which is supposed to help the humans understand what is happening.  There's also a lot of screaming in the movie.


When Liam Hemsworth read the script, he must have liked that half of his lines were, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH" or "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" OR "YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAA".   Maika Monroe has one scene where she channels her inner Rambo when he shoots up the airplane hangar at the end of Rambo, because she also lets out a really good, "AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG"  There's also one scene in the film when Liam and the black guy and some other dude are all saying, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.....OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO....EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.....AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGG"  IN UNISON.  


I think part of the problem with the acting is that they did so much of it in front of blue screen that there was just no experience with any of the actors.  They were so unbelievable and cold and the acting in most of the movie felt like it was acting from a 1940's film, not one from 2016..


A lot of the cast from the first one shows up.  Goldblum is fine and does what he can with the  shitty script he is given.  Bill Pullman is kind of wasted and he has a beard for no reason.  He shaves it off at the end and then he dies, and no one mentions him again....EVER.  Goldblums dad is in it again and he adds nothing to the plot and he should have died about 5 times.  Then there's Joey King and three other kids who also add nothing to the plot.  Dr. Okun comes out of a coma and is annoying and then William Fichtner shows up and becomes president and even he is not good in the film.  


There's a Chinese  pilot who adds nothing to the plot.  There's two white side kicks who are supposed to be comic relief and they do nothing.  In fact, there is no intentional comedy in the movie.  And the one political aide sidekick is the exact same  character from White House Down.  The one who is mousy and inexperienced and then learns how to become a warrior and gains everyone's respect.


The script is the worst part of the film.  I am not going to look up who the writers were but they should have their WGA cards revoked.  This is a horrible piece of shit.  It's not interesting, not a lot makes sense , there's no buildup there's no snappy dialogue there's no characters to like and even when they try to give characters back stories they are about as interesting as reading a volume of notes from a conference on spores fungus and mold.  


When the action is there, it's just CGI overload.  There's no sense of dread.  No one really dies with the exception of Pullman and black guys's mom.  But you really don't care.  And then when people try to show emotion, it comes off as if they are in a high school play and they are being directed by one of the class mates who is hoping to impress his drama teacher.  When Goldblum is not even that interesting and Fichtner isn't even that good, you know you have a shitty film.  


I laughed a lot watching this.  I laughed when black guy's mom dies.  I laughed when Maika does her Rambo yell, I laughed when people tried to show emotion and I laughed at the end when they set up for a sequel that is never going to come. 


Back to the giant ship that is impenetrable....if they would have left the queen on that ship, then they win.  End of story.  There was no reason for her to be off that ship.  They apparently came back to punish us but in the process they got stupider than last time.  They left their queen unprotected and when Maika finally is able to destroy her protection, it's only because she does her Rambo scream....somehow this destroyed the protective shield.


IDR is one of the 100 worst films I've seen.  Besides a couple of shots of Maika being really really fucking hot, there is nothing to like about this piece of shit.




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The first ID4 was Peak Emmerich.  


I agree with the broad thrust of what @Baumer said but although stupid, with a lot of dumb dialogue and silly scenes the actual plot does make some degree of sense.


Pity the white alien globe intelligence couldn't have Alan Rickman's voice.

Edited by DeeCee
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10 minutes ago, The Pandaren said:


The first movie is poor filmmaking, but dumb fun.  This movie is was an insult to all things good.


I had the same level of fun with both movies.

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1 hour ago, DAR said:

So I just Googled Malika Monroe. .......  Ok I just saved myself 10 bucks.

I checked IMDB to see what else she had been in.  Every single message board on the front page is a "Looks like...." thread.

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2 hours ago, Baumer said:

I told @Free State of Tele this earlier today and I'll share it with you guys as well.  About two decades ago, I wrote a manuscript that I tried to get published, called Day for Night.  It was about aliens invading earth and using us for slavery and food and so on.  It was my first book I tried to get published.  I didn't succeed.  However, my best friend at the time was married to a woman who's grandfather was the fifth richest man in Canada.  He had business ties with Centropolis.  My friend's wife gave my manuscript to two execs from Centropolis who apparently read it on a flight.  They told her that my manuscript was not quite good enough to made into a film or to be optioned for a novel.  I agree with them....it was not good enough.  Having said that, they told me that my book wasn't good enough to be made into a movie and yet they come up with this piece of shit called Independence Day Resurgence, and they had the audacity to tell me that my work wasn't good enough?  My novel was War And Peace compared to what they put on screen this weekend.  Basically, IDR is a horrible film with absolutely no redeeming qualities except that I enjoyed seeing Maika Monroe on screen.  Other that than, this is about the worst film I've seen, at least in the top 100 worst films of all time.


After 20 years of relative peace, the aliens from the first come back for revenge.  Basically they create a ship that is 3000 miles long.  Let that sink in for a second.  Not only is it ridiculously big but the aliens have developed a new shield technology that is impenetrable.  So they decide that they are going to drill to the earth's core so that they can steal resources or something...and that will basically wipe out earth.  This massive ship that is drilling in the ocean is untouched and it is being monitored by a rogue ship which was looking for 100 million dollars in gold.  This ship is seen at the beginning f the movie, and then at the end.  Again, Earth's weapons cannot get through it's shields.  It's untouchable.  We'll get back to this in a minute.


Now, the earthlings think that the best thing to do is to try and find the Queen alien and try to kill her.  So they send out their ships and try to blast their way through a bunch of alien ships and then they figure that they can find the queen on another ship.  Shockingly, the aliens this time are smarter and set a trap for them.  I have no idea why the erthlings would think that they would find the queen unprotected, but this is actually in the script.  Keep in mind, the queen is the only one that can be killed in order for the humans to win again.  Wouldn't you think the best place for her would be to be on the ship that is 3000 miles long and is impenetrable?  


Then there is a subplot about a bunch of characters who are somehow mentally linked to the aliens.  So when it's convenient to move the story forward, every few minutes one of the charazcters gets a head ache and then draws something which is supposed to help the humans understand what is happening.  There's also a lot of screaming in the movie.


When Liam Hemsworth read the script, he must have liked that half of his lines were, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH" or "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" OR "YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAA".   Maika Monroe has one scene where she channels her inner Rambo when he shoots up the airplane hangar at the end of Rambo, because she also lets out a really good, "AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG"  There's also one scene in the film when Liam and the black guy and some other dude are all saying, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.....OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO....EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.....AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGG"  IN UNISON.  


I think part of the problem with the acting is that they did so much of it in front of blue screen that there was just no experience with any of the actors.  They were so unbelievable and cold and the acting in most of the movie felt like it was acting from a 1940's film, not one from 2016..


A lot of the cast from the first one shows up.  Goldblum is fine and does what he can with the  shitty script he is given.  Bill Pullman is kind of wasted and he has a beard for no reason.  He shaves it off at the end and then he dies, and no one mentions him again....EVER.  Goldblums dad is in it again and he adds nothing to the plot and he should have died about 5 times.  Then there's Joey King and three other kids who also add nothing to the plot.  Dr. Okun comes out of a coma and is annoying and then William Fichtner shows up and becomes president and even he is not good in the film.  


There's a Chinese  pilot who adds nothing to the plot.  There's two white side kicks who are supposed to be comic relief and they do nothing.  In fact, there is no intentional comedy in the movie.  And the one political aide sidekick is the exact same  character from White House Down.  The one who is mousy and inexperienced and then learns how to become a warrior and gains everyone's respect.


The script is the worst part of the film.  I am not going to look up who the writers were but they should have their WGA cards revoked.  This is a horrible piece of shit.  It's not interesting, not a lot makes sense , there's no buildup there's no snappy dialogue there's no characters to like and even when they try to give characters back stories they are about as interesting as reading a volume of notes from a conference on spores fungus and mold.  


When the action is there, it's just CGI overload.  There's no sense of dread.  No one really dies with the exception of Pullman and black guys's mom.  But you really don't care.  And then when people try to show emotion, it comes off as if they are in a high school play and they are being directed by one of the class mates who is hoping to impress his drama teacher.  When Goldblum is not even that interesting and Fichtner isn't even that good, you know you have a shitty film.  


I laughed a lot watching this.  I laughed when black guy's mom dies.  I laughed when Maika does her Rambo yell, I laughed when people tried to show emotion and I laughed at the end when they set up for a sequel that is never going to come. 


Back to the giant ship that is impenetrable....if they would have left the queen on that ship, then they win.  End of story.  There was no reason for her to be off that ship.  They apparently came back to punish us but in the process they got stupider than last time.  They left their queen unprotected and when Maika finally is able to destroy her protection, it's only because she does her Rambo scream....somehow this destroyed the protective shield.


IDR is one of the 100 worst films I've seen.  Besides a couple of shots of Maika being really really fucking hot, there is nothing to like about this piece of shit.



:rofl::rofl: at that score!  That's 1/4 of a star!

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Baumer - should I see this just so I could spat about it with you and everyone? You honestly make it sound so bad it's somewhat pleasurable (and I have MoviePass so it's more a matter of time than money). 

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9 minutes ago, Gopher said:

Baumer - should I see this just so I could spat about it with you and everyone? You honestly make it sound so bad it's somewhat pleasurable (and I have MoviePass so it's more a matter of time than money). 

It's really not even fun to laugh at. The movie's biggest sin is that it's boring, which is the worst crime a movie like this could commit.

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12 hours ago, Baumer said:

My novel was War And Peace compared to what they put on screen this weekend.

I actually burst out laughing when I read this. 10/10 (Baumer's review, not IDR)

Edited by Jason
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23 hours ago, Baumer said:

When Liam Hemsworth read the script, he must have liked that half of his lines were, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH" or "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" OR "YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAA".   Maika Monroe has one scene where she channels her inner Rambo when he shoots up the airplane hangar at the end of Rambo, because she also lets out a really good, "AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG"  There's also one scene in the film when Liam and the black guy and some other dude are all saying, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.....OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO....EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.....AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGG"  IN UNISON.  

I was surprised how long it took someone to mention this! It became unintentionally funny.

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Awful, in every way. It tries to be funny but is not (only funny part is the "Behind the yellow line Dad"). The white ball alien is stupid. The biggest thing of all is that there is not one exciting scene in the entire film, which is a hugh problem when its a alien invasion film.




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Alright, so full disclosure, I watched this film out of morbid curiosity after reading the reviews here. I wasn't expecting to like it, but I thought at least it could be in the "so bad it's good" category.


I was mistaken.


The deus ex machina robot mentioned by Pandaren, and their queen personally hunting down said robot instead of staying in a safe location mentioned by Baumer, are the tip of the iceberg of incredible stupidity in this film. Speaking of their queen, she's got the attention span of a squirrel and was more interested in chasing down a bus of kids than the aircraft firing weapons at her. I suppose we were supposed to feel scared for those kids, but sadly, I wasn't.


Pretty much the whole climax was a constant "wtf?", and honestly in that context the lack of explanation for the queen's energy shields finally breaking (Maika's scream?) seemed like a minor detail. Why does she take control of everything in her aircraft near her except the fusion thrusters? Why does she have her aircraft fly in a tornado formation around her instead of actually firing their weapons? How can this species have leaders with the attention span of squirrels and manage to defeat the white ball alien race and a host of others?


I had far more fun discussing just how stupid it was than actually watching the film. I had far more fun reading the reviews here than I did watching the film.


If I had to say something nice about this film, it would be that it's not impossible to be amused by the stupidity of it, and that I can't fault the actors for their performances, considering the lines they were given.


Edited by Jason
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